Title Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster
Type Regulation
Issuing Agency Ministry of Economy and FinanceMinistry of Economy and Finance
Issuing Date 23/11/2001

No English Translation Available

This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Licensing requirement of agents, brokers and loss adjusters Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and loss adjusters are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Licensing requirement of agents, brokers and loss adjusters Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and loss adjusters are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Capital requirement for agents, brokers and loss adjusters Minimum capital requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance Minimum capital required for agents, brokers and loss adjusters, as mentioned under article 2. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Limited duration of license for agents, brokers and loss adjusters Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The license for agents and loss adjusters is valid for 3 years, and for broker is valid for 1 year; renewable. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Fee requirement for license for agents, brokers and loss adjusters Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and loss adjusters are required to pay fee for the license of as mentioned in Art. 8 of this Prakas. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001