Procedure Name Application for Mining Feasibility Study Report Approval


By law, mineral resources mined in Cambodia are banned from export. Only finished products are allowed for export, and these products must be originated from mineral resources mined in the concession area and manufactured or processed in plants local to Cambodia.

To be a concessionaire of any concession area, applicant must apply for and be granted mining license. There are various types of mining license, but two specific licenses that will be of concern to importer/exporter are: exploration license and industrial mining license, of which the former is prerequisite for application for the later.

However, before requesting for license from Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), applicant must register himself at the ministry, sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Geological Survey with MME, conduct feasibility study and have its reported approved by the ministry first.


This document shows the application process for Feasibility Study Report Approval. This process will also include the requirement that applicant agrees to and sign on MoU on Geological Survey with MME.

Place for submitting application

Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) has no one Single Window. Applicant may go to the ministry’s administrative and general affair department for information relevant to various kinds of public service the ministry provides.

For all types of CLPs relevant to import of export of finished/processed mineral products, applicant would go directly to the Secretariat of General Department of Mines Resource which is the ministry’s technical agency in charge of issuing the certificate above. Applicant comes to the Secretariat to inquire about the service, get sample application forms, submit, pay fee, and collects the requested all types of authorization documents.


Address of the Secretariat of General Department of Mines Resource:


Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)

Address: #79-89, St. 51., Sangkat Phsar Tmeiy 3, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Tel: (855) 23 219574




Note 1

Applicant can get sample application form at the Secretariat of General Department of Mines Resource.

Note 2

Supporting Documents include:

  • Copy of Mining Business Registration Certification

Note 3

Internal process starts from technical office inside the department and go through several consideration and approval process by relevant officers/offices in institutional hierarchy order.

This process involves preparing the MoU on Geological Survey for applicant to agree to and sign on it. The MOU would define area for geological survey and minerals to be explored for the next detailed processes in the future and minimize expenses and risk.

Note 4

This signed MOU is valid for 6 months and can be extended only once for another 3 months. During the validity of MoU, applicant conducts feasibility study and submits feasibility study report.

Note 5

After receiving the feasibility study report, the General Department of Mines Resource will check and, if everything satisfies, will approves the submitted report. The Secretariat of General Department of Mines Resource will advise applicant about this approval.Only after this approval that applicant is eligible for applying for mining license.


Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Sample letter for application for Exclusive Rights (Mark Registration) Sample letter used for application for Exclusives Rights 2015-04-08 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity