Name Prohibitions and restrictions to import animals and animals products
Description Importation of animals and animals products infected with epidemics diseases listed on MAFF epidemics diseases is strictly prohibited
Comments To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport
Validity From 13/03/2003
Validity To 31/12/9999
Reference Article 18
Technical Code A19
Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Created Date 2023-03-08 06:16:57
Updated Date 2023-03-08 06:16:57
Status publish
Measure Type Prohibition
Legal/Regulation Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products
Un Code 2180-Export Prohibition


Do you have any queries

If you have any queries, please contact us.

This measure applies to commodity/s

HS Code Description
10143 ​​​- ​​​- Pure​​​- bred breeding animals
10144 ​​​- ​​​- Other
10145 ​​​- ​​​- Pure​​​- bred breeding animals
10146 ​​​- ​​​- Other
10147 ​​​- Other
10148 ​​​- ​​​- Pure​​​- bred breeding animals
10149 ​​​- ​​​- ​​​- Male cattle (including oxen)
10150 ​​​- ​​​- ​​​- Other
10151 ​​​- ​​​- Pure​​​- bred breeding animals
10152 ​​​- ​​​- Other
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