Title Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields
Type Regulation
Issuing Agency Ministry of Mines and EnergyMinistry of Mines and Energy
Issuing Date 11/02/2004



Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King


Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy

No : 110 MIME. ISC. BK                                           

Phnom Penh, Date 11 February 2004



On Management and Control of Use, Importation, Exportation and Distribution of Chemical Substances in Industrial Fields.


Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy


-   Seen constitution of Kingdom of Cambodia.

-   Seen Royal Decree No….1198/72, dated 30 November 1998, promulgated the law on appointment of Royal Government of Kingdom of Cambodia.

-   Seen Royal Code No….0196/05, dated 30 November 1998, promulgated the law on establishment of Ministry, Industry, Mines and Energy.

-   Seen Royal Decree /law /…0197.01/24, dated January 1997, promulgated the law on Drug Control.

-   Seen Sub decree No.42 …. , dated 15 May 2001, of Royal Government of Kingdom of Cambodia on Industrial Standards of Cambodia.

-   Seen Sub decree 12 …., dated 11 February 2002, of Royal Government of Cambodia on promotion of ASEAN Office and Industrial Standard Office into Department of Cooperation and ASEAN Affairs and Department of Industrial Standards of Cambodia.

-   Seen decision No. 28 …. , dated 12 May 2002, of Royal Government on Interministrial working Group.

-  Letter  No.07/03  ….,  dated  24  December  2003,  of  National  Anthority- Combating Drug.




Article 1 :   

In order to effectively Implement the use of chemical substances in Industrial fields and prevent the misuse impacting the safety and environments and prevent the divert of precursors from legal business into illegal drug production. All companies, factories, handicrafts, importers, exporters and distributors of chemical substances as names in article 2 shall have certification for usages and standards used from Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy for using in application form for importation and for producing to relevant authorities.


Article 2:  

Precursors include:

1.   N-acetylanthranilic Acid

2.   Isosafrole

3.   Lysergic Acid

4.   3,4-methylenedioxy-phenyl-2-propanone

5.   1-phenyl-2-propanone

6.   Piperonal

7.   Safrole

8.   Acetic Anhydride

9.   Acetone

10. Anthranilic Acid

11. Ethyl Ether

12. Hydrochloric Acid

13. Methyl Ethyl Kethone

14. Phenylacetic Acid

15. Piperidine

16. Potassium Permanganate

17. Sulfuric Acid

18. Toluene

19. Acetic Acid (Glacial)

20. Chloroform

21. Thionyl Chloride

22. Phosphorus Trichloride

23. Phosphorus Pentachloride

24. Palladium

25. Acetyl Chloride

26. Ethylidene Diacetate

27. Formic Acid

28. Barium Sulphate

29. Methylene Chloride

30. Xylene

31. Ethyl Acetate

32. Caustic Soda

33. Soda Ash

34. Solvents

35. Thinner


Article 3 :     

All  kinds  of  chemical  substances  imported,  exported  and  used  in  the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labellings, arrange  appropriately technical storage and transportation.


Article 4 :  

The Department of Industrial Standards of Cambodia have to inspect at factories, handicrafts to control, research, stop using or conduct custody of chemical substances suspending that there are of illegal drug productions.


Article 5 :  

In applying for certification of chemical usage, standards and quantity used, all companies, factories and handicrafts shall fill in application form as followings:

-   applicants attaching with table of raw materials or chemical substances lists.

-   annual production plan.

-   reports,  records  from  productions,  importations  and  uses  of  chemical substances

-   buyer, importer, exporter and user’s declaration.

-   test reports for chemical substances imported (if necessary)

-   payment for administration and analysis in laboratories.


Article 6 :    

Any Prakas or Decision contradictory to this Prakas shall be considered as annulled.


Article 7 :     

This Prakas shall be effective from the date of signature.


Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy



Suy Sem


Copied Carbon :

-    Council of Ministers

-    Prime Minister’s Cabinet

-    Ministry of Interior

-    Ministry of Justice

-    Ministry of Health

-    Ministry of Commerce

-    Ministry of Agriculture

-    Ministry of Information

-    National Anti-Combating Drug

-    All Provinces and town halls

-    Chamber of Commerce

-    Provincial Departments of Industry, Mines and Energy.

-    Archives

This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Certification requirement for the usage and standards for import of chemical substances Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All companies, factories, handicrafts, importers, exporters and distributors of chemical substances as named in Article 2 of Prakas 110 shall obtain certification for usage and standards as established by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy for using in application form for importation and for producing to relevant authorities. To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Certification requirement for the usage and standard for export of chemical substances Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All companies, factories, handicrafts, importers, exporters and distributors of chemical substances as named in Article 2 of Prakas 110 shall obtain certification for usage and standards as established by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy for using in application form for importation and for producing to relevant authorities. To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Labelling requirement of for import of chemical substances Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labelling To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Labelling requirement of for import of chemical substances Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labelling To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Storage and transport requirement of for import of chemical substances TBT Regulations Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall arrange appropriate technical storage and transportation To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Labelling requirement of for exports of chemical substances Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labelling To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Storage and transport requirement of for exports of chemical substances Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall arrange appropriately technical storage and transportation To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Imports of chemical substances are subject to testing requirement if necessary Testing Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft In applying for certification, importers are required to provide a number of documents including testing report of imported chemical substances (if necessary) To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004