Procedure Name


Title Description Created Date Updated Date File

This procedure applies to the following measures

Name Type Agency Description Comments Law Validity
Import Prohibition Prohibition Ministry of Economy and Finance Import absolutely prohibited Import absolutely prohibited Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Export Prohibition Prohibition Ministry of Economy and Finance Export absolutely prohibited Export absolutely prohibited Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain phytosanitary certificate to export, import, or transit of quarantine plants and plant products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plant and plant products exported from, imported into, transited through Cambodia must have phytosanitary certificate in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Sub-Decree No. 015 on Phytosanitary Inspection 13/03/2003
Requirement to obtain license when importing chemical substances and products, except where the substance or product is for medical or pharmaceutical purposes Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances or products imported to be used for industrial production or commercial purposes must conform with the licensing requirements by MIME To protect human life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance and to effectively control the use of chemical substance Prakas No. 148 on Procedures and Issuance of Certification of Items and Quantities of Chemical Substance Use 13/02/2012
Requirement to obtain permission to export, import, transit, and transport of animals and animal products Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products export from, import into, transit through, and transport inside Cambodia must have permission from MAFF in order to prevent spread of animal infectious diseases To protect human, animal life or health, and to enforce veterinary rules on import, export, transit and transportation of animals and animal products from one place to another within the Kingdom of Cambodia Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Requirement to obtain Business License as Importer/Exporter of Livestock Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An importer/exporter of livestock must register with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and obtain a Business License. The Business License must be presented together with other supporting documents every time the trader applies for an inspection of livestock or products of animal origin. In order to verify trader's credentials Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Requirement for Inspection of Goods subject to Phytosanitary Control Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Phytosanitary inspection will be conducted at border checkpoints for listed goods subject to quarantine controls. To protect human, animal health and environment. Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Requirement to obtain Customs Permit Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance For all the following categories of goods it is necessary to obtain a Customs Permit from the Customs Procedures Department of the General Department of Customs in advance of importation: Customs Permit (CP) issued for: Import for Private and Public Sector Investment Export for Private and Public Sector Investment Temporary Admission (goods and vehicles) Transport from Borders to Dry Docks Temporary Export for Vehicles from Cambodia All goods listed in Sub-decree No. 209, 31 December 2007 For control Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Import Permit for Petroleum Products (Project Use) Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance It is necessary to obtain import authorization (permit)from the Customs Excise Department of the General Department of Customs for petroleum products including comprising oil, gas and other products. For control Prakas No. 735 on Procedures for the Management of Specially-Designated Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Import Permit for Import of Duty Free Goods Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance It is necessary to obtain import authorization (permit)from the Customs Excise Department of the General Department of Customs in order to import goods under a duty free regime. For control Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Customs Permit for Import/Export into/from Free Zone Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance It necessary to obtain a Customs Permit from the Free Zone department of the General Department of Customs for: Advance Customs Clearance, Temporary Importation, Importation/Exportation. For control Prakas No. 734 Procedures to be Implemented in Special Economic Zones 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Verification of Value on Customs Value Declaration Verification Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance For all products - except cigarettes, some constructions materials (e.g. cement, steel, toilet ware tiles, etc.), perishable goods (e.g. vegetables, some foodstuff, etc.) it is necessary to submit to verification of the invoice price for an importation prior to a Customs declaration (SAD) being submitted to Customs. This is done at the Department of Planning, Technique and International Affairs of the General Department of Customs. For price control Prakas No. 387 on Customs Valuation of Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Pre-Arrival Assessment Other formalities Consumer Protection Competition and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CCF) Prior to importation of Food, Chemicals, Electric and Electronic Equipment it is necessary to submit the documents for a Pre-Arrival Assessment from CAMCONTROL. CAMCONTROL will stamp documents to authorize importation. For control Joint Prakas No. 985 on the Provision of Public Services of the Ministry of Commerce 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain Health Certificate for Food Imports/Exports Certificate Requirement Ministry of Health It is necessary to obtain a Health Certificate from the Food Safety Bureau of the Department of Food and Drugs of the Ministry of Health prior the import or export of all food products. For consumer protection Sub-Decree No. 002 on Food Hygiene 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain a permit for the import of Drugs Permit Requirement Ministry of Health In order to import drugs (pharmaceuticals) it is necessary to obtain a permit from the Food and Drug Department of the Ministry of Health. For human safety Sub-Decree No. 209 on the Enforcement of the List of Prohibited and Restricted Goods 31/12/2007
Requirement to obtain advance permission to operate Customs transit procedures Permit Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance All person's other than Customs Bonded Warehouse and Temporary Storage Operators must obtain advance permission to operate Customs transit procedures. For the control of goods entering Cambodia. Instruction No. 790 on Procedures for Customs Transit 28/08/2008
Mandatory labelling requirements for Vinegar SPS Measures Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Vinegar produced in the country and imported must comply with the Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS 004-2003, which provides for the requirements of raw material, food additive, packaged material, labeling, marking, sampling, evaluation of conformity, and testing. To protect human health & safety from potential risks in food products Prakas No. 309 on ISC 004-2003 “VINEGAR” 02/05/2003
Requirement for inspection of goods subject to Customs declaration on import or export Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Where so required, goods are to be made available for inspection by Customs in the manner prescribed the Director of Customs To combat smuggling, fraud, and tax evasion Prakas No. 107 Reporting, Movement and Transport of Exported Goods 15/02/2008
Requirement for Handicraft production registration Registration Requirement Ministry of Commerce In order to obtain a Certificate of Origin Exporters must register with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade Preferences Department. To obtain certificate of origin for exports Prakas No. 021 Certificate of Origin for Domestic Handicraft 10/02/2004
Requirement for payment of export management fee for exports of fabrics, bicycle and screw/nuts. Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce A revision to the Export Management Fee charges as paid on export of all kind of fabrics, bicycle products, and screw/nut products For Government revenue Prakas No. 097 Revision and New Determination Export Management Fee 11/06/2007
Requirement for payment of Export Management Fee for garment exports to the US and non-US locations, and exports of shocks and bicycles products. Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce A revision to the Export Management Fee charges as paid on export of garments and textiles to the US and non-US locations, and exports of shocks and bicycles products. For Government revenue Prakas No. 044 Revision of Export Management Fee and Related Costs 09/02/2007
Mandatory testing requirement for electrical and electronic products Technical Standard Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Fluorescent Lamp produced or imported for use in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS 008-2003 For consumer safety and protection from hazardous electrical products Prakas No. 390 - Industrial Standard of Cambodia CS 008-2003 “Fluorescent Lamp Safety Requirement ” 22/05/2003
Mandatory product certification requirement for electrical and electronic products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Electrical and electronics products produced or imported for use in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS0010-2003 to CS0050-2003 For consumer safety and protection from harzadous electrical and electronic products (Art. 1 & 2) Prakas No. 115 on Industrial Standard of Cambodia for Electrical And Electronic Products as Mandatory Standards 12/02/2004
Mandatory packaging requirements for prepackaged foods and foods for catering Packaging Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labeling factory, enterprise, and handicraft must label all prepackaged foods in conformity with the standard CS 001-2000 For consumer protection and to prevent false, misleading, and deceptive practice in labelling of prepackaged foods and foods for catering Prakas No. 1045 ISC CS001-2000 Labeling of Food Product 28/12/2000
Mandatory labelling requirements for prepackaged foods and foods for catering Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labelling factory, enterprise, and handicraft must label all prepackaged foods in conformity with the standard CS 001-2000 For consumer protection and to prevent false, misleading, and deceptive practice in labelling of prepackaged foods and foods for catering Prakas No. 1045 ISC CS001-2000 Labeling of Food Product 28/12/2000
Mandatory traceability requirements for prepackaged foods and foods for catering Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labelling factory, enterprise, and handicraft must label all prepackaged foods in conformity with the standard CS 001-2000 For consumer protection and to prevent false, misleading, and deceptive practice in labelling of prepackaged foods and foods for catering Prakas No. 1045 ISC CS001-2000 Labeling of Food Product 28/12/2000
Requirement to obtain license when importing chemical substances and products, except where the substance or product is for medical or pharmaceutical purposes Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances or products imported to be used for industrial production or commercial purposes must conform with the licensing requirements by MIME To protect human life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance and to effectively control the use of chemical substance Prakas No. 148 on Procedures and Issuance of Certification of Items and Quantities of Chemical Substance Use 13/02/2012
Requirement to provide Certificate of Tested Chemical Substances within 15 days after the imported when importing chemical substances and products, except where the substance or product is for medical or pharmaceutical purposes Certificate Requirement Ministry of Mines and Energy Chemical substance imported to be used for industrial production or commercial purpose must conform with the certification requirements by MIME To protect human life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance and to effectively control the use of chemical substance Prakas No. 148 on Procedures and Issuance of Certification of Items and Quantities of Chemical Substance Use 13/02/2012
Mandatory labelling requirements when distributing chemical substances and products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substance imported to be used for industrial production or commercial purpose must conform with the certification requirements by MIME To protect human life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance and to effectively control the use of chemical substance Prakas No. 148 on Procedures and Issuance of Certification of Items and Quantities of Chemical Substance Use 13/02/2012
Mandatory traceability requirements when distributing chemical substances and products Verification Requirement Ministry of Mines and Energy Chemical substance imported to be used for industrial production or commercial purpose must conform with the certification requirements by MIME To protect human life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance and to effectively control the use of chemical substance Prakas No. 148 on Procedures and Issuance of Certification of Items and Quantities of Chemical Substance Use 13/02/2012
Requirement to provide sanitary certificate and animals or animal products identification when importing and transiting animals and animal products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products imported into, and transiting through Cambodia must provide a sanitary certificate and animals or animal products identification (document) from exporting country in order to prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases To protect human, animal life or health, and to enforce veterinary rules on import, export, transit and transportation of animals and animal products from one place to another within the Kingdom of Cambodia Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Requirement to obtain sanitary certificate and animals or animal products identification when exporting and transporting animals and animal products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products exported from and transported inside Cambodia must have sanitary certificate from MAFF and animal products identification (document) in order to prevent spread of animal infectious diseases Animals and animal products export from and transport inside Cambodia must have sanitrary certificate from MAFF and animal products identification (document) in order to prevent spread of animal infectious diseases Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Requirement to provide evidence of country of origin for animals and animal products when importing and transiting animals and animal products Rule of Origin Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products imported into and transited through Cambodia must provide a certificate of origin issued by the exporting country in order to prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases To protect human, animal life or health, and to enforce veterinary rules on import, export, transit and transportation of animals and animal products from one place to another within the Kingdom of Cambodia Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Requirement for all exports of animal products to have an identification document giving origin of the animal product Export Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries All exports must include an Animal Identity or animal identifying or Identification (document) for identifying the animal origin products To protect human, animal life or health, and to enforce veterinary rules on import, export, transit and transportation of animals and animal products from one place to another within the Kingdom of Cambodia Prakas No. 178 on Procedure of Animal Sanitation Control and Animal Origin Products 18/05/2009
Mandatory inspection requirement prior to export, import, transit, and transport for animals and animal products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products exported from, imported into, transited through, and transported inside Cambodia must request inspection from DAHP and comply with veterinary rules in order to prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases from animal to animal or animal to human or human to animal To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Requirement to obtain sanitary certificate when export, import, transit and transport of animals and animal products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products exported from, imported into, transited through, and transported inside Cambodia must have a sanitary certificate in order to prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases from animal to animal or animal to human or human to animal To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Temporary prohibitions to export, import, transit, and transport for animals and animal products Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries In case of diseases outbreak in certain region of Cambodia, MAFF may issue regulations imposing temporary prohibitions to export, import, transit, and transport of animals and animal products in order to prevent spread of animal infectious diseases from animal to animal or animal to human or human to animal To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Mandatory packaging requirement for domestic animal products and animal feeds Packaging Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transportation of domestic animals and animal products must meet the following conditions: a) animals must be in good health, coming from non-infectious area or not transited through infectious area, and vaccinated by the veterinarian, b) properly packaged and in good hygiene, c) means of transportation, animal raising equipment, cage, and packaging materials for animal products must be treated to kill bacteria and virus prior to and after usage To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Mandatory hygienic requirements for domestic animal products and animal feeds SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Transportation of domestic animals and animal products must meet the following conditions: a) animals must be in good health, coming from non-infectious area or not transited through infectious area, and vaccinated by the veterinarian, b) properly packaged and in good hygiene, c) means of transportation, animal raising equipment, cage, and packaging materials for animal products must be treated to kill bacteria and virus prior to and after usage To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Mandatory transportion and storage requirements for domestic animals and animal products Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transportation of domestic animals and animal products must meet the following conditions: a) animals must be in good health, coming from non-infectious area or not transited through infectious area, and vaccinated by the veterinarian, b) properly packaged and in good hygiene, c) means of transportation, animal raising equipment, cage, and packaging materials for animal products must be treated to kill bacteria and virus prior to and after usage To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Prohibitions and restrictions to import animals and animals products Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importation of animals and animals products infected with epidemics diseases listed on MAFF epidemics diseases is strictly prohibited To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Requirement to provide sanitary certificate when import or transit for animals and animal products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products imported into or transited through Cambodia must provide sanitary certificate from exporting country in order to prevent the spread of animal infectious diseases To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport of animal and animal products Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Mandatory transportation and storage requirements for transit for animals and animal products Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries For the transit of animals and animal products through Cambodia the means of transportation must not be infected with epidemic diseases that could be contagious along the authorized route To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Sub-Decree No. 016 on Sanitary Inspection of Animals and Animal Products 13/03/2003
