Title ‘Special’ pounded rice granted its own trademark
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‘Special’ pounded rice granted its own trademark

February 18, 2021, Sok Chan / Khmer Times ,

A commerce official at Kampong Thom province said that Kampong Thom Pounded Rice (ambok) has been granted a collective trademark, which will be used by its members to identify themselves with a level of quality, geographical origin and other characteristics set by the organisation behind it which mark it out as special.

Hev Vanna, director of Kampong Thom Department of Commerce, said a board of seven directors of the Pounded Rice Producers in Kampong Thom was established during its first general assembly on Tuesday.He added that people in Kampong Thom want recognition from the government and public on the origin of products in the province. “Therefore, when they talk about Kampong Thom, they will think about its pounded rice.”

Vanna added: “With the collective trademark on Kampong Thom Pounded Rice, people in this province can take advantage of the tourism sector and also contribute to preserving [what is a] traditional snack of Cambodians.” He added that  Kampong Thom pounded rice is available throughout the year and “the taste of the Kampong Thom pounded rice is different from that of other provinces”.

Vanna added that there are 99 families making up the members of the Kampong Thom Pounded Rice Producers. He said that Kampong Thom has many potential products, but it will work on which of those products to register under a collective trademark.

Kampong Thom Provincial Governor Sok Lou thanked the minister of commerce for initiating the establishment of the registration of the collective trademark for Kampong Thom Pounded Rice. He added that  establishing the mark and logo of Kampong Thom pounded rice is crucial for producers.

“We also call on the pounded rice producers here [in Kampong Thom] to implement appropriate hygiene standards, proper dress and maintain the quality of the pounded rice of Kampong Thom and its brand for many years ahead,” Lou added.

Ouk Prachea, Secretary of State of Ministry of Commerce, said that Kampong Thom’s Pounded Rice Producers must comply with the internal regulations regarding the supervision of the collective mark of the product as well as be in compliance with the logo of the collective trademark.

“Kampong Thom’s Pounded Rice Producers include 97 families in San Kor, Kampong Svay and Kampong Thom,. An additional two families supply paddy to the producers and 12 auditors,” he added. “The taste of Kampong Thom’s Pounded Rice is good and can be used as a long shelf life snack,” he added.

In October 2019, the government launched a collective trademark for one of the capital’s most famous breakfast dishes, Phnom Penh Noodles. It was the fifth trademark recognised by the Cambodian government. There is also a certification mark for the rice brand malys angkor, as well as Geographical Indicator marks for Koh Trung pomelo, Kampot pepper and Kampong Speu palm sugar.

source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50815447/special-pounded-rice-granted-its-own-trademark/

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