Title Sritex Joins Hands With Cambodian Govt for Uniform Factory
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Sritex Joins Hands With Cambodian Govt for Uniform Factory

Jakarta. Indonesian textile manufacturer Sri Rejeki Isman will soon open a garment manufacturing plant in Cambodia to supply uniforms to the country's police and armed forces.

The company, better known as Sritex, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Cambodian Interior Ministry on Wednesday (17/02), according to a statement from Indonesia's Foreign Affair Ministry on Saturday. The deal is part of a $50 million contract for selling uniforms to Cambodia's security personnel this year.

Sritex and the Cambodian government have agreed to set up a joint venture, named Sritex Cambodia, to establish the uniform plant and manage related procurement made by the country.

The company said earlier that it plans to have the factory up and running by the end of this year. Sritex will until then supply the country with uniforms from its Indonesian factories.

The company is expanding its export market, eyeing to enter Spain, France, Hong Kong and Peru this year.



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