Title Food, agro-processing business event to be held next month
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Food, agro-processing business event to be held next month


, Jose Rodriguez T. Senase / Khmer Times

The Federation of Associations for SMEs of Cambodia (FASMEC) and partners will hold next month one of the largest and most important gatherings for the food and agro-processing industries in Cambodia.

The Food and Agro-Processing Business Matching Forum 2019 will be held on August 16-18 at Diamond Island Convention Centre.

The event’s Facebook page said it will be a “rare opportunity for local processors in particular to access knowledge, information and new technical solutions for improving the processing capacity, quality and competitiveness of local products.”

Local processors will have the opportunity to look at the various displays of packaging materials, ingredients, and machines for processing food and agricultural products.

These will likely include machines to process rice, vegetables, cassava, rubber, corn, banana, mango, cashew, longan, and pepper, which are among the Kingdom’s major agricultural products.

“They will meet good suppliers there,” the event page noted.

During the event, participants will also have the opportunity to expand their business networks, while learning about the regulations governing the food and agro-processing industries.

Cambodia has growing food and agro-processing industries. The country is now starting to export processed food and agricultural products in greater volume after producing them mostly for local consumption in the past.

Assistance from countries such as China and South Korea is helping raise the standards in the sector.

source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50628394/food-agro-processing-business-event-to-be-held-next-month/


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