Title Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit
Type Regulation
Issuing Agency
Issuing Date 10/11/1995



Cabinet of the Ministry of Interior

 No. 555

The Co-Ministers of Interior,

Pursuant to the needs of the ministry,

Hereby decided:


Article 1:

The work permit for foreigners in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall consist of two types:

a. Temporary work permit for foreigners shall be issued to the following persons:

b. Permanent work permit for foreigners shall be issued to the following persons:

Both work permits shall not be issued to children of either sex under 18 years old.

Children shall be registered under the work permit of their parents or guardians.

Article 2:

Procedures for applying for work permits shall be the followings:

a. Temporary work permit:

The application for temporary work permit shall be sent to the Ministry of Interior.

  1. 3 sets of Application Form as issued by the Ministry of Interior.
  2. Attached with passports or any equivalent documents with proper visa.
  3. 3 Photographs (4x6), taken in the front without hat and glasses.
  4. Certificate of Health from a physician of the immigrant country, and written work contract.
  5. Insurance policy issued by employer or any insurance companies.
  6. Fees for temporary work permit.

b. Permanent work permit:

The Application for permanent work permit shall be sent to the Ministry of Interior.

  1. Photocopied document recognizing as immigrant or investor.
  2. Attached with passport or any equivalent documents with proper visas.
  3. 3 Photograph (4x6), taken in the front without hat and glasses.
  4. Certified statement from any banks in the Kingdom of Cambodia, verifying a bank deposit as defined in the Anukret.
  5. Fee for permanent work permit.

Article 3:

Police stations of provinces and municipalities shall accept applications for work permits and forward them through their governors to the Ministry of Interior for review and approval.

Article 4:

The temporary work permit shall not have a validity exceeding the approved visa.

The permanent work permit shall be initially approved for 2 years.

This work permit can be renewed every two years.

3 months prior to the expiry of the work permit an application shall be filed to the Ministry of Interior for renewal through the police station of municipality or province in their residence.

In the case of a loss of a work permit the holder must complain to the police station of the province or municipality along with explanations and apply for a duplicate work permit. The police station of the province or municipality shall issue a receipt acknowledging the application for duplicate work permit, and send their forms to the Ministry of Interior.

Work permits that had not applied for extension and expired work permits shall be considered as illegal.

Applicant applying for extension of work permit, or for duplication, shall pay taxes as defined by Anukret.

Article 5:

In the event of a change of address, the holder shall notify the Foreigner Office of the Police Station of province or city before his departure. The new work permit shall be obtained within 48 hours after his arrival of his address.

Article 6:

Work permit can be use as identity card.

Article 7:

Both kinds of work permits may revoke in the following cases:

Article 8:

The Director of Cabinet, the General Director of National Police, the General Director of Administration and other concerned units of the Ministry of Interior shall implement this declaration from the date of its signature.


Phnom Penh, November 10, 1995

 Co-Ministers of Interior

Sar Keng You Hockry



This document applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Work permit requirement for foreigners working in Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Foreigners who work in Cambodia are required to obtain work permit - Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit 10/11/1995
Limited duration of work permit for foreigners working in Cambodia Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Industry and Handicraft The duration of various types of work permit for foreigners who work in Cambodia are defined in Art. 4 - Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit 10/11/1995
Procedures for applying for work permit for foreigners working in Cambodia Procedure Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Procedures for applying for work permit for foreigners who work in Cambodia are defined in Art. 2 - Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit 10/11/1995