Cambodia applies preferential rules of origin to certain trading partners, providing them with zero-duty or reduced-duty access for their imports. Rules of origin are used to determine the eligibility of products to receive such preferential access and they are designed to ensure that only goods originating in participating countries enjoy duty preferences.

The rules of origin applied by Cambodia are those outlined in the trade agreements it has entered into within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community, as well as its free trade agreements with third-party countries including Japan, China, India, Australia, New Zealand, and others. Click here to see the list of trade agreements to which Cambodia is a party.

Moreover, to enable Cambodian exporters to benefit from preferential access both in countries covered by FTAs or in countries that unilaterally offer such benefits (such as under the EU’s EBA), the Royal Government of Cambodia has established a system for issuing Certificates of Origin for Cambodian products. To learn more about the application procedure for obtaining a Certificate of Origin, please click here .

In 2013, the Royal Government of Cambodia streamlined the issuance of Certificates of Origin with the “Inter-Ministerial Prakas no. 233 on the Modification of Procedures and Formalities of Exports”. Under the new system, exporters are not obliged to obtain a Certificate of Origin (CO) to export their goods, but they might consider doing so if this is required by the importing country or they have a commercial interest to get access to preferential treatments.

To access all legal documents pertaining to Rules and Certificates of Origin, kindly click here to search the Legal Document repository.

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