Procedure Name Application for Visa Registration Certificate of Films


Importing and exporting film is done mainly in a digital way and so far importers/exporters are not dealing with customs declaration.

However, to conduct business in importing or exporting film, it is a must to have a license issued from the Department of Cinema and Cultural Diffusion of the Ministry Culture and Fine Art (MoCFA). For importation, the imported film must be registered and approved also by the ministry before the film can be broadcasted commercially.

This document shows the application process for Visa Registration Certificate for Film.

Place for submitting application

Ministry Culture and Fine Art (MoCFA) has no one Single Window but the Department of Cinema and Cultural Diffusion which is the ministry’s technical department in charge of issuing the certificate above, is there to serve the need of applicant. Applicant comes to this department to inquire about the service, get sample application forms, submit, pay fee, and collects the requested all types of authorization documents.


Ministry Culture and Fine Art

Address: #227 Preah Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Tonle Basak, Khan Chamka Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Tel: (855) 23 218148




Note 1

Applicant can get sample application form at Department of Cinema and Cultural Diffusion.

Note 2

Applicant can assign a representative to submit application and go through the required application process on his behalf. However, Power Attorney or authorization letter is not needed in practice.

Supporting Documents include:

  • Letter of authorization or contract between film owner/producer and the applicant’s company
  • And the imported film itself (after processing of the film is done)

Note 3

Internal process starts from technical office inside the department and go through several consideration and approval process by relevant officers/offices in institutional hierarchy order. The internal process also includes the establishment of a specific committee for checking the film such as the content and processing made and gives approval to it.

During this internal process, applicant may be asked or advised (practically by phone call) by officer to provide further information and/or documents for the completeness of application.

This process would results in primary approval on the application and only then technical officer in charge of the application may advise applicant about this primary approval and ask applicant to come to pay required service fee.

Note 4

Service fee in issuing the license is XXX.

Note 5

The certificate has no validity. How long it can be showed on screens across Cambodia’s cinema would depend mainly on the length of contract between the owner/producer and importing company.

Applicant may bring identification documents of himself and application filing receipt/payment receipt when he comes to collects the certificate. 


Category Procedure


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File
Application for Visa Registration Certificate for Film Form used for Application of Visa Registration Certificate for Film 2015-04-07 2015-12-04 Download

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity