Procedure Name Application for Certification of metrological instruments, including those for import


This procedure is for the application of an import certificate for metrological instruments such as weighting and measuring instrument used in metrological field.

Place for submitting application

The National Metrology Center is the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft (MIH)’s technical agency in charge of issuing the certificate above, but National Metrology Center is not located inside the ministry’s compound. However, applicant for the certificate above can comes to MIH’s Single Window to inquire about the service, get sample application forms, submit, pay fee, and collects the requested all types of authorization documents.


Ministry of Industry and Handicraft

Address: #45, Norodom Blvd., Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.



National Metrology Center

Address: #209, National Road 5., Sangkat Kilometer 6, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.



Note 1

Applicant can get sample application form at MIH’s Single Window

Note 2

Applicant can assign a representative to submit application and go through the required application process on his behalf. In this case, Power Attorney or authorization letter is also needed to include into the application.


Supporting Documents include:

  • Document with information and photos of metrological instruments
  • List of all metrological instruments requested for import


If applicant submits copied version of any supporting documents that is relevant to applicant’s identification including Business Registration Certificate and Tax Registration Certificate, it is normal requirement that these copied documents be certified by competent authorities first.

Service fee depends on importation fee and ranges from 100.000 to 400.000 KHR. After paying fee, applicant receives one copy of payment receipt. Another copy of payment will go with the application dossier.

Note 3

Internal process starts from technical office inside the department and go through several consideration and approval process by relevant officers/offices in institutional hierarchy order.

The application dossier travel between the MIH’s Single Window and the National Metrology Center (NMC). Normally, it is the NMC staffs who station at the MIH’s Single Window bring the documents directly.

This process would results in approval on the application and the issuance of the certificate.

Note 4

The certificate is valid for 6 months. Applicant may bring identification documents of himself and application filing receipt/payment receipt when he comes to collects the certificate. 

After imported goods arrive at its storages in Cambodia, importer may need to inform the National Metrology Center for it to send its technical staffs to physically check the goods.


Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Application for Permission Letter (Metrological Equipment Import) Form used to obtain Permission Letter for import of Metrological Equipment 2015-04-04 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Verification requirement for metrological instruments including imports Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Metrological instruments (including those imported) available for sales in Cambodia must have certification of initial verification by verification officer of MNC. Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
Requirement for information and certification of manufacturer, packer and trader of metrological instruments including imports Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft It is required to certify the name and address of manufacturer, packer or trade maker. Detailed conditions for pre-packaged goods related to metrology shall be prescribed by Prakas of Minister. To create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 09/11/2009