Mandatory inspection requirement prior to export, import, and transit of quarantine plants and plant products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plants and plant products exported from, imported into, and transited through Cambodia must request inspection from the General Department of Agriculture and to comply with Phytosanitary Treatment as prescribed To prevent the introduction of dangerous and quarantine pests in to Cambodia, and to contain the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation, in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Sub-Decree No. 015 on Phytosanitary Inspection 13/03/2003
Phytosanitary treatment requirement prior to export, import, and transit of quarantine plants and plant products SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plants and plant products exporedt from, imported into, and transited through Cambodia must request inspection from the General Department of Agriculture and to comply with Phytosanitary Treatment as prescribed To prevent the introduction of dangerous and quarantine pests in to Cambodia, and to contain the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation, in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Sub-Decree No. 015 on Phytosanitary Inspection 13/03/2003
Packaging requirements for quarantine plants and plant products Packaging Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Transportation of quarantine plants and plant products must be properly packaged to prevent leakage or spillage To prevent the introduction of dangerous and quarantine pests in to Cambodia, and to contain the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation, in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Sub-Decree No. 015 on Phytosanitary Inspection 13/03/2003
Storage and transport requirements for quarantine plants and plant products Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Storing or transporting quarantine plants and plant products in a location or transported by a route authorized by the Plant Quarantine Official must not be infected with quarantine pest or dangerous pest that could be contagious To prevent the introduction of dangerous and quarantine pests in to Cambodia, and to contain the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation, in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Sub-Decree No. 015 on Phytosanitary Inspection 13/03/2003
Requirement to register existing seeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries All existing seeds must be registered in the list of national seeds provided that the seeds met conditions set forth in Art. 40 (1), (2), (3), (4), & (5) of the Law To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 20/05/2008
Licensing requirement to trade, import, and export for all seeds Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Trading, exporting, and importing (including testing, studying, and experimenting) on all seeds in Cambodia must have import and export license from MAFF and transferring ownership of the license must have an agreement in advance from MAFF. The Ministry shall be informed at least 10 working days before the seeds arriving at the Cambodian border entry point. Seeds that can cause danger in Cambodia shall be strictly prohibited, based on the Ministry's list of seeds that may cause danger. To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 13/05/2008
Mandatory packaging requirements for all seeds Packaging Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is prohibited from circulating in the market any seeds that have not been packaged, have been improperly packaged, have been faked package, or have expired To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 20/05/2008
Mandatory labelling requirements for all seeds Labeling Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is prohibited from circulating in the market any seeds that have incorrect information on the packaging or labelling, don't have a label in accordance with false labelling measures, or a damaged label To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 20/05/2008
Mandatory testing requirements for all seeds Testing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Seeds that are allowed tobe traded in or imported into Cambodia must be quality seeds, which have gone through experiment or trial oversees by a specialized unit, the institute of public research, or private sector specialized in seeds that are recognized by MAFF. Seeds that fail to met conditions of seed quality standard shall be reclassified after inspection by MAFF and cannot be sold in the market To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 13/05/2008
Mandatory inspection requirements for all seeds Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Seeds that are allowed to be traded in or imported into Cambodia must be quality seeds. Seeds that fail to met conditions of seed quality standard shall be reclassified after inspection by MAFF and cannot be sold in the market To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 13/05/2008
Mandatory certification requirements on import and export for all seeds Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Seeds that are imported into and exported from or transited through Cambodia must have a certificate of seed quality issued by the authority of the exporting country for importing and transiting, or issued by MAFF for exporting and meeting the phytosanitary conditions of Cambodia or the importing country To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 20/05/2008
Prohibitions to import hazardous seeds Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is strictly prohibited to import all hazardous seeds into Cambodia, the list of hazardous seeds shall be decided and published by MAFF To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 13/05/2008
Temporary or complete ban to export all seeds Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries In case of necessity and for national interest or public interest MAFF may temporarily or completely banned export of all seeds from Cambodia To manage and control breeding, releasing, modification, listing, distribution, exporting, and protection of all types of seeds and new seeds in Cambodia Law on Crop Seed Management and Rights of Seed Breeder 13/05/2008
Export suspension Suspension Ministry of Economy and Finance Total or partial suspension on the import or export of certain goods as declared by the Royal Government of Cambodia To protect national interest, including for emergencies, and the needs of the population Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Import suspension Suspension Ministry of Economy and Finance Total or partial suspension on the import or export of certain goods as declared by the Royal Government of Cambodia To protect national interest, including for emergencies, and the needs of the population Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Import suspension Suspension Ministry of Economy and Finance Total or partial suspension on the import or export of certain goods as declared by the Royal Government of Cambodia To protect national interest, including for emergencies, and the needs of the population Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Export restriction and prohibition Prohibition Ministry of Economy and Finance The Royal Government of Cambodia may prohibit and restrict, subject to conditions, the import or export of certain goods For: 1) The protection of national security; 2) the protection of public order and standards of decency and morality; 3) the protection of human, animal or plant life or health; 4) the protection of national treasures of artistic historic or archaeological value; 5) the conservation of natural resources; 6) the compliance with the provisions of any legislation of the Kingdom of Cambodia; and 7) the fulfillment of obligations under the Charter of the United Nations (Annex 2) Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Requirement on goods intended for re-export Verification Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Goods may be released by Customs for temporary admission when it can be demonstrated that the goods will be re-exported To combat smuggling, fraud, and tax evasion Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Requirement for inspection of goods subject to Customs declaration on import Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Where so required, goods are to be made available for inspection by Customs in the manner prescribed the Director of Customs To combat smuggling, fraud, and tax evasion Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Requirement for inspection of goods subject to Customs declaration on export Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Where so required, goods are to be made available for inspection by Customs in the manner prescribed the Director of Customs To combat smuggling, fraud, and tax evasion Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Requirement for inspection of goods subject to Customs declaration on imports under the Rules of Origin Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Where so required, goods are to be declared with place of origin and to be verified by Customs To determine the tariff classification, origin, and customs value of imported and exported goods benefit from the favorable treatment assigned to their origin Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Requirement for inspection of goods subject to Customs declaration on export under the Rules of Origin Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Where so required, goods are to be declared with place of origin and to be verified by Customs To determine the tariff classification, origin, and customs value of imported and exported goods benefit from the favorable treatment assigned to their origin Law on Customs 20/07/2007
Requirement for verification on imported goods that are exempted from duties and taxes Verification Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Goods imported by foreign diplomatic or consular missions, international organizations and agencies of technical co-operation of other governments, for using in the exercise of their official functions and their personnel uses shall be exported after completion of their missions To combat fraud and tax evasion Prakas No. 105 on the Management of Goods that Exempt Duties and Taxes 15/02/2008
Requirement for verification on imported goods that are exempted from duties and taxes Verification Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Goods imported by foreign diplomatic or consular missions, international organizations and agencies of technical co-operation of other governments, for using in the exercise of their official functions and their personnel uses shall be exported after completion of their missions To combat fraud and tax evasion Prakas No. 105 on the Management of Goods that Exempt Duties and Taxes 15/02/2008
Requirement for goods exist within the list of goods that are partially exempted from duties and taxes Subsidies Ministry of Economy and Finance Law on Customs grants partial exemption of import duties and taxes for certain goods and to certain qualified importers To combat fraud and tax evasion Prakas No. 114 on Determination of Exempt Goods 15/02/2008
Requirement on temporary export of goods of restricted or prohibited goods Numerical restrictions (other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Customs may require a security deposit in cases of the temporary export of goods that are subject to export duty and taxes, or in cases of temporary export of restricted or prohibited goods upon receipt of authorization from the competent authority for temporary export To combat smuggling, fraud, and tax evasion Prakas No. 117 Temporary Export of Goods 15/02/2008
Requirement for goods to exist within the lists of import goods that are partially exempted from VAT Subsidies Ministry of Economy and Finance The Royal Government of Cambodia grants exemption of VAT on the importation and the supply of certain goods for agriculture oriented production To promote the production and modernization of the agriculture sector Prakas No. 303 on the Implementation of Value Added Tax 23/05/2001
Customs transit procedure to allow the transport of goods from one customs office to another under customs control, with import duties and taxes suspended Other formalities Ministry of Economy and Finance Transited goods through Cambodia need to follow the terms and conditions of transit, established by Cambodian government To govern transited goods through Cambodia Prakas No. 508 on Customs Transit 01/07/2008
Customs transit procedure to allow the transport of goods from one customs office to another under customs control, with import duties and taxes suspended Verification Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Transited goods through Cambodia need to follow the terms and conditions of transit, established by Cambodian government To govern transited goods through Cambodia Prakas No. 508 on Customs Transit 01/07/2008
Temporary restrictions on the activity of authorized intermediaries Financial Measures National Bank of Cambodia In case of foreign exchange crisis, the Central Bank may issue regulations imposing certain temporary restrictions on the activity of authorized intermediaries, particularly on their foreign exchange position To regulate capital inflows and outflows, including investment in the vent of foreign exchange crisis Law on Foreign Exchange 22/08/1997
Requirement on hiring foreign nationals Restrictions to foreign employment (e.g. labor market test) Council for the Development of Cambodia The investors shall be allowed to hire foreign employees who are listed in Article 14 (6) provided that: 1. The qualification and expertise are not available in the Kingdom of Cambodia among the Cambodian populace. In the event of such hiring, appropriate documentation including the photocopies of the employee’s passport, certificate and/or degree, and a curriculum vitae shall be submitted to the Council; 2. Investors shall have the obligation to provide adequate and consistent training to Cambodian employees, 3. Promotion of Cambodian staff to senior positions will be made over time; Foreign Direct Investor must give preference to Cambodian citizens in the hiring of employees Law on Investment 05/08/1994
Mandatory labelling requirements for industrial and handicraft products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labelling, factories, enterprises and handicraft manufacturers must register its products before entering Cambodia's market For consumer protection and to prevent counterfeit products from entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia Prakas No. 963 on Industrial Product Mark Registration 31/01/2000
Mandatory registration requirements for industrial and handicraft products Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labelling, factories, enterprises and handicraft manufacturers must register its products before entering Cambodia's market For consumer protection and to prevent counterfeit products from entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia Prakas No. 963 on Industrial Product Mark Registration 31/01/2000
Mandatory certificate or trademark requirements for industrial and handicraft products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labelling, factories, enterprises and handicraft manufacturers must register its products before entering Cambodia's market For consumer protection and to prevent counterfeit products from entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia Prakas No. 963 on Industrial Product Mark Registration 31/01/2000
Mandatory quality requirements for industrial and handicraft products Technical Standard Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper labelling, factories, enterprises and handicraft manufacturers must register its products before entering Cambodia's market For consumer protection and to prevent counterfeit products from entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia Prakas No. 963 on Industrial Product Mark Registration 31/01/2000
Mandatory product certification requirement for electrical and electronic products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Fluorescent Lamp produced or imported for use in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS 008-2003 For consumer safety and protection from hazardous electrical products Prakas No. 390 - Industrial Standard of Cambodia CS 008-2003 “Fluorescent Lamp Safety Requirement ” 22/05/2003
Requirement on hiring foreign nationals Restrictions to foreign employment (e.g. labor market test) Council for the Development of Cambodia Employment practices in Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Direct Investor must give preference to Cambodian citizens in the hiring of employees Sub-Decree No. 088 Implementation of the Law on Investment 29/12/1997
