Title Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods
Type Sub Decree
Issuing Agency Prime MinisterPrime Minister
Issuing Date 31/12/2007



Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Annex 1

Annex 2 







The Royal Government of Cambodia

-          Seen the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia;

-          Seen  Reach  Kret  No.  NS/RKT/0704/124  dated  15  July  2004,  regarding  the Establishment of the Royal Government of Cambodia;

-          Seen Reach Kram No. 02/NS/94 dated 20 July 1994, promulgating the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Council of Ministers;

-          Seen Reach Kram No. NS/RKM/0196/18 dated 24 January 1996 promulgating the Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance;

-          Seen Reach Kram No. NS/RKM/0707/017 dated 20 July 2007, promulgating the Law on Customs;

-          Seen Anukret No. 04/ANK/BK dated 20 January 2000, on the Organization and Functioning of the Ministry of Economy and Finance;

-          Referred to the Announcement of the Royal Government No. 90 SCN dated 06 December 2005;

-          Seen Anukret No. 21 ANK.BK dated 01 March 01 2006 on Trade Facilitation through Risk Management;

-          Referred to the Proposal from the Ministry of Economy and Finance.



Article 1.-

It is hereby put into force the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods consisting of 1.537 tariff lines of the Cambodia Customs Tariff 2007 as prescribed in the Annexes of this Anukret.


Article 2.-

Any regulations contradict to this Anukret shall be null and void.


Article 3.-

Minister in charge of the Council of Ministers; Minister of Economy and Finance; Minister of Commerce; Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery; Minister of Health; Minister of Industry, Mine and Energy; Ministers, Secretaries of State of concerned ministries and institutions, Governors of all provinces and cities; and Committee for Private Sector Development shall respectively implement this Anukret from the date of signature herein.


C C:

-     Ministry of the Royal Palace

Phnom Penh, 31 December 2007

Prime Minister


Samdach Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN


-          Secretariat General of Constitutional Council

-          Secretariat General of the Senate

-          Secretariat General of the National Assembly

-          Secretary General of Royal Government

-          Cabinet of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo

HUN SEN Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

-          Cabinet of H.E Deputy Prime Minister

-          As Article 3

-          Official Journal

-          Documents Archive

Having submitted to  Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN Prime Minister for Signatory


Keat Chhon

Minister of Economy and Finance


This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Import Prohibition Prohibition Ministry of Economy and Finance Import absolutely prohibited Import absolutely prohibited Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Export Prohibition Prohibition Ministry of Economy and Finance Export absolutely prohibited Export absolutely prohibited Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Customs Permit Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance For all the following categories of goods it is necessary to obtain a Customs Permit from the Customs Procedures Department of the General Department of Customs in advance of importation: Customs Permit (CP) issued for: Import for Private and Public Sector Investment Export for Private and Public Sector Investment Temporary Admission (goods and vehicles) Transport from Borders to Dry Docks Temporary Export for Vehicles from Cambodia All goods listed in Sub-decree No. 209, 31 December 2007 For control Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Import Permit for Import of Duty Free Goods Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance It is necessary to obtain import authorization (permit)from the Customs Excise Department of the General Department of Customs in order to import goods under a duty free regime. For control Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain a permit for the import of Drugs Permit Requirement Ministry of Health In order to import drugs (pharmaceuticals) it is necessary to obtain a permit from the Food and Drug Department of the Ministry of Health. For human safety Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007