Title Prakas No. 002 on Compulsory Insurance Stamp for vehicle
Type Regulation
Issuing Agency Ministry of Economy and FinanceMinistry of Economy and Finance
Issuing Date 03/01/2006

“Unofficial Translation”


Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King


Ministry of Economy and Finance

No. 002 SHV.BRK




Compulsory Insurance Stamp for Vehicles


Senior Minister

Minister of Economy and Finance






Hereby decides:



Article 1:


All insurance companies that are providing the insurance service and in compliance with the conditions required by laws of Cambodia on obligation of responsibility on third party or compulsory insurance for passenger transportation, shall provide the insured a stamp showing the specificity of insurance.



Article 2:


Each Stamp shall be round and have diameter not less than 7 centimeters. It shall be in full yellow and the letter shall be printed in black ink on it with the size not less than 18.



Article 3:


Each stamp shall consist of the following information:




Article 4:


Each insured must stick the insurance stamp to windscreen where the public can see.



Article 5:


Each insurance service provider shall keep an insurance stamp in secured place with regular examination of stock in order to prevent the misappropriation.



Article 6:


Any provision contrary to this Prakas shall be deemed abrogated in compliance with the contradiction.

 Article 7:


General Secretary, Director of Cabinet, Director of Industrial Financial Department, Director of Customs Department, Delegation of Royal Government in charge of Director of National Treasury, Director of Administration and Finance and relevant units under control of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and insurance companies, shall effectively comply this Prakas in compliance with its duty.



Article 8:


This Prakas shall come into effect from the signing date hereunder.




Senior Minister


Minister of Economy and Finance







Copy to:


This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Insurance stamp specification requirement for vehicle Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance stamps must follow the specification defined in Art. 3 and 3 - Prakas No. 002 on Compulsory Insurance Stamp for vehicle 16/10/2002
Stamp requirement undertaken by insurance companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies must comply with obligations regarding stamps defined under this Prakas - Prakas No. 002 on Compulsory Insurance Stamp for vehicle 03/01/2006