Procedure Name Application for Certificate of Mark Registration


Mark may be a trademark, service mark, or trade name. Up on successful mark registration, the applicant is granted Certificate of Mark Registration, and publication of this registered mark in MoC’s Official Gazette. By this, applicant is granted an exclusive right to a mark, including production, import, export and distribution.


Not all marks can be validly registered, though. Marks that can be duly registered in Cambodia and the granted exclusive right are detailed in the Law on Concerning Marks Trade Names and Acts of Unfair Competition.


The Certificate of Mark Registration is a prerequisite for requesting for the exclusive right in importation of goods and services.

Place for application submission

Department of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of

Commerce (MoC):

Lot 19-61, MoC Road (113B Road), Phum Teuk Thla, Sangkat Teuk Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

Tel: +855 23 866115 / +855 12 826166 / +855 11 873191




Note 1

Sample application forms can be downloaded from the DIPR’s website:​.


Application must be in either Khmer or English.​ An application may be made for the registration of a mark in respect of goods or services in one or more classes of the International Classification.

Note 2

30000 KHR for application to register one mark

Note 3

Applicant (mark owner) can assign a representative or MoC-recognized IP Agent to carry out the registration application. In this case, Power Attorney and Deed of Substitution letters are needed to include into the applcation.


Application must be in either Khmer or English (applicant is required to include the translated versions if otherwise). Supporting documents includes:

·        Specimen of mark

·        Specification of goods/service

·        Power Attorney and Deed of Substitution letters (if applicant is representative or IP agent assigned by mark owner)

Note 4

During this internal process, applicant may be asked or advised (practically by phone call) by officer to provide further information and/or documents for the completeness of application. When application dossiers satisfy, DIPR issues a letter to applicant to acknowledge the complete and correctness of application.

Note 5

In which there is a statement on due date for the fee payment.

Note 6

Registration fee of 260000 KHR and Gazettes Publication fee of 120000 KHR.

Note 7

Mark registration is valid for 10 years and can be renewed. The renewal application must be made within 6 month before expiration (or within 6 month after expiration with penalty). The Certificate of Mark Registration is a prerequisite for requesting for the exclusive right in importation of goods and services.


Sample Documents

· Application for mark registration

· Law concerning marks, trade names and acts of unfair competition

· Anukret on the implementation of the law concerning marks, trade names and acts of unfair competition

· Joint Prakas on the amendment on the provision of public service of the Ministry of Commerce

· Prakas on the procedures for the registration and protection of marks of goods which include a geographical indication

Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Application for Certificate of Mark Registration Form used for Certificate of Mark Registration 2015-04-08 2015-12-04 Download
Sample Power of Attorney for Mark Registration (#1) Sample form of Power of Attorney for Mark Registration 2015-04-08 2015-12-04 Download
Sample Power of Attorney for Mark Registration (#2) Sample form of Power of Attorney for Mark Registration 2015-04-08 2015-12-04 Download
Sample Deed of Substitution for Mark Registration Sample form used Deed of Substitution for Mark Registration 2015-04-08 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Requirement to register Trademark for metrological instruments including imports Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Metrological instruments (including those imported) available for sales in Cambodia must have Trade Mark Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009