Requirement for payment of export management fee for obtaining Certificate of Origin on exports Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce All exports under GSP/MFN are required to obtain a Certificate of Origin and pay an export management fee 30 days prior to the exports of goods. Governance of exports under trade preferential scheme Prakas No. 136 Necessary Measures for the Governance of Export under Trade Preferential Scheme 04/09/2006
Visa and registration requirements for medicines Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Visa for and registration of medicines aim to control the production, import, export and trading of medicines in Cambodia to ensure the quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers. Visas for and registration of medicines, which are of equal importance, are authorizations for trading on the market (Autorisation de mise sur le marché) for medicines for which visas have been acquired and registration of medicines from the Ministry of Health. To control the production, import, export and trading of medicines. To ensure quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers Prakas No. 364 on the Implementation of Visas for and Registration of Medicinces 26/10/1994
Packaging requirements for medicines Packaging Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure medicines are packaged appropriately according to defined conditions To control the production, import, export and trading of medicines. To ensure quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers Prakas No. 364 on the Implementation of Visas for and Registration of Medicinces 26/10/1994
Labelling & language requirements Labeling Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure medicines are packaged appropriately according to defined conditions To control the production, import, export and trading of medicines. To ensure quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers Prakas No. 364 on the Implementation of Visas for and Registration of Medicinces 26/10/2006
Requirements to enable sales display of imported medicines Other measures Ministry of Health To ensure registered medicines imported from abroad can be displayed for sales. The registration approval needs to meet defined conditions and documents. (Art. 7) To control the production, import, export and trading of medicines. To ensure quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers Prakas No. 364 on the Implementation of Visas for and Registration of Medicinces 26/10/1994
Packaging requirements for medicines Packaging Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure medicines are packaged appropriately according to defined conditions To control the production, import, export and trading of medicines. To ensure quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers Prakas No. 364 on the Implementation of Visas for and Registration of Medicinces 26/10/1994
Approval required for export of solid waste Permit Requirement Ministry of Environment All construction of landfills, incinerators or export abroad of of solid waste shall be subject to prior approval from Ministry of Environment To strengthen solid waste management in compliance with technical manner to ensure the environmental safety and public health Sub-Decree No. 036 Solid Waste Management 02/04/1999
Requirement to meet technical standard for imports of flammable substances. Technical Standard Ministry of Environment The importation and production of flammable substances containing sulfur, lead, benzene and hydrocarbon shall be complied with the standards stipulated in Annex 8 of this Anukret. To protect the quality of the environment and public health from pollutants and noise disturbance through monitoring, curbing and mitigating activities. Sub-Decree No. 042 Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance Control 01/07/2000
Prohibition on import of vehicles and machineries that emit pollutants and noises exceeding established standards Technical Standard Ministry of Environment The importation, utilization , production of vehicle and machinery in Cambodia which emit pollutants and noises exceeding the standards stipulated in annex 4 and 5 shall be strictly prohibited. To protect the quality of the environment and public health from pollutants and noise disturbance through monitoring, curbing and mitigating activities. Sub-Decree No. 042 Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance Control 01/07/2000
Requirement for provision of quantity of pollutants for import of flammable substances. Verification Requirement Ministry of Environment The application for importation of flammable substances shall have attached analytical results indicating the quantity of pollutants such as lead, benzene and hydrocarbon from original source of importation. To protect the quality of the environment and public health from pollutants and noise disturbance through monitoring, curbing and mitigating activities. Sub-Decree No. 042 Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance Control 01/07/2000
Mandatory information requirement for infant and child feeding products Packaging Requirement Ministry of Health The types of infant and child feeding products (including imported products) shall include set of information under article 3 and article 6. The SubDecree aims to contribute to the provision of complete and safe nutrition to infants and small children through the protection and promotion of feeding children with mother’s breast milk and encouraging the provision of additional food as appropriate, and in accordance with the defined ages of infant and child in order to ensure proper use of products to replace mother’s breast milk whenever necessary and on the basis of sufficient information. Sub-Decree No. 133 on the Marketing of Infant and Child Feeding Products 18/11/2005
Mandatory labelling requirement for infant and child feeding products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Health The types of infant and child feeding products (including imported products) shall include set of information under article 6. The types of infant and child feeding products (including imported products) shall include set of information under article 6. Sub-Decree No. 133 on the Marketing of Infant and Child Feeding Products 18/11/2005
Requirement for environmental impact assessment for import of waste, toxic substances and hazardous substances related to environmental protection and natural resource management projects TBT Measures Ministry of Environment MOE develops the inventory which include imported waste, imported toxic and hazardous substances which are subject to environmental impact assessment (i) To protect [and] promote environmental quality and public health through the prevention, reduction, and control of pollution, (ii) To assess the environmental impact of all proposed projects prior to the issuance of a decision by the Royal Government, (iii) To ensure the rational and sustainable conservation, development, management, and use of the natural resources of the Kingdom of Cambodia, (iv) To encourage and enable the public to participate in environmental protection and natural resource management, (vi) To suppress any acts that cause harm to the environment. Law On Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management 24/12/1996
Requirement for special export license for exports of cultural objects Licensing Requirement Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts The export of any cultural object from Cambodia is prohibited, unless the competent authority has granted a special export license for the purpose. To protect national cultural heritage and cultural property in general against illegal destruction, modification, alteration, excavation, alienation, exportation or importation. Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage 25/01/1996
Requirement to pay export duties and fee on export of cultural objects Taxes and charges Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts The export of cultural objects shall be subject to duties and fees. The amount of those export duties and fees shall be set by law. To protect national cultural heritage and cultural property in general against illegal destruction, modification, alteration, excavation, alienation, exportation or importation. Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage 25/01/1996
Requirement for meeting import procedures on cultural objects Licensing Requirement Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts The import of cultural objects exported in contravention of the national legislation of their country of origin is forbidden. Procedures for the importation of cultural property shall be defined by Anukret. To protect national cultural heritage and cultural property in general against illegal destruction, modification, alteration, excavation, alienation, exportation or importation. Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage 25/01/1996
Requirements for special authorization to import gambling devices or equipment Licensing Requirement Ministry of Interior Any production, importation for business purposes or for sale of gambling devices/ equipment of all kinds without authorization from the Royal Government shall be fined from five hundred thousand (500,000) Riels to five million (5,000,000) Riels plus an imprisonment from one (1) month to one (1) year. To govern the gambling activities in Cambodia Law on the Suppression of Gambling 26/01/2008
Requirement to have at least 50% of the total applied quantity of products exported as to obtain Certificate of Origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Commerce allows the exporter to apply for Certificate of Origin for Cambodian products transported by Air and transited by truck across the border, then continue by air to the market. Exporter who wishes to apply for this certificate shall have at least 50% of the total applied quantity of products to be exported. To facilitate the exports from Cambodia Prakas No. 106 Issuance of Certificate of Origin to Goods transported by Air after transiting by truck across Cambodian Border 10/04/2008
Requirements applied to temporary admission of imported goods that are to be re-exported. Measure on Re-Export Ministry of Economy and Finance Imported goods may be released by Customs for temporary importation under the temporary admission if at the time of importation it can be demonstrated that these goods will be re-exported. Temporarily imported goods shall be under customs control until such time as the conditions of their temporary admission have been fulfilled in according the provision of Article 15 of Law on Customs. Those imported goods for re-export shall meet the specific purpose under Praka 3 and requirements under Praka 4 & 5. To govern Temporary Importation under Temporary Admission Procedures. Prakas No. 928 on Temporary Importation under Temporary Admission Procedures 02/10/2008
Tax on imported goods to be sold in duty-free shop Measure on Re-Export Ministry of Economy and Finance The tax levied on imported goods to be sold in duty free shop is 10% of custom calculation base. This can be considered a tax for imported goods for re-export because majority of customers will buy imported goods for re-export (for personal consumption) Revenue collection Prakas No. 970 on the Provision of Public Services 27/12/2012
Requirement for notification number for imported cosmetic products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health Imported or cosmetic products produced for trade in Cambodia shall have notification number from MOH To protect importation of counterfeit cosmetic products, cosmetic products of damaged quality, illegal cosmetic products to ensure quality and safety for consumers. Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control 28/08/2008
Requirement for cosmetic product producers to comply with the defined principles and conditions Verification Requirement Ministry of Health Cosmetic products being traded on the market of the Kingdom of Cambodia shall be produced in enterprises that have complied with the principle of good production practice in producing cosmetic products or the principle of minimum good production practice in producing cosmetic products acceptable to competent institutions that control cosmetic products To protect importation of counterfeit cosmetic products, cosmetic products of damaged quality, illegal cosmetic products to ensure quality and safety for consumers Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control 28/08/2008
Requirement for meeting inspection conditions Inspection Requirement Ministry of Health In case of inspection by the competent institutions controlling imported cosmetic products, the notification applicant shall prepare technical documents and relevant documents about the safety of the cosmetic product. To protect importation of counterfeit cosmetic products, cosmetic products of damaged quality, illegal cosmetic products to ensure quality and safety for consumers. Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control 28/08/2008
Requirement for payment on issuance of notification number Taxes and charges Ministry of Health The cost of issuance of notification numbers shall be determined by a joint Prakas of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Economy and Finance. To protect importation of counterfeit cosmetic products, cosmetic products of damaged quality, illegal cosmetic products to ensure quality and safety for consumers. Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control 28/08/2008
Labelling conditions for safety guarantee Labeling Requirement Ministry of Health Cosmetic products being traded (including imported cosmetic products) on the market of the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have labels and bulletins providing instructions on the methods of use, storage and caution in consumption. Safety Guarantee Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control 28/08/2008
Requirement to limit the use of substances in production of cosmetic products Restriction Ministry of Health The list of substances as well as the limit of the level of each substance authorized for use in the production of cosmetic products and the list of prohibited substances in the production of cosmetic products shall be determined by a Prakas of the Minister of Health To control cosmetic product substances Sub-Decree No. 122 on Cosmetic Product Control 28/08/2008
Requirement for visa registration on imported medicines for sale in Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Imported medicine can be displayed for sales only if they have registration approved by MOH To control the import and trading of medicines in Cambodia Sub-Decree No. 044 on Visa-Registration of Medicines the Royal Government of Cambodia 08/10/1994
Registration Requirement and Qualifications for pharmacists and practitioners to import traditional medicines Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Pharmacist and practitioner who are entitled to import traditional medicines must meet the defined qualifications. The import-Export of traditional medicines shall be carried out via a pharmaceutical establishment with proper organization in according with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. To control the production, export-import and trade of traditional medicine Sub-Decree No. 023 on the Production, Import-Export and Trade of Traditional Medicines for the Health Sector 28/04/1998
Requirement for registration of traditional medicines Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Traditional medicines that can be imported shall have registration or permit approved by Ministry of Health To control the production, export-import and trading of traditional medicines Sub-Decree No. 044 on Visa-Registration of Medicines the Royal Government of Cambodia 28/04/1998
Registration requirement for exports of traditional medicines Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Traditional medicines that can be exported shall have registration or permit approved by Ministry of Health To control the production, export-import and trading of traditional medicines Sub-Decree No. 023 on the Production, Import-Export and Trade of Traditional Medicines for the Health Sector 28/04/1998
The requirement for reciprocity between governments concerned for imported goods being exempted from custom duties and taxes Subsidies Ministry of Economy and Finance The implementation of Praka 114 on imported goods being exempted from custom duties and taxes shall be based on existing international law and the principle of reciprocity between governments concerned. Governance of imported goods being exempted from custom duties and taxes Prakas No. 114 on Determination of Exempt Goods 15/02/2008
Fee requirement for exporting disposal and protective products Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce The collection of Export Management Fees (EMF) shall be implemented on Disposable and Protective Products in the way same as implementing on the other ordinary garments. Collection of export management fee Prakas No. 193 Payment of Export Management Fee for Disposable and Protective Products 19/10/2006
Registration requirement of pharmaceutical manufacturer for importers or representative offices Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Drug Import companies and representative offices shall firstly be registered for pharmaceutical manufacturing just being approved to be registered of Drug productions in the Ministry of Health. To ensure good manufacturing practice in drug production and to ensure that the drug productions are of high quality agreeing to the international standards Prakas No. 003 on the Procedures and Conditions of the Submission of the registration of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer from Overseas 01/08/2013
Registration requirement of pharmaceutical manufacturer for exporter Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Drug export companies shall firstly be registered of pharmaceutical manufacturers just being approved to be registered of Drug productions in the Ministry of Health. To receive the correct information provided by pharmaceutical manufacturers about the good manufacturing practice situation in drug production to ensure that the drug productions are high quality agreeing to the international standard. Prakas No. 003 on the Procedures and Conditions of the Submission of the registration of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer from Overseas 01/08/2013
