Procedure Name Application for Certificate of Origin


This process represents the procedure for obtaining both preferential and non-referential Certificate of Origin (COO).

The COO is issued for any category of product as long as it originates in Cambodia according to the specific rules of origin of the agreement. The following types of COO are currently being issued:

  1. Form A for trade with country belonging to the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
  2. Form AI for trade under the ASEAN-India FTA
  3. Form AJ for trade under ASEAN-Japan FTA
  4. Form AK for trade under ASEAN-Korea FTA
  5. Form AANZ for trade under the Australian-New Zealand FTA
  6. Form B for trade with Canada of Textile and Apparel Goods of Least Developed Country
  7. Form D for trade under the ATIGA Agreement with other ASEAN countries
  8. Form E for trade under the ASEAN-China FTA
  9. Form K for trade under the Cambodia-Korea Least Developed Country preferential tariff treatment (Note: ‘Form K’ is not marked on the COO itself)
  10. Form N for trade with countries of European Union, and Africa, and non-preferential tariff
  11. Form S for trade under the Cambodia-Vietnam Preferential Tariff Agreement
  12. Form SPT for trade under the Special and Preferential Tariff Treatment (SPT) for Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar

To be eligible for application of COO all Exporters/Manufacturers must be registered with the Department of Trade Preferences and product registration procedures concluded before application for COO. Exporters/Manufacturer registration must be renewed on annual basis and products registration for each product being exported.

The procedure for applying for each form is identical. In the case of exports to countries that may be covered by more than one agreement traders may choose which agreement they wish to take advantage of according to the different eligibility rules.

At the present time the Ministry is moving to a fully automated process for the application and issue of COO’s. At the present time this system is under trial for Exporters who wish to participate. More information can be found at the Ministry of Commerce website

Place for submitting application

The COO is obtained from the Ministry of Commerce (MOC).

Ministry of Commerce

Address: Lot 19-61, Russian Boulevard, Phum Teuk Thla,
Sangkat Teuk Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

Contact point:




Note 1

This letter needs to be drafted by the applicant and can be in free format. 

Note 2

The fees for issue of a COO include the cost for the COO, Export Management Fee (EMF), Public Service Fee and an Administrative Fee. The fees are set at the following rates:


For garment products under 2,000 PCS or Footwear under 200 pieces:


Admin Fee


Service Fee

Form N

USD 10

Set rate


Form A

USD 15

Set rate


All others forms

USD 15

Set rate



For all other products:


Admin Fee


Service Fee

Form N

USD 30

Set rate


Form A

USD 50

Set rate


All others forms

USD 50

Set rate


Note 3

Receipt confirming payment.

Note 4

Supporting documents to be presented with COO application are:

  • Fees Payment Receipt
  • Invoice
  • Bill of Lading
  • Packing List
  • Customs Export Declaration (SAD)
  • Bill of Quantity (CAMCONTROL)
  • VAT Certificate

Other documents as may be required by the Issuing Department

Note 5

Certificate of Origin to be submitted to requesting party in the export country.


Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Application for Plant Quarantine Inspection for Export Form used to obtain Plant Quarantine Inspection for Export 2014-08-26 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Requirement for payment of export management fee for exports of fabrics, bicycle and screw/nuts. Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce A revision to the Export Management Fee charges as paid on export of all kind of fabrics, bicycle products, and screw/nut products For Government revenue Prakas No. 097 Revision and New Determination Export Management Fee 11/06/2007
Requirement for payment of Export Management Fee for garment exports to the US and non-US locations, and exports of shocks and bicycles products. Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce A revision to the Export Management Fee charges as paid on export of garments and textiles to the US and non-US locations, and exports of shocks and bicycles products. For Government revenue Prakas No. 044 Revision of Export Management Fee and Related Costs 09/02/2007
Requirement for payment of export management fee for obtaining Certificate of Origin on exports Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce All exports under GSP/MFN are required to obtain a Certificate of Origin and pay an export management fee 30 days prior to the exports of goods. Governance of exports under trade preferential scheme Prakas No. 136 Necessary Measures for the Governance of Export under Trade Preferential Scheme 04/09/2006
Requirement to follow procedures in order to obtain certificate of origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exporters are required to follow the updated procedures of certificate of origin issuance and to be compliant with procedure of importing countries For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 233 Revisions of Procedures in Fulfilling Formalities for the Export of Goods 29/11/2013
Requirement for inspection of the production and export goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce The inspection of the production and export goods must be conducted by technical officers of the Ministry of Commerce at the location of the production, at the place of goods collection or at the goods warehouse at the request of the company or exporter or according to the necessity of the technical department For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 233 Revisions of Procedures in Fulfilling Formalities for the Export of Goods 29/11/2013
Requirement for obtaining Certificate of Origin for exports of garment and leather Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exports of garment and leather are required a joint inspection of relevant authorities and to submit required documents to obtain a Certificate of Origin To facilitate the exports of garments and leather Prakas No. 159 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice, Export License 19/08/2004
Requirement for documentation and payment of fee for obtaining Certificate of Origin for export of garments Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exports of garments from Cambodia require issue of COO and to obtain an application must meet defined documentary requirements and payment of fee Governance the issuance of COO Prakas No. 367 Issuance of COO for exports of garment 12/12/1997
Service charge for issuing Certificate of Origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Fees of issuing Certifcate of Origin for various products Recovery of costs for Certifcate of Origin issuance Joint Prakas No. 985 on the Provision of Public Services of the Ministry of Commerce 28/12/2012
Administration Fee for Certificate of Origin (form A and N) Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce An Administrative Fee must be paid to obtain a Certificate of Origin (form A and N) and which is imposed on the export of all products from Cambodia to all destinations. forms A and N. For Government revenue Prakas No. 044 Revision of Export Management Fee and Related Costs 09/02/2007
Requirement for inspection of the production and export goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce The inspection of the production and export goods must be conducted by technical officers of the Ministry of Commerce at the location of the production, at the place of goods collection or at the goods warehouse at the request of the company or exporter or according to the necessity of the technical department For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 112 on Revision of Certificate of Origin Issuance Procedures 23/05/2013
Requirement to follow procedures in order to obtain certificate of origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exporters are required to follow the updated procedures of certificate of origin issuance and to be compliant with procedure of importing countries For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 112 on Revision of Certificate of Origin Issuance Procedures 23/05/2013