Procedure Name Application for CITES Certificate for Import/Export of Forest Plants and Wildlife


There are some requirements with regards to conducting import/export of forest plants and wildlife; these requirements include:

·        Apply for export/import quota

·        Apply for CITES Certificate

·        Apply for transportation permit


This document shows the application process for CITES Certificate for Forest Plants and Wildlife Export/Import.

Place for submitting application

Applicant may go directly to the Dept. of Wildlife and Biodiversity of the Forestry Administration, which is the MAFF’s technical agency in charge of issuing all types of CLPs above. Dept. of Wildlife and Biodiversity has administration office inside the department’s building.

Applicant would go directly to this administration office to inquire about the service, get sample application forms, submit, pay fee, and collects the requested all types of authorization documents. There may be chances that applicant is advised to deal directly with the Dept. of Wildlife and Biodiversity.


Address of the Dept. of Wildlife and Biodiversity:


Forestry Administration

Address: #40, Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Person of Contact Name: Mr. Men Soriyun (D-DIR of Dept. of Wildlife and Biodiversity)

Person of Contact Tel: (855) 88 8787878



Note 1

Applicant can get sample application form at the Administration Office of Dept. of Wildlife and Biodiversity. It is not a form actually; rather a Letter of Application so applicant may draft it by himself but should consult with the Administration Office on the format and what is to be included in the letter.

Note 2

Applicant can assign a representative to submit application and go through the required application process on his behalf. In this case, Power Attorney or authorization letter is also needed to include into the application.


Supporting Documents include:

  • Export-Import Quota for Forest Plants and Wildlife
  • Commercial invoice
  • Buy and Sale document or contract


If applicant submits copied version of any supporting documents that is relevant to applicant’s identification including Business Registration Certificate and Tax Registration Certificate, it is normal requirement that these copied documents be certified by competent authorities first.

Note 3

Internal process starts from technical office inside the department and go through several consideration and approval process by relevant officers/offices in institutional hierarchy order.

During this internal process, applicant may be asked or advised (practically by phone call) by officer to provide further information and/or documents for the completeness of application.

The process involves FA sending approval request from MAFF. Only after approval letter is issued from MAFF that the application is considered approved primarily. FA will advise applicant to come paying service fee.

Note 4

Service fee is 1.000.000 KHR

Note 5

The certificate has details of product specification, amount and its validity. Applicant may bring identification documents of himself and application filing receipt/payment receipt when he comes to collects the certificate.


Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Sample letter of application for transportation permit (wood) Sample letter used to obtain transportation permit (wood) 2015-04-10 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Permit requirement for Export of forest products and by-products Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An export permit is required for export of permanent forest estates and forest products & by-products (Timber Products and Non-Timber Forest Products) To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Permit requirement for Import of forest products and by-products Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An import permit is required for import of permanent forest estates and forest products & by-products (Timber Products and Non-Timber Forest Products) To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002