Labelling requirements for imported infant and child feeding products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Health To ensure the labelling of Infant and Child Feeding Products is in compliance with articles 9, 10, 11 and 12 of SubDecree No. 133. To contribute to the provision of complete and safe nutrition to infants and small children through the protection and promotion of feeding children with mother’s breast milk and encouraging the provision of additional food as appropriate, and in accordance with the defined ages of infant and child in order to ensure proper use of products to replace mother’s breast milk whenever necessary and on the basis of sufficient information. Prakas No. 061 on the Implementation of the Sub-decree of the Marketing of Infant and Child Feeding Products 16/08/2007
Registration requirement for pharmacist to import pharmaceutical products to Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Pharmacist who are entitled to import pharmaceutical products must meet the defined qualifications To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 05/09/1996
Registration requirement for pharmacist to export pharmaceutical products out of Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Pharmacist who are entitled to export pharmaceutical products must meet the defined qualifications To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 05/09/1996
Authorization requirement for imported pharmaceutical products and poisonous substances into Cambodia Authorization Requirement Ministry of Health Imports of pharmaceutical products and poisonous substance must follow defined conditions and formalities To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 05/09/1996
Licensing requirement for exported pharmaceutical products and poisonous substances out of Cambodia Licensing Requirement Ministry of Health Exports of pharmaceutical products and poisonous substance must follow defined conditions and formalities To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 05/09/1996
Registration requirement for exported pharmaceutical products and poisonous substances out of Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Exports of pharmaceutical products and poisonous substance must follow defined conditions and formalities To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 05/09/1996
Registration requirement for pharmacist to import pharmaceutical products to Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Pharmacists who are entitled to import pharmaceutical products must meet the defined qualifications To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Amendment of Law on Management of Pharmaceutical 01/03/2008
Registration requirement for pharmacist to export pharmaceutical products out of Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Pharmacists who are entitled to export pharmaceutical products must meet the defined qualifications To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Amendment of Law on Management of Pharmaceutical 01/03/2008
Authorization requirement for imported pharmaceutical products and poisonous substances into Cambodia Authorization Requirement Ministry of Health Imports of pharmaceutical products and poisonous substance must follow defined conditions and formalities To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Amendment of Law on Management of Pharmaceutical 01/03/2008
Licensing requirement for exported pharmaceutical products and poisonous substances out of Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Exports of pharmaceutical products and poisonous substance must follow defined conditions and formalities To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Amendment of Law on Management of Pharmaceutical 01/03/2008
Registration requirement for exported pharmaceutical products and poisonous substances out of Cambodia Registration Requirement Ministry of Health Exports of pharmaceutical products and poisonous substance must follow defined conditions and formalities To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Amendment of Law on Management of Pharmaceutical 01/03/2008
Licensing requirement for import of specially-designed goods (highly taxed goods) Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance Importers of specially-designated goods shall correctly follow formalities, set by the Director of Customs, of transportation, circulation, storage, possession, and other requirements relating to the specially-designated goods. The Director of Customs may from time to time determine and amend customs procedures relating to transportation, distribution, storage and possession of the specially-designated goods; including required possibilities of customs sticker or seal affixing, being transported by authorized transportation means, being controlled by special registration, and goods to be accompanied by concerned judicial documents and so on. To govern the imports-exports of Specially-Designated Goods (Highly taxed goods) Prakas No. 735 on Procedures for the Management of Specially-Designated Goods 09/11/2008
Registration requirement for exports of specially-designed goods (prohibited or restricted goods) Restriction Ministry of Economy and Finance Importers of specially-designated goods shall correctly follow formalities, set by the Director of Customs, of transportation, circulation, storage, possession, and other requirements relating to the specially-designated goods. The Director of Customs may from time to time determine and amend customs procedures relating to transportation, distribution, storage and possession of the specially-designated goods; including required possibilities of customs sticker or seal affixing, being transported by authorized transportation means, being controlled by special registration, and goods to be accompanied by concerned judicial documents and so on. To govern the imports-exports of Specially-Designated Goods (sensitive and prohibited or restricted goods) Prakas No. 735 on Procedures for the Management of Specially-Designated Goods 09/11/2008
Inspection requirement for exported goods and transportation Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance All exported goods, whether or not subject to duty and taxes, and all conveyances transporting such goods out of the customs territory are subject to customs inspection. To govern exported goods Prakas No. 107 Reporting, Movement and Transport of Exported Goods 15/02/2008
Requirement for reporting, making declaration and providing sample of exported goods Verification Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance All goods for export must be reported and declared to Customs. Upon request by Customs, the declarant shall provide customs with samples of export goods for purposes of verifying their origin, nature, classification or value. Relief from this requirement requires approval from the Director of Customs. To govern exported goods Prakas No. 107 Reporting, Movement and Transport of Exported Goods 15/02/2008
Export prohibition of timber and non-timber products Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries A number of timber and non-timber products under article 3 are not allowed to to be exported To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Export tax requirment for exports of timber and non-timber forest products Taxes and charges Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forest and non-timber forest products which are allowed to export are subject to export taxes under existing law To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement for transportation permit on exports of processed timber and non-timber forest products following traditional style or third party for commercial purpose Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exports of processed timber and non-timber forest products following traditional style or third party for commercial purpose are allowed without export license. But transportation permit must be issued by head of ministry administration. To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement for export license for exports of timber and non-timber forest products Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exports of timber and non-timber forest products require export license from MOC via forestry administration. The extension of license is issued by MOC. To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement for import license for import of timber and non-timber forest products Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of timber and non-timber forest products as raw materials for local industry production requires an import license from MOC via Forestry Administration To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement for import permit for import of timber and non-timber forest products TBT Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of timber and non-timber forest products as raw materials for local industry production require that a transportation permit is issued by Head of Forestry Administration To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Import ban of certain timber and non-timber products Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries A strict ban on the import of all kinds of empidement plants, wildlife, and other flora and fauna which impact the local sources of genetics To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement to restrict exports of timber and non-timber products to an assigned port Requirement to pass through specified port of customs Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forest and non-timber forest products are allowed to be exported through government official port only. To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement to restrict the imports of timber and non-timber products to specific ports Restriction Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forest and non-timber forest product are allowed to be imported through government official ports only. To identify timber and non-timber products which are allowed to import and export Sub-Decree No. 131 on Timber and Non-timber Forest Products 28/11/2006
Requirement of goods & metrological instruments including imports to comply with authorized units of metrology Technical Standard Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Every contract or trade relationship related to goods or metrological instruments shall comply with authorized units of metrology Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
Marking requirement for metrological instruments including imports Marking Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All metrological instruments (including those imported) are marked on the top or side thereof in legible figures or letters, except in case of small size metrological instruments where labeling is impractical. Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
Labeling requirement for metrological instruments including imports Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Metrological instruments (including those imported) must indicate capability, maximum and minimum weights or measures on that equipment. Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
Verification requirement for metrological instruments including imports Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Metrological instruments (including those imported) available for sales in Cambodia must have certification of initial verification by verification officer of MNC. Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
Requirement to register Trademark for metrological instruments including imports Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Metrological instruments (including those imported) available for sales in Cambodia must have Trade Mark Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
License requirement for repair of metrological instruments (including imports) Other measures Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Repair of metrological instrument require license issued by NMC Create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 08/11/2009
Labeling requirement placed on goods (including imported goods) circulating in Cambodia for safety and health purposes Labeling Requirement Ministry of Commerce Manufacturers and service provides are required to indicate on the products the following information in Khmer: ingredients, compositions, user's guidelines, manufacturing dates, expiration dates and other requirements Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 20/06/2000
Labeling requirement placed on goods (including imported goods) circulating in Cambodia for safety and health purposes Labeling Requirement Ministry of Commerce Manufacturers and service provides are required to indicate on the products the following information in Khmer: ingredients, compositions, user's guidelines, manufacturing dates, expiration dates and other requirements Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Inspection requirement for products firstly imported into Cambodia Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce Products which are imported in to Cambodia require proof of inspection to guarantee compliance with this law. Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 20/06/2000
Inspection requirement for products firstly imported into Cambodia Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce Products which are imported in to Cambodia require proof of inspection to guarantee compliance with this law. Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Authorization requirement for imported products circulating in Cambodia Authorization Requirement Ministry of Commerce Products imported and circulating in Cambodia which could harm the health and safety of consumers requires prior authorization from competent institutions. For the safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Authorization requirement for imported products circulating in Cambodia Certificate Requirement Ministry of Commerce Products imported and circulating in Cambodia which could harm the health and safety of consumers requires prior authorization from competent institutions. Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Authorization requirement for import of humanitarian products in to Cambodia Authorization Requirement Ministry of Commerce Humanitarian products imported in to Cambodia require special authorization from Cambodian government. For Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Authorization requirement for import of humanitarian products in to Cambodia Authorization Requirement Ministry of Commerce Humanitarian products imported into Cambodia require special authorization from Cambodian government. For Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Inspection requirement for exported products from Cambodia Inspection Requirement Inter-Agency Products exported from Cambodia which could harm health and safety of consumers require inspection For Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Testing requirement for product samples Testing Requirement Ministry of Commerce Product samples shall be tested in public or private laboratories with defined recognition process For Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Testing requirements for product samples Testing Requirement Ministry of Commerce Product samples shall be tested in public or private laboratories with defined recognition process For Safety and Health of Consumers Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products and Service 21/06/2000
Requirement to follow procedures in order to obtain certificate of origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exporters are required to follow the updated procedures of certificate of origin issuance and to be compliant with procedure of importing countries For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 233 Revisions of Procedures in Fulfilling Formalities for the Export of Goods 29/11/2013
Requirement for Exporters to register with MOC to obtain Certificate of Origin Registration Requirement Ministry of Commerce Companies and exporters who intend to export goods from Cambodia must come to register to be eligible for export of goods at the technical department of the Ministry of Commerce For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 112 on Revision of Certificate of Origin Issuance Procedures 23/05/2013
Requirement for inspection of the production and export goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce The inspection of the production and export goods must be conducted by technical officers of the Ministry of Commerce at the location of the production, at the place of goods collection or at the goods warehouse at the request of the company or exporter or according to the necessity of the technical department For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 233 Revisions of Procedures in Fulfilling Formalities for the Export of Goods 29/11/2013
Requirement for information and certification of manufacturer, packer and trader of metrological instruments including imports Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft It is required to certify the name and address of manufacturer, packer or trade maker. Detailed conditions for pre-packaged goods related to metrology shall be prescribed by Prakas of Minister. To create the correct use of metrological instruments Law on Metrology of Kingdom of Cambodia 09/11/2009
Mandatory requirement for ISC marking of industrial products Marking Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure proper use of Industrial Standards of Cambodia (ISC) mark, a factory, enterprise, or handicraft operator shall label its industrial products in conformity with marking prescribed by the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft For consumer safety and protection and to improve the quality of industrial products Sub-Decree No. 042 on Industrial Standards Of Cambodia 15/05/2001
Mandatory product certification requirement and permit requirement for import of electrical and electronic products TBT Measures Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Electrical and electronics products produced or imported for use in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia as prescribed in table (Article 1) of this Prakas. Companies or importers shall apply for letter of released products from Department of Industrial standards of Cambodia, Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy to release the goods or products from the border and shall enclose with the license to use the product certification mark from Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy. For consumer safety and protection from hazardous electrical and electronic products Prakas No. 1003 Determination of Types of Electrical and Electronic Products 13/09/2006
Mandatory labelling requirements for Incandescent Lamp Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Incandescent Lamps produced or imported for use in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS 006-2003 For consumer safety and protection from hazardous electrical products Prakas No. 388 on Industrial Standard of Cambodia CS 006-2003 “ Incandescent Lamp ” 22/05/2003
