Title | "Kampot Pepper” gets international recognition in 32 countries |
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Sok Chan / Khmer Times
“Kampot Pepper” is now receiving international protection registration in 32 countries under the Geneva Conventions on the Lisbon Agreement under origins and geographical indications of products, according to Ministry of Commerce.
This is under the initiative of Cambodia’s Commerce Minister Pan Sorasak, who led the Ministry of Commerce to apply for the international registration of the “Kampot Pepper” brand since October 21, 2020.
“From now on, “Kampot Pepper” is legally protected from unauthorised use by third parties and any infringement of the GI trademarks in the signatory countries,” said the Ministry of Commerce.
It should also be noted that among other geographical markers, the Ministry of Commerce selected “Kampot Pepper” as the first geographical mark to be registered with the Ministry of Commerce on April 2, 2010 for the purpose of building reputation.
The name of the market diversification and prevention of counterfeiting of “Kampot pepper” in the region and internationally, and the Ministry of Commerce has also registered the protection of the “Kampot pepper” in Thailand, Vietnam and the European Union.
Source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50794066/kampot-pepper-gets-international-recognition-in-32-countries/
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