Title Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide
Type Regulation
Issuing Agency
Issuing Date 14/09/2006

No English Translation Available

This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Licensing for tourist guide Licensing Requirement Tourist guide is required to obtain license from Ministry of Tourism . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Cambodian nationality requirement for tourist guides Nationality (for services supplier) Tourist guide must be Cambodian national . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Fee requirement for tourist guide license Fee It is required to pay KHR 180,000 for the first issuance of tourist guide license and KHR 120,000 for renewal of license . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Limited duration of tourist guide license Numerical restrictions (duration license) Tourist guide license is valid for 2 years . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006