Mandatory product certification requirement for Incandescent Lamp Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Incandescent Lamp produced or imported for use in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS 006-2003 For consumer safety and protection from hazardous electrical products Prakas No. 388 on Industrial Standard of Cambodia CS 006-2003 “ Incandescent Lamp ” 22/05/2003
Mandatory labelling requirements for Chili Sauce Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chili Sauce produced or imported for consumption in the Kingdom of Cambodia must conform with Industrial Standards of Cambodia CS 0051-2003 To protect human health & safety from potential risks in food products Prakas No. 530 on Industrial Standard Of Cambodia CS 0051-2003 “Chili Sauce” 20/07/2005
All products and systems must conform with mandatory standards of relevant ministries Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft For ensuring safety and to prevent harmful effects to the public, industry, or national economy, all kinds of products or systems shall conform to Cambodian Standard (ISC) approved by the National Standard Council and promulgated by the Minister To enforce national standards for products, commodities, materials, services, practices, and operations and to promote adoption of such standards Law on Standards of Cambodia 23/06/2007
Requirement to ensure no trade mark which is identical with a standard marker or which so nearly resembles to a standard mark is utilised. Intellectual Property Ministry of Industry and Handicraft No standard mark which is identical with any trademark registered in respect of any product or commodity under the Law concerning Marks, Trade Names and Acts of Unfair Competition, or which so nearly resembles to any such trademark as to be likely to mislead for it, may be declared as a standard mark prescribed under Article 20 of this Law. To enforce national standards for products, commodities, materials, services, practices, and operations and to promote adoption of such standards Law on Standards of Cambodia 23/06/2007
Requirement to obtaing a license prior to displaying standard mark Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Any person who manufactures or processes a product must comply with an authorized standard and display the standard mark on the product after having received a license from the Institute of Standards of Cambodia To enforce national standards for products, commodities, materials, services, practices, and operations and to promote adoption of such standards Law on Standards of Cambodia 23/06/2007
Requirement to obtain license to use standard mark for any products or commodities Inspection Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft For ensuring safety and to prevent harmful effect, which may affect the public, industry, or national economy any kinds of products or systems shall conform to Cambodian Standard (ISC) approved by the National Standard Council and promulgated by the Minister To enforce national standards for products, commodities, materials, services, practices, and operations and to promote adoption of such standards Law on Standards of Cambodia 23/06/2007
Mandatory labelling requirements for chemical substances, products, and consumer products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances, products, and consumer products entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia must have additional chemical labels in Khmer, hazardous information (Annex 2 (1), (2), & (3)), and safety information (Annex 4) on the packaging and be in compliance with measures and regulations issued by relevant ministries/authorities in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals To protect human or animal life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance, to effectively control the use of chemical substance, and for environmental conservation Sub-Decree No. 180 on the Control of Labeling and Classification of Chemical 20/10/2009
Requirement for the transportation of chemical substances, products, and consumer products TBT Regulations Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances, products, and consumer products entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia must have additional chemical labels in Khmer, hazardous information (Annex 2 (1), (2), & (3)), and safety information (Annex 4) on the packaging and be in compliance with measures and regulations issued by relevant ministries/authorities in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals To protect human or animal life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance, to effectively control the use of chemical substance, and for environmental conservation Sub-Decree No. 180 on the Control of Labeling and Classification of Chemical 20/10/2009
Mandatory product identity requirements for chemical substances, products, and consumer products Product identity requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances, products, and consumer products entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia must have additional chemical labels in Khmer, hazardous information (Annex 2 (1), (2), & (3)), and safety information (Annex 4) on the packaging and be in compliance with measures and regulations issued by relevant ministries/authorities in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals To protect human or animal life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance, to effectively control the use of chemical substance, and for environmental conservation Sub-Decree No. 180 on the Control of Labeling and Classification of Chemical 20/10/2009
Mandatory marking requirements for chemical substances, products, and consumer products Marking Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances, products, and consumer products entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia must have additional chemical labels in Khmer, hazardous information (Annex 2 (1), (2), & (3)), and safety information (Annex 4) on the packaging and be in compliance with measures and regulations issued by relevant ministries/authorities in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals To protect human or animal life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance, to effectively control the use of chemical substance, and for environmental conservation Sub-Decree No. 180 on the Control of Labeling and Classification of Chemical 20/10/2009
Mandatory traceability information requirements for chemical substances, products, and consumer products Verification Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances, products, and consumer products entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia must have additional chemical labels in Khmer, hazardous information (Annex 2 (1), (2), & (3)), and safety information (Annex 4) on the packaging and be in compliance with measures and regulations issued by relevant ministries/authorities in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals To protect human or animal life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance, to effectively control the use of chemical substance, and for environmental conservation Sub-Decree No. 180 on the Control of Labeling and Classification of Chemical 20/10/2009
Requirement to register chemical substances, products, and consumer products Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Chemical substances, products, and consumer products entering the stream of commerce in Cambodia must have additional chemical labels in Khmer, hazardous information (Annex 2 (1), (2), & (3)), and safety information (Annex 4) on the packaging and be in compliance with measures and regulations issued by relevant ministries/authorities in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals To protect human or animal life or health and safety from potential risks from chemical substance, to effectively control the use of chemical substance, and for environmental conservation Sub-Decree No. 180 on the Control of Labeling and Classification of Chemical 20/10/2009
Mandatory inspection requirement prior to export, import, transit, and transport for all quarantine plants and plant products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plants and plant products exported from, imported into, transiingt through, and transported in Cambodia must request inspection from GDA and to comply with Phytosanitary Treatment To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 10/05/2010
Requirement to obtain Phytosanitary Certificate and/or Phytosanitary Certificate for re-export when import and in transit for all quarantine plants and plant products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plant and plant products imported into and transiting through Cambodia must have a phytosanitary certificate and/or phytosanitary certificate for re-export from exporting and/or re-exporting country in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 10/05/2010
Requirement to obtain fumigation certificate when importing, exporting and transiting quarantined plants and plant products SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plant and plant products impored into, exported from, and transiting through Cambodia must have a fumigation certificate, if goods had been fumigated, from exporting country or in Cambodia in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 20/05/2010
Requirement to obtain import license when import agricultural materials Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Agricultural materials (pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, animal feeds, etc.) imported into Cambodia must have import a license from MAFF in order to ensure adequate supply of these materials at reasonable prices to meet the demand of agricultural production To avoid the domestic stockpiles that exceed Cambodia's safe warehousing capacities and that create the risk of the agricultural materials being expired because of excessive supply Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 20/05/2010
Requirement to obtain Import Certificate and Permit for Plant Quarantine Materials when importing quarantine plants and plant products Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine plant and plant products with high risk of dangerous pests, listed in Annex 3, must first apply for and provide Import Certificate and Permit for Plant Quarantine Materials from the GDA prior to import into Cambodia in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 20/05/2010
Requirement to provide lists of invasive and dangerous pests and safeguard conditions for asking for permit for plant quarantine materials when intent to import for all quarantine plants and plant products SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is required to provide lists of endemic and stored pest of applying goods in the place of origin for risk analysis upon applying for Import Certificate and Permit for Plant Quarantine Materials from the GDA prior to import into Cambodia in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity. To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 10/05/2010
Temporary prohibitions to export, transit and transport quarantine plants and plant products Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries In case of invasive and dangerous pests outbreak in certain region of Cambodia, MAFF may temporarily prohibited the export, transit through, and transport of all quarantine plants and plant products infected and nested with invasive and dangerous pests until the phytosanitary authority fully disinfected the region and all quarantine plants and plant products To prevent the introduction of quarantine and dangerous pests into the territory of Cambodia, the spread from one area to another area within the territory or to other countries through any means of transportation in order to protect the agriculture production and biodiversity Prakas No. 346 Phytosanitary Inspection 20/05/2010
Requirement on hiring foreign nationals Restrictions to foreign employment (e.g. labor market test) Council for the Development of Cambodia Employment practices in Foreign Direct Investment FDI must give preference to Cambodian citizens in the hiring of employees Law on Amendment to the Law on Investment 04/02/2003
Requirement for customs inspection of imported goods and goods in transport Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Imported goods and their transport are subject to customs inspection in accordance with custom risk assessment policy For (i) Verification of custom declaration, (ii) inspection for illegal imported goods and (iii) Inspection for undeclared goods. Prakas No. 569 on Inspection of Exported and Imported Goods and Transportation 01/01/2010
Requirement for customs inspection of exported goods and goods in transport Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Exported goods and good in transport are subject to customs inspection in accordance with customs risk assessment. For (i) Verification of custom declaration, (ii) inspection for illegal imported goods and (iii) Inspection for undeclared goods. Prakas No. 569 on Inspection of Exported and Imported Goods and Transportation 01/01/2010
Requirement for imported goods to pass through customs territory Requirement to pass through specified port of customs Ministry of Economy and Finance Imported goods arrival are required to enter nearby custom territory or designated custom territory and to notify customs authority Surveillance of imported goods into Cambodia Prakas No. 572 on Notification of Goods arrival to Customs Territory of Cambodia 06/09/2010
Requirement for imported goods to follow custom declaration procedure in customs territory Other formalities Ministry of Economy and Finance Imported goods arrival at custom territory to follow custom declaration procedure Surveillance of imported goods into Cambodia Prakas No. 572 on Notification of Goods arrival to Customs Territory of Cambodia 06/09/2010
Requirement for exported goods to pass through customs territory and to follow custom declaration procedure of the territory Export Measures Ministry of Economy and Finance Requirement for exported goods to pass through customs territory and to follow custom declaration procedure of the territory Surveillance of exported goods from Cambodia Prakas No. 572 on Notification of Goods arrival to Customs Territory of Cambodia 06/09/2010
Requirement for paying transit fee Taxes and charges Ministry of Economy and Finance Custom transit fee is applied for a number of products which are imported under custom transit procedure Revenue collection on a number of products passing under custom transit procedure Prakas No. 907 on Customs Transit Fee of some Goods under Cutoms Transit Procedures 09/10/2009
Payment requirement for Cosmetic importers Authorization Requirement Ministry of Health Cosmetics importers must pay a service fee for permits to re-open, re-locate, open branches, re-locate branches, and change responsible pharmacist. Revenue collection Prakas No. 993 on the Provisions of Public Services 28/12/2012
Payment requirement for Cosmetic exporters Fee Ministry of Health Cosmetics exporters must pay a service fee for permits to re-open, re-locate, open branches, re-locate branches, and change responsible pharmacist. Revenue collection Prakas No. 993 on the Provisions of Public Services 28/12/2012
Documentation Requirement for registration of handicraft establishment at municipal - provincial commercial branches Licensing Requirement Ministry of Commerce Handicraft establishments need to meet defined documentationrequirements in order to register at municipal - provincial commercial branches as to obtain rights to export under Trade Preferential Scheme To allow Municipal – Provincial Commercial Branches to register Handicraft Establishments located in their jurisdiction in order to grant them rights to export under Trade Preferential Scheme. Prakas No. 110 Registration for Rights to Export under Trade Preferential Scheme for Handicraft 04/11/2008
Licensing requirement for institution importing forest tree seeds and wild plants Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importing institution needs to obtain license and to submit defined documents to MAFF To prevent the diseases that negatively impact plants and species. Notification No. 3543 on the Export and Import of Forest Tree Seeds and Wild Plants 07/01/2009
Licensing requirement for institution exporting forest tree seeds and wild plants Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exporting institution needs to obtain license and to submit defined documents to MAFF To prevent the diseases that negatively impact plants and species. Notification No. 3543 on the Export and Import of Forest Tree Seeds and Wild Plants 07/01/2009
Requirement for obtaining Certificate of Origin for exports of garment and leather Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exports of garment and leather are required a joint inspection of relevant authorities and to submit required documents to obtain a Certificate of Origin To facilitate the exports of garments and leather Prakas No. 159 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice, Export License 19/08/2004
Requirement for issuance of commercial invoice and export license for exports of garment and leather Export Measures Ministry of Commerce Exports of garment and leather are required to submit required documents for issuance of commercial invoice and export license To facilitate the exports of garments and leather Prakas No. 159 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice, Export License 19/08/2004
Fee requirement for issue of Certificate of Origin, Commercial invoice and Export License for exports of garment and leather Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce Exports of garment and leather are required to pay fee for issuance of Certificate of Origin, commercial invoice and export license To facilitate the exports of garments and leather Prakas No. 159 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice, Export License 19/08/2004
Validity requirement for use of Certificate of Origin, Commercial invoice and export license for exports of garment and leather Export Measures Ministry of Commerce Certificate of Origin, Commercial invoice and export license (by Air) are valid for 30 days To facilitate the exports of garments and leather Prakas No. 159 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin, Commercial Invoice, Export License 19/08/2004
Requirement for documentation and payment of fee for obtaining Certificate of Origin for export of garments Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exports of garments from Cambodia require issue of COO and to obtain an application must meet defined documentary requirements and payment of fee Governance the issuance of COO Prakas No. 367 Issuance of COO for exports of garment 12/12/1997
