Title Sihanoukville to host food safety expo
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Sihanoukville to host food safety expo

Sum Manet / Khmer Times , June 5, 2018

With concerns over food safety running high in the Kingdom, authorities in Sihanoukville have announced plans for an event that will showcase the province’s range of healthy, chemical-free food options.

The three-day event will be held at Ochheuteal Beach on June 17-19 to mark the birthday of Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk.

“We are a tourist destination, so food safety is one of the most important things authorities need to consider to best serve both tourists and locals. That’s why we decided to organise this event,” said Yun Min, Sihanoukville’s governor.

The exhibition will feature over 100 booths set up by local restaurants and canteens to allow tourists to sample their most tantalising dishes. 3,000 visitors are expected to attend the exhibition, Mr Min said.

As part of the event, a presentation will be organised to show how local laboratories test food items for traces of chemical substances. “We hope it will inspire local restaurants to use more organic vegetables and fruits.”

The provincial administration is also planning a competition to find the cleanest restaurants in the province and the ones that use the freshest produce.



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