Procedure Name Application for Phytosanitary Certificate


This process represents the procedure used by the Department of Plant Protection Sanitary and Phytosanitary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to issue:

• Phytosanitary Certificates

A Phytosanitary Certificate certifies that the plants or plant products covered by the certificate have been inspected according to appropriate procedures and are considered to be free from quarantine pests and practically free from other injurious pests. The presentation of a Phytosanitary Certificate is a mandatory requirement for import of certain plant products and therefore must be obtained prior to export as to allow import at the country of destination. 

The issuing of a Phytosanitary Certificate is governed by rules laid down by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)  which is a body mandated by the World Trade Organization.

Before an application can be made for a Phytosanitary Certificate, the Exporter must first be Registered with the Department of Plant Protection Sanitary and Phytosanitary, this procedure is described separately.

Place for submitting application

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Department of Plant Protection Sanitary and Phytosanitary (DPPSP)

Person of Contact Name: Mr. HENG Chhun Hy, Director

Person of Contact Tel: 012 954963



Note 1

The application form to obtain a Phytosanitary Certificate is titled ‘Application for Plant Quarantine Inspection of Export Consignment’

Note 2

Supporting documents are:

·        Exporter Registration Document (registration with DPPPS)

·        Commercial Invoice

·        Packing List

Note 3  

Processing of the Certificate Application requires physical inspection of the plant products being exported.

The assigned Inspector of DPPSP shall contact the Exporter to arrange an on-site inspection. The inspection may require laboratory analysis of samples (arranged by and at cost of the DPPSP), the result of which may require action by the Exporter, e.g. disinfection / fumigation (arranged by and at cost of Exporter), and a secondary inspection conducted to verify removal of pests.

The inspector may reject the consignment on the basis of the inspection. Similarly, up to two disinfestation treatments can be carried out with associated inspection, but if the second is found to be also unsuccessful the consignment fails and export cannot proceed. In such cases the Exporter is informed and the process terminates.

Only upon satisfaction of the Inspector that the products are considered to be free from quarantine pests and practically free from other injurious pests can application processing proceed.

Note 4

No fee is presently charged for issue of the Phytosanitary Certificate.


Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Application for Plant Quarantine Inspection for Export Form used to obtain Plant Quarantine Inspection for Export 2014-08-26 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Requirement to obtain phytosanitary certificate to export, import, or transit of quarantine plants and plant products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plant and plant products exported from, imported into, transited through Cambodia must have phytosanitary certificate in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Sub-Decree No. 015 on Phytosanitary Inspection 13/03/2003