Requirement to obtain license to export or import for animals and animals products Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Animals and animal products exported from and imported into Cambodia must apply for license with MAFF To protect human, animal life or health by regulating, monitoring, and conducting sanitary inspection of animals and animal products movement into and from Cambodia in compliance with veterinary rules on export, import, transit, and transport Notification Under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures for Live Animals and Animal Products and Agricultural Materials 23/05/2013
Requirement for inspection at border for goods imported into Cambodia Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Imported goods into Cambodia are subject to the inspection by relevant competent authorities at border checkpoints To secure safety, stability, social order, and to preserve state revenue Sub-Decree No. 064 Border Checkpoints 07/09/2001
Requirement for inspection at border for goods imported into Cambodia Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Imported goods into Cambodia are subject to the inspection by relevant competent authorities at border checkpoints To secure safety, stability, social order, and to preserve state revenue Sub-Decree No. 064 Border Checkpoints 07/09/2001
Requirement for inspection at border for goods exported out of Cambodia Inspection Requirement Inter-Agency Imported goods into Cambodia are subject to the inspection by relevant competent authorities at border checkpoints To secure safety, stability, social order, and to preserve state revenue Sub-Decree No. 064 Border Checkpoints 07/09/2001
Requirement for pre-planning and prior inspection of casino site before import of gambling equipment Authorization Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance All casino operators are required advance planning for annual import of gambling equipment and inspection by authorities prior to their import To govern the imports of gambling equipment Announcement No. 001 on Importation of Gambling Equipment 22/01/2014
Requirement for having vignette containing name of cosmetic-import company and registration number on box of imported cosmetics. Labeling Requirement Ministry of Health Imported cosmetics required to put vignette containing containing name of cosmetic-import company and registration number on box of imported cosmetics. To govern imports of cosmetics into Cambodia Circular No. 007 Guideline for Cosmetic Products 11/02/2010
Requirement to put Vignette on box of pharmaceutical products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Health All importers and distributors are required to put properly the vignette on the box of pharmaceutical products, and to stop inappropriate uses of vignette as stipulated in this circular. To govern imports and distributions of pharmaceutical products into Cambodia Circular No. 1129 Guideline for Pharmaceutical Products 18/10/2006
Inspection requirement based on risk management approach for imported goods Inspection Requirement Inter-Agency Any decision to conduct a physical inspection of consignments shall be based on identified risk and conducted as a single inspection. CED shall prepare this inspection report. To ensure that an effective risk based balance between regulatory intervention and trade facilitation is achieved among the Ministries and agencies involved in management of export and import operations Sub-Decree No. 021 on the Facilitation of Trade through Risk Management 03/01/2006
Inspection requirement based on risk management approach for exported goods Inspection Requirement Prime Minister Any decision to conduct a physical inspection of consignments shall be based on identified risk and conducted as a single inspection. CED shall prepare this inspection report. To ensure that an effective risk based balance between regulatory intervention and trade facilitation is achieved among the Ministries and agencies involved in management of export and import operations Sub-Decree No. 021 on the Facilitation of Trade through Risk Management 03/01/2006
Service charge for issuing Certificate of Origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Fees of issuing Certifcate of Origin for various products Recovery of costs for Certifcate of Origin issuance Joint Prakas No. 985 on the Provision of Public Services of the Ministry of Commerce 28/12/2012
Service charge for export inspection service Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce Fees for inspection of various exported products Recovery of costs for inspection service Joint Prakas No. 985 on the Provision of Public Services of the Ministry of Commerce 28/12/2012
Service charge for import inspection service Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce Fees for inspection of various imported products Recovery of costs for inspection service Joint Prakas No. 985 on the Provision of Public Services of the Ministry of Commerce 28/12/2012
License requirement for export of fishery products Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Commercial export of fishery products can take place when: 1. A license has been issued by the head of the Central Fisheries Administration. 2. A license has been issued by the CITES Management Authority of Cambodia for endangered fishery products although it is not for commercial purposes. 3. A quality control certificate in fishery pathology has been issued depending on the demand of importing country. To govern the export/import of fishery products Law on Fisheries 21/05/2006
Requirement for quality control certificate in fishery products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Commercial export of fishery products can take place, when: 1. A license has been issued by the head of the Central Fisheries Administration. 2. A license has been issued by the CITES Management Authority of Cambodia for endangered fishery products although it is not for commercial purposes. 3. A quality control certificate in fishery pathology has been issued depending on the demand of importing country. To govern the export/import of fishery products Law on Fisheries 21/05/2006
License requirement issued by head of fishery administration and CITES before import of fishery products Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Commercial import of fishery products can be taken place, when: 1. A license has been issued by the head of The Central Fisheries Administration. 2. A license has been issued by the CITES Management Authority of exporting country for endangered fishery products although it is not for commercial purposes. 3. A quality control certificate in fishery pathology has been issued by the exporting country. To govern the export/import of fishery products Law on Fisheries 21/05/2006
Requirement for quality control certificate for imports of fishery products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Commercial import of fishery products can be taken place when a quality control certificate in fishery pathology has been issued by the exporting country. To govern the export/import of fishery products Law on Fisheries 21/05/2006
License requirement for transport of exported fishery products and being compliant with CITES convention Export Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Commercial transportation of fishery products (including exports) requires a license and inspection by fishery administration. The exports also need to be compliant with CITES convention. To govern the export/import of fishery products Law on Fisheries 21/05/2006
Export quota for forest products and by-products Export Quota Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An export quota permit is required for export of permanent forest estates and forest products & by-products (Timber Products and Non-Timber Forest Products) To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Permit requirement for Export of forest products and by-products Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An export permit is required for export of permanent forest estates and forest products & by-products (Timber Products and Non-Timber Forest Products) To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Permit requirement for Import of forest products and by-products Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An import permit is required for import of permanent forest estates and forest products & by-products (Timber Products and Non-Timber Forest Products) To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Approval requirement for Import quota of forest products and by-products Export Quota Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries MAFF shall have authority to approve import quota for forest products & by-products, following the approval of the Royal Government of Cambodia To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Requirement of transportation permit for exports of forest products and by-products Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Head of Forestry Administration has authority to issue permit to transport forest products & by-products intended for export-import To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Requirement of transportation permit for imports of forest products and by-products Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Head of Forestry Administration has authority to issue permit to transport forest products & by-products intended for export-import To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Prohibition of harvesting (including exports) of forest products and by-products under prohibition conditions Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is prohibited to harvest (including export) the following forest products & by-products within the Permanent Forest Reserve: 1- Tree species whose diameter is smaller than the minimum diameter allowed to harvest; 2- Rare tree species; 3- Trees that local communities have being tapped to extract resin for customary use; 4- Trees that yield high-value resin. 5- rare and endangered wildlife species To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Requirement of study research and evaluation for export of seeds and seedling of forest products and byproducts. Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The Export-Import of seeds or seedlings of forest vegetation species shall require thorough study research and evaluation by the Forestry Administration and permission by the Minister of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. To govern the export/import of seeds of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Requirement for visa certification for imports of forest vegetation seeds of forest products and byproducts. Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The import of all kinds of forest vegetation seeds shall have a Visa certification of the forest vegetation seeds issued by the scientific authority of the exporting country To govern the export/import of seeds of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 15/08/2002
Import prohibition of rare and endangered wildlife species Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is prohibited to export and import rare and endangered wildlife species For the conservation of wildlife Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Inspection requirement for exports of forest products and byproducts Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forest products and by-products for export shall be inspected during their loading into containers and sealed by the Forestry Administration official prior to transport to custom’s warehouse and stockpile area. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall issue a Prakas to determine the sample of the seal to be attached to the outside of the container holding Forest Products& By-products for export. To govern the export/import of forest products and by-product Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Inspection requirement for imports of forest products and byproducts Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forest Products& By-products for import shall be inspected during their loading into containers and sealed by the Forestry Administration official prior to transport to custom’s warehouse and stockpile area. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries shall issue a Prakas to determine the sample of the seal to be attached to the outside of the container holding Forest Products& By-products for export. To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Export tax and other export duties for exports of forest product and byproduct Taxes and charges Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An export/import tax and other duty tax shall be paid for the export/ import of forest products and by-products to the national budget To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Import tax and other export duties for import of forest product and byproduct Taxes and charges Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries An export/ import tax and other duty tax shall be paid for the export/ import of forest products and by-products to the national budget To govern the export/import of forest products and by-products Law on Forestry 30/08/2002
Registration requirement for imported pesticide and fertilizer Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Any person or legal entity who imports, exports or formulates pesticides for the purpose of trading in Cambodia shall obtain prior apply by registration of those pesticides and fertilizer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in accordance with the provisions of this law. To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides and fertilizer Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Registration requirement for exported pesticide and fertilizer Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Any person or legal entity who imports, exports or formulates pesticides for the purpose of trading in Cambodia shall obtain prior apply by registration of those pesticides and fertilizer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in accordance with the provisions of this law. To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides and fertilizer Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Labeling requirement for pesticide and fertilizers (including imports) Labeling Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The typical pesticide and fertilizer label that will be used on pesticide packages, shall be approved in advance of use by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The label must follow the defined conditions including Khmer language and safety instructions. To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides and fertilizer Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Packaging requirement for pesticide and fertilizer (including imports) Marking Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries All pesticide and fertilizer imported into Cambodia should have label containing defined information. To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides and fertilizer Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Permit requirement for importer of pesticide and fertilizer Import permits Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers of pesticide and fertilizer shall obtain a permit from MAFF and must meet the conditions and requirements defined by the government To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides and fertilizer Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Permit requirement for exporters of pesticide and fertilizer Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exporters of pesticide and fertilizer shall obtain permit from MAFF and must meet the conditions and requirements defined by the government To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides and fertilizer Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Requirement for transit of pesticides Measure on Re-Export Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transportation of pesticides in transit via the Kingdom of Cambodia shall comply with the conditions as mentioned below: - Shall ensure the safety to transportation, to avoid leaking of container or to avoid diffusion causing hazard to human, animal and the environments; - Shall comply with the procedure on the prior informed consent in accordance with relevant international agreement of transportation in transit, international treaty and convention which were ratified by Kingdom of Cambodia. To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Prohibition of imported pesticide and fertilizer Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is prohibited to import banned, sub-standard or expired pesticide, and pesticide waste, or used pesticide containers, or obsolete pesticides which are in conflict with the provision of this law and relevant international convention. Pesticides which are also permitted to import only for specific end-use or for non-commercial purpose are prohibited from distributing in wholesales and retails.The similar imports of fertilizer is also prohibited under Art. 74 of this law. It shall be prohibited to intentionally dispose, to bury, to pour, to drain the waste of pesticides, the used containers of pesticides, or obsoletes into water sources or in other places in contradicting to the provisions of this law and the related regulations in force To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Requirement for exporters of pesticide and fertilizer to employ a technical person TBT Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Companies that import, export, formulate and repack pesticides and fertilizers in Cambodia, shall employ one or more technical personnel with the qualifcation of Batchelor of Agronomy, or other degree relevant to pesticides and fertilizers, in order to be permanently responsible for the technical framework as required by this law To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Requirement for importers of patricide and fertilizer to employ technical person TBT Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Companies that import, export, formulate and repack pesticides and fertilizers in Cambodia, shall employ one or more technical personnel with the qualifcation of Batchelor of Agronomy, or other degree relevant to pesticides and fertilizers, in order to be permanently responsible for the technical framework as required by this law To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Inspection requirement for imported patricide and fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imported pesticides and fertilizers require inspection from competent authorities prior to distribution in Cambodia To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
Inspection requirement for exported pesticide and fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exported pesticides and fertilizers require inspection from competent authorities. To ensure the safe and effective control of pesticides Law on The Management of Pesticide and Fertilizer 14/01/2012
