Title Prakas No. 117 Temporary Export of Goods
Type Regulation
Issuing Agency Ministry of Economy and FinanceMinistry of Economy and Finance
Issuing Date 15/02/2008




Nation Religion King



Ministry of Economy and Finance

No. 117 MEF.BK




Phnom Penh, 15 February 2008


Temporary Export  of Goods



Senior Minister,

Minister of Economy and Finance


-     Having Seen the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

-     Having Seen Reach Kram No  NS/RKT/0704/124 dated 15 July 2004 on the Appointment of the Royal Government.

-     Having Seen Reach Kram No  02/NS /94 dated 20 July 1994 promulgating the Law on the Establishment and Organization of the Council of Minister.

-      Having  Seen  Reach  Kram  No   02/NS/RKM/0196/18  Dated  24  January  1996 promulgating the Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

-     Having   Seen   Reach   Kram   No    NS/RKM/0707/017   dated   20   July   2007 promulgating the Law on Customs.

-     Having  Seen  Anukret  No   04  ANKR.BK  dated  20  January  2000  on  the


Establishment and Organization of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

-     Pursuant to the priority task of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.




Praka 1.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law on Customs, Customs may authorize the temporary export of goods from the customs territory for the following purposes:

A)- to be repaired, added to, manufactured, or for additional work or testing.

B)- for exhibitions or trade fairs.

C)- to be operated or used outside the customs territory and then re-imported, including personal goods carried by travelers.

D)- for other purposes as approved by the Director of Customs.


Praka 2-

The exporter or his authorized representative shall submit a Customs Export Declaration at the Customs office of export indicating that the export of goods is on a temporary basis.


Praka 3.

Duty and taxes are not payable on temporarily exported goods.

Upon their re importation, duty and taxes are payable only on the foreign value of  any  repairs,  additions  to,  manufacturing,  or  additional  work  carried  out  on temporarily exported goods, and any other dutiable charges.


Praka 4.

The value of repairs to goods temporarily exported under a warranty, and for which no payment is made, are exempt from duty and taxes upon their re-importation. Declarants must provide satisfactory evidence to Customs that the repairs or work is being done under warranty.


Praka 5.

Prior to authorizing the temporary export of goods, Customs may require proof that the goods were manufactured or produced in Cambodia, or if imported, that they were properly entered into the customs territory and any applicable duties and taxes paid.


Praka 6.

Goods may be temporarily exported from the customs territory under the provisions of Praka 1 for a maximum period of one year from the date of registration of the customs export declaration. Customs may approve extensions to this period, upon receipt of a written request from the declarant.


Praka 7.

Customs may require a security deposit in cases of the temporary export of goods that are subject to export duty and taxes, or in case of temporary export of restricted  or  prohibited  goods  upon  receipt  of  authorization  from  the  competent authority for temporary export.


Praka 8.

Upon re-importation, the declarant must provide sufficient evidence to customs that  the  goods  were  temporarily  exported,  including  the  customs  export declaration and any other document showing additional foreign value of the goods if any.


Praka 9.

Any regulations contradict to this Prakas shall be null and void.


Praka 10.

Delegate of the Royal Government in charge of Customs and Excise Department, Secretary General, Director of Cabinet, Director of the Department and involved units within the Ministry of Economy and Finance; including personnel and institutions  concerned  shall  carry  out  the  provisions  of  the  s  effectively  from  the signatory date.


Senior Minister,

Minister of Economy and Finance




Keat Chhon


C.C :                                                                                           


-   Ministry of the Royal palace

-   Secretariat General of the Senate

-   Secretariat General of the National Assembly

-   Cabinet of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

-   Council of Ministers  "To be informed"

-   Customs and Excise Department

-   As Praka 10

-   Cambodia Chamber of Commerce "For publicized cooperation and implementation"

-   Official Journal

-   Document - Archive

This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Requirement on temporary export of goods of restricted or prohibited goods Numerical restrictions (other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Customs may require a security deposit in cases of the temporary export of goods that are subject to export duty and taxes, or in cases of temporary export of restricted or prohibited goods upon receipt of authorization from the competent authority for temporary export To combat smuggling, fraud, and tax evasion Prakas No. 117 Temporary Export of Goods 15/02/2008