A suspension on the clearance of imported goods may be applied in the case where there is an objection lodged against a registered owner's mark Intellectual Property Ministry of Commerce Clearance of imported goods can be suspended by competent authorities if there is an application of objection made by a registered market. The procedure of suspension is detailed under this law. To protect the marks and trade names duly registered in the register of marks in the Kingdom of Cambodia and prevent the acts of unfair competition on the creation, the utilization of marks and trade names. Law Concerning Marks, Trade Names, and Acts of Unfair Competition 14/01/2012
Expiry date requirement for exported foods TBT Measures Ministry of Commerce Any person who imports or exports food products shall obtain clearance from the customs department that will issue an expiry date certificate. To ensure an expiry date is attached with imported/exported products Prakas No. 335 Products Expiry Date 01/01/1900
Expiry date requirement for imported foods TBT Measures Ministry of Commerce Any person who imports or exports food products shall obtain clearance from the customs department that will issue a expiry date certificate. To ensure expiry date attached with imported/exported products Prakas No. 335 Products Expiry Date 01/01/1900
Registration requirement for importers who import substances which can deplete the ozone layer Registration Requirement Ministry of Environment Importers of substances which can deplete the ozone layer are required to register and get permit from Ministry of Enviornment To manage the substances which can deplete the ozone layer Sub-Decree No. 047 on the Management of Substance which can destroy the Ozone layer 17/03/2005
Registration requirement for imported products that can deplete the ozone layer Registration Requirement Ministry of Environment Imported products that can deplete the ozone layer are required to be registered with Ministry of Enviornment To manage the substances which can deplete the ozone layer Sub-Decree No. 047 on the Management of Substance which can destroy the Ozone layer 17/03/2005
Prohibition of imports of substances which can deplete the ozone layer Prohibition Ministry of Environment Substances listed under SubDecree No.47, Annex 2 which can deplete the ozone layer are prohibited from January 01, 2006 To manage the substances which can deplete the ozone layer Sub-Decree No. 047 on the Management of Substance which can destroy the Ozone layer 01/01/2006
Prohibition of imports of substances which can deplete the ozone layer Prohibition Ministry of Environment Substances under SubDecree 47, Annex 1 which can deplete the ozone layer are prohibited from January 01, 2010 To manage the substances which can deplete the ozone layer Sub-Decree No. 047 on the Management of Substance which can destroy the Ozone layer 01/01/2010
Registration requirement for exporters who export substances which can deplete the ozone layer Registration Requirement Ministry of Environment Exporters of substances which can deplete the ozone layer are required to register and get permit from Ministry of Enviornment To manage the substances which can deplete the ozone layer Sub-Decree No. 047 on the Management of Substance which can destroy the Ozone layer 17/03/2005
Authorization requirement for imports of precious metals and stones Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Traders are required to ask for authorization from the National Bank of Cambodia to import and export gold bullion, and jewelry in precious metals and stones. To manage trading of precious metals and stones Prakas No. B9-99-100 on Management of Precious Metals and Stones 09/10/1999
Licensing requirement for exports of precious metals and stones Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Traders are required to ask for authorization from the National Bank of Cambodia to import and export gold bullion, and jewelry in precious metals and stones. To manage trading of precious metals and stones Prakas No. B9-99-100 on Management of Precious Metals and Stones 09/10/1999
Registration requirements for the import of fertilizer, pesticides and permit requirement for seeds and planting materials SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of fertilizers, pesticides, feeds and feed additives are required to register with MAFF. Imports of seeds and planting materials are required to have permit from MAFF. To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Registration requirements for importers of fertilizer, pesticides, seeds and planting materials, and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers of pesticides are required to register with MAFF To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Packaging requirement for importers of fertilizer, pesticides, seeds and planting materials, and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives Packaging Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Packages of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds and planting materials, and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives (Including imports) need to be confirmed with the specification and standards permitted by MAFF To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Labelling requirements for importers of fertilizer, pesticides, seeds and planting materials, and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives Labeling Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Packages of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds and planting materials, and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives (Including imports) need to be confirmed with the specification and standards permitted by MAFF, such as labelling in Khmer language To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Conformity requirement for the nutrient composition of fertilizers and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fertilizers, animal feeds and feed additives produced, imported or sold in Cambodia shall have characters and quality as registered. To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Import prohibition of fertilizers, pesticide and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives which are not compliant with standards of MAFF Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of fertilizers, pesticide and veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives which are not compliant with standards of MAFF, such as adulterated or damaged, under Art. 9 and Art. 21, are prohibited. To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Procedures and quality requirements for imports of veterinary medicine, feedstuffs and feed additives SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The procedure and requirement for the production, export and import, the trading quality standards of veterinary medicine shall be mutually prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Health, pursuant to the Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals. To guarantee the consistent high quality of agricultural materials and inputs Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 28/10/1998
Requirement for investment enterprise to provide import-export information Trade related investment measures Council for the Development of Cambodia Investment enterprise shall provide to the Tax Department and to the Customs Department on a quarterly basis a schedule of the actual import of goods approved for an investment project and the actual export of goods of the investment project. To govern the imports-exports of the investment project approved by CDC Sub-Decree No. 053 on Amendment of the Sub-Decree No. 88 on Implementation of the Law on Investment 06/11/1999
Reporting requirement for imports of production equipment and inputs Trade related investment measures Council for the Development of Cambodia Imports of production equipment and inputs under QIP are required to report on quarterly basis to Cambodian government To govern the application of law on investment Sub-Decree No. 111 on the implementation of the amendment to the law on the investment of the kingdom of Cambodia 27/09/2005
Prohibition of imports of medicines with substances of artemisinin, artsesunate, artemether and dihydroartemisin Prohibition Ministry of Health The production, imports and distribution of medicines with substances of artemisinin, artsesunate, artemether and dihydroartemisin are prohibited in Cambodia To prohibit the inappropriate and dangerous substances used in medicines in Cambodia Notification No. 145 Banning the Production and Importation of Artemisinin or Artsesunate... 23/03/2009
Prohibition of imports of medicines with substances of nimesulide Prohibition Ministry of Health The production, imports and distribution of medicines with substances of nimesulide are prohibited in Cambodia To prohibit the inappropriate and dangerous substances used in medicines in Cambodia Notification No. 0168 on Banning Import and Stop Selling of Nimesulide 31/03/2009
Requirement for industrial product registration (including imports) Registration Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All enterprises (including importers) are required to register its industry and handicraft products prior to their circulation in Cambodia To prevent labeling of counterfeit products. Prakas No. 963 on Industrial Product Mark Registration 31/01/2000
Requirement for label registration for all industry products (including imports) Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft When making a product registration application for industry product (including imports), it is mandtory to attach sample of label to be used on the products To prevent labeling of counterfeit products. Prakas No. 963 on Industrial Product Mark Registration 31/01/2000
Requirement to apply for tax exemption on imports of approved QIP projects Trade related investment measures Council for the Development of Cambodia Imports of matierials are subject to duty exemption if the QIP falls under criteria in the annex 2 of SubDecree No. 88 on mplementation of the Law on Investment To govern the imports-exports of the investment project approved by CDC Sub-Decree No. 088 Implementation of the Law on Investment 29/12/1997
Requirement for investment enterprise to provide import-export information. Trade related investment measures Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Investment enterprise shall provide to the Tax Department and to the Customs Department on a monthly basis: a schedule of the actual import of goods approved for an investment project and the actual export of goods of the investment project. To govern the imports-exports of the investment project approved by CDC Sub-Decree No. 53 on Amendment of Sub-Decree No. 88 on Implementation of the Law On Investment 29/12/1997
Requirement for visa registration of medical equipment (including imports) Authorization Requirement Ministry of Health All medical equipment including imports require visa registration To ensure the quality and safety of medical equipment Prakas No. 1258 on Procedures on Visa Registration for Medical Equipment 11/08/2012
Requirement for certificate for visa registration of medical equipment (including imports) Certificate Requirement Ministry of Health All medical equipment including imports require visa registration. Application of visa registration must have attached GMP or ISO To ensure the quality and safety of medical equipment Prakas No. 1258 on Procedures on Visa Registration for Medical Equipment 11/08/2012
License requirement for manufacturing plant of pharmaceuticals, including plants which import raw material for pharmaceutical production Authorization Requirement Ministry of Health All pharmaceutical plants (including plants that import raw materials for pharmaceutical production) require permit from Ministry of Health To govern all pharmaceuticals in Cambodia Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 05/09/1996
Requirement to obtain license to use standard mark for any products or commodities Testing Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft For ensuring safety and to prevent harmful effect, which may affect the public, industry, or national economy any kinds of products or systems shall conform to Cambodian Standard (ISC) approved by the National Standard Council and promulgated by the Minister To enforce national standards for products, commodities, materials, services, practices, and operations and to promote adoption of such standards Law on Standards of Cambodia 23/06/2007
Administration Fee for Certificate of Origin (form A and N) Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce An Administrative Fee must be paid to obtain a Certificate of Origin (form A and N) and which is imposed on the export of all products from Cambodia to all destinations. forms A and N. For Government revenue Prakas No. 044 Revision of Export Management Fee and Related Costs 09/02/2007
Labelling requirement of imported food products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Commerce The import of food products are required to meet the legal requirements under Article 1 of Prakas No. 329 To protect the consumer's health and safety, and to maintain good order in the circulation of goods in market Prakas No. 329 on Measures Against Food Products 29/07/2009
Requirement to report the source of imported food products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Commerce Importers of food products are required to indicate the source of imported food products in a label attached to the product To protect the consumer's health and safety, and to maintain good order in the circulation of goods in market Prakas No. 329 on Measures Against Food Products 29/07/2009
Inspection requirement for import and export of animal sanitary and animal originated products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Any business involved in the transport animal or animal originated products inside Cambodia, exporting from or importing into the country is required to request for an inspection of the goods To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Inspection requirement for Export of animal sanitary and animal originated products Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Any business involved in the transport animal or animal originated products inside Cambodia, exporting from or importing into the country is required to request for an inspection of the goods To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Sanitary certificate requirement for imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products require a sanitary certificate To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Sanitary certificate requirement for exports of animal sanitary and animal originated products Certificate Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exports of animal sanitary and animal originated products require a sanitary certificate To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Packaging requirement for imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products Packaging Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products are required to meet packaging requirements, otherwise prior approval must be obtained To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country, and to ensure quality and hygiene Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Packaging/transport requirement for export of animal sanitary and animal originated products Packaging Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exports of animal sanitary and animal originated products are required to meet packaging/transport requirements, otherwise prior approval must be obtained To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Transport requirement for imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products are required to meet transport requirements, otherwise prior approval must be obtained To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Compliance requirement to prevent the animal transmitted diseases for imports of animal sanitary and animal originated products SPS Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Import and Export of animal sanitary and animal originated products must be consistent with the agreement signed between the importing and exporting countries regarding the animal transmitted diseases To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Compliance requirement to prevent the animal transmitted diseases for exports of animal sanitary and animal originated products Export Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Import and Export of animal sanitary and animal originated products are required to be consistent with the agreement signed between the importing and exporting countries regarding the animal transmitted diseases To prevent the transmission of animal diseases and circulation of animal originated products from one region to another region in the country Sub-Decree No. 014 on the Inspection of Animal Sanitary and Animal Originated Products 29/07/1988
Permit requirements for the establishment of premium manufacturing facility (including export facility) Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Industry and Handicraft A factory (for exports) that wishes to be certified as premium manufacturing facilities are required to meet the permit requirements as premium manufacturing facilities To support exports which conform with practices established by international standards setting bodies Prakas No. 607 on Procedures and Formalities for Establishment of Factory and Handicraft 22/07/2009
Requirement for investment enterprises to provide information (including imported materials and exported products) to auditors Trade related investment measures Ministry of Economy and Finance Investment enterprises are required to provide information under Article 4 of Prakas 145 (including imported materials and exported products) to auditors To govern imported goods under investment incentives granted by the Cambodian investment law Prakas No. 145 Management of Imported and Exported Goods of Support Industries 02/06/2001
Requirement for investment enterprises to provide information on re-exports to auditors Measure on Re-Export Ministry of Economy and Finance Investment enterprises are required to provide information on re-exports to auditors To govern imported goods under investment incentives granted by the Cambodian investment law Prakas No. 145 Management of Imported and Exported Goods of Support Industries 02/06/2001
Certification requirement for the usage and standards for import of chemical substances Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All companies, factories, handicrafts, importers, exporters and distributors of chemical substances as named in Article 2 of Prakas 110 shall obtain certification for usage and standards as established by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy for using in application form for importation and for producing to relevant authorities. To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Certification requirement for the usage and standard for export of chemical substances Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All companies, factories, handicrafts, importers, exporters and distributors of chemical substances as named in Article 2 of Prakas 110 shall obtain certification for usage and standards as established by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy for using in application form for importation and for producing to relevant authorities. To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Labelling requirement of for import of chemical substances Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labelling To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Labelling requirement of for import of chemical substances Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labelling To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Storage and transport requirement of for import of chemical substances TBT Regulations Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall arrange appropriate technical storage and transportation To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Labelling requirement of for exports of chemical substances Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall have appropriate containers and labelling To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Storage and transport requirement of for exports of chemical substances Storage and Transport Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft All kinds of chemical substances imported, exported and used in the Kingdom of Cambodia shall arrange appropriately technical storage and transportation To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
Imports of chemical substances are subject to testing requirement if necessary Testing Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft In applying for certification, importers are required to provide a number of documents including testing report of imported chemical substances (if necessary) To prevent the misuse, minimise the impact on the safety and environment, and prevent the diversion of chemical substances from legal business into illegal drug production Prakas No. 110 Management of Chemical Substance in Industrial Fields 02/11/2004
CAMCONTROL's Inspection fee requirement for imports of goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Import of goods are subject to inspection fee of CAMCONTROL, specified under Annex 1, Joint Prakas No. 200 Inspection revenue management Joint Prakas No. 200 on CAMCONTROL Export-Import Goods Inspection Fee 12/02/2011
CAMCONTROL's Inspection fee for imports of goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Import of goods are subject to inspection fee of CAMCONTROL, specified under Annex 1, Joint Prakas No. 200 Inspection revenue management Joint Prakas No. 200 CAMCONTROL Export-Import Goods Inspection Fee 12/02/2011
CAMCONTROL's Inspection fee for exports of goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce Export of goods are subject to inspection fee of CAMCONTROL Inspection revenue management Joint Prakas No. 200 on CAMCONTROL Export-Import Goods Inspection Fee 12/02/2011
Prohibition of circulation (including imports) of foods with defined substances Restriction Ministry of Commerce Circulation (including imports) of foods with substance defined in annex 1 of Prakas No.183 is prohibited To ensure safety of public health Prakas No. 183 Prohibited Chemical Substances on Food 28/09/2006
Testing report requirement for certain food products Testing Requirement Ministry of Commerce The Import of certain food products under Annex 2 of Prakas No. 183 required a testing report to ensure there is no substance defined in annex 1 of this Prakas To ensure safety of public health Prakas No. 183 Prohibited Chemical Substances on Food 28/09/2006
Temporary import ban on bird, bird meat and bird products Prohibition Ministry of Commerce The import of birds, bird meat and bird products are temporarily prohibited to prevent the spread of Virus Subtype H5 from countries where Virus Subtype H5 exists To prevent Virus Subtype H5 Prakas No. 007 Temporary Import Prohibition on Bird and Meat Products 16/01/2004
Inspection requirement on imported goods conducted by relevant border agencies Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Customs is the lead agency in conducting inspections. In case there is a need of a specialised inspection by other relevant agencies, Customs will so request and conduct a joint inspection To facilitate trade through implementation of risk management Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 994 on Trade Facilitation Implementation through Risk Management 11/06/2009
Inspection requirement on exported goods Conducted by relevant border agencies Inspection Requirement Ministry of Economy and Finance Customs is the lead agency in conducting inspections. In case there is a need of a specialised inspection by other relevant agencies, Customs will so request and conduct a joint inspection To facilitate trade through implementation of risk management Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 994 on Trade Facilitation Implementation through Risk Management 11/06/2007
Import ban of weapons, explosives and munitions Prohibition Ministry of Defense It is prohibited to import weapons, explosives and munitions into Cambodia. Import, export, repair, and production of weapons, explosives and ammunition are within the competency of the Royal Government. National security Law on Management of Weapons, Explosive, and Munitions 06/01/2005
Export ban of weapons, explosives and munitions Prohibition Ministry of Defense It is prohibited to export weapons, explosives and munitions into Cambodia. Import, export, repair, and production of weapons, explosives and ammunition are within the competency of the Royal Government. National security Law on Management of Weapons, Explosive, and Munitions 06/01/2005
Requirement for risk assessment approval for first imports of modified living organisms Authorization Requirement Ministry of Environment The first import of a modified living organisms into Cambodia requires risk assessment and permit from Ministry of Enviornment To prevent a negative impact on conservation of biological diversity Law on Bio-Safety & Protected Areas 18/01/2008
Permit requirement for exports of modified living organisms Permit Requirement Ministry of Environment Export of modified living organisms require a permit from Ministry of Enviornment To prevent a negative impact on conservation of biological diversity Law on Bio-Safety & Protected Areas 18/01/2008
Permit requirement for imports of metrological instruments Permit Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Imported metrological instrument requires permit from Ministry of Industry and Handicraft To ensure standards of metrological instruments Prakas No. 512 on Procedure for Import-Export of Metrological Instruments 13/08/2014
Performance requirement for imported metrological instruments Product quality requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Imported metrological instrument must meet the requirements of national metrology standards To ensure standards of metrological instruments Prakas No. 512 on Procedure for Import-Export of Metrological Instruments 13/08/2014
Certifcate of Origin requirement for exports of garment and leathers Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exporters of garment and leather are required to provide a number of supporting document (bill of landing, packing list, invoice, Cambodia Outward Declaration, Sales contract) to obtain a Certificate of Origin Importing countries' requirement of CO Prakas No. 273 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin 10/01/2005
Export fee for exports of garment and leather Taxes and charges Ministry of Commerce Exporters of garment and leather are required to pay fee as per Article 2 Revenue collection Prakas No. 273 Formalities of Issuance of Certificate of Origin 10/01/2005
Certain imported goods are subject to additional taxes or custom excise duty Taxes and charges Ministry of Economy and Finance The taxable value for any imported good shall be the customs value including insurance and freight plus any customs duties and any specific tax on certain merchandise and services. If there is no such adjusted customs value, the fair market value shall be used. Revenue collection Law on Taxation 24/02/1997
Ban on the Import of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients in Table I of the Law Prohibition Ministry of Health The import of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients listed under Table I of the Law are prohibited in Cambodia To prevent illicit drug trafficking Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Ban on the Export of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients in Table I of the Law Prohibition Ministry of Health The export of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients listed under Table I of the law are prohibited in Cambodia To prevent illicit drug trafficking Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Special license requirement for import of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients Licensing Requirement Ministry of Health The import of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients listed under Table II, III & IV of the Law require special license To prevent illicit drug trafficking Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Special license requirement for export of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients Licensing Requirement Ministry of Health The export of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients listed under Table II, III & IV of the law are required special requirement To prevent illicit drug trafficking Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Ban on the transit of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients Measure on Re-Export Ministry of Health It is prohibited to transit narcotic plants, substances and ingredients listed under Table I, II, III & IV of the Law. To prevent illicit drug trafficking Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Import quantity restriction on narcotic plants, substances and ingredients listed under Table II, III & IV of the Law Prohibition Ministry of Health The quantity of import of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients are determined by MOH on an annual basis. To prevent illicit drug trafficking Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Declaration requirement of funds transferred out of Cambodia, including payment for imported goods Financial Measures Ministry of Health Fund transfers out of Cambodia (including payment of imported goods) exceeding the amount set by MEF requires a declaration of information including name and address of receiver to the National Bank of Cambodia To prevent money laundering from illicit trafficking of drugs Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Declaration requirement of funds transferred in to Cambodia, including payment for exported goods Export Measures Ministry of Health Fund transfers out of Cambodia (including payment of exported goods) exceeding the amount set by MEF requires a declaration of information including name and address of receiver to the National Bank of Cambodia To prevent money laundering from illicit trafficking of drugs Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Packaging requirement for permitted imports of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients Packaging Requirement Ministry of Health In case of import permitted of narcotic plants, substances and ingredients goods shall be seized and put in packages, boxes or cases and sealed from the time they are found. To prevent from being stolen or fraud Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Marking requirement for permitted drugs (including imports) Marking Requirement Ministry of Health For permitted drugs (including imports), a sealed package, box or case shall be marked with a serial number on it and on the envelope of such package or on the sealed slip it shall mention the type, weight of the plants and substances in it and the number of packages in which there are plants and substances To prevent from being stolen or fraud Law on Control of Drugs 12/09/1996
Ban of Imports of certain quarantine pests Quarantine Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The quarantine pests in the annexed lists are banned to import into Cambodia To prevent the spread of quarantine pest into Cambodia Prakas No. 100 on Cambodian Quarantine Pest List on General Product 03/10/2010
Labeling requirement for placing of various Cambodian standard logos on imported products Labeling Requirement Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Imported products that are to be circulated in Cambodia are required to have a Cambodian standard logo on labels, with specification determined in the Prakas For the nformation for consumers Prakas No. 112 on Cambodian Industrial Standard Logo 02/11/2014
Requirement for the request to delay, to postpone and to terminate the qualified investment project Investment Measure Council for the Development of Cambodia The delay, postponement and termination of QIP are required to follow the procedures including the report on imports of raw materials, equipment, construction materials and import taxes. To govern the QIP in Cambodia Directive No. 365 on Procedures for Delay, Postponement, Suspension, or Termination of Company Investment Activity 03/07/2011
Approval requirement to conduct mineral prospecting and exploration Investment Measure Council of Ministers All requests to conduct mineral prospecting and exploration must go through one stop service of CDC after approvals from various responsible institutions. To govern the exploration of mineral Sub-Decree No. 008 on Defining Investment Principles for all kinds of Mineral Resources 31/01/2005
Export ban on natural mineral resources Prohibition Council for the Development of Cambodia All kinds of natural mineral resources are not allowed to be exported. They are to be retained to supply the needs of domestic factories to process finished products. Only finished products are allowed to be exported. To govern the exploration of mineral Sub-Decree No. 008 on Defining Investment Principles for all kinds of Mineral Resources 31/01/2005
Prohibition of uses of pesticide in Cambodia Prohibition Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The pesticides listed in annex 1 are prohibited for imports in to Cambodia To govern the use of pesticide in Cambodia Prakas No. 484 on List of Pesticide (including list of banned pesticide) 26/11/2012
Authorisation requirement for the use of pesticide in Cambodia Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The pesticides listed in annex 2 are restricted (including imports) in Cambodia and require a permit from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries To govern the use of pesticide in Cambodia Prakas No. 484 on List of Pesticide (including list of banned pesticide) 26/11/2012
Permit requirement for importer of commercial fertilizer Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers/Exporters of fertilizers are required to obtain import/export permits from the Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and to follow the application in the annex of this sub-decree To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Permit requirement for exporter of commercial fertilizer Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers/Exporters of fertilizers are required to obtain import/export permits from the Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and to follow the application in the annex of this sub-decree To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Import fee requirement for imports of commercial fertilizer Taxes and charges Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers of fertilizers are required to pay a service fee Revenue collection Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Fertilizer import declaration requirement Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers of fertilizers are required to make declaration 15 days prior to the import of fertilizer so that Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries authorities can inspect the balance of fertilizer in the warehouse. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Fertilizer export declaration for analysis and inspection of standard compliance Export Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exporters of fertilizers are required to make declaration and provide sample for analysis and inspection of standard compliance prior to export To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Testing requirement for imported fertilizer Testing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is a requirement for sample analysis to be undertaken for the import/export of fertilizer To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Testing requirement for exported fertilizer Testing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is a requirement for sample analysis on imported/exported fertilizer To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Inspection requirement for exported fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exporters who package fertilizer are required to undertake inspection from Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries prior to export To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Approval requirement for the distribution of imported fertilizer Restriction Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Importers must obtain approval from the Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the distribution of imported fertilizers in Cambodia To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Inspection requirement for transport of exported fertilizer Inspection Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transport of fertilizers to be exported are subject to inspection by Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries authorities To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Inspection requirement for transport of imported fertilizer TBT Regulations Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transport of imported fertilizers are subject to inspection by Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries authorities To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 119 on Procedures in Managing Commercial Fertilizer 04/11/2013
Registration requirement for fertilizers companies (including importers and exporters) Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Companies (including importers and exporters) are required to register with the Minsitry of Commerce prior to registration of fertilizers to be imported or exported. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Registration requirements for exports of fertilizers Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Companies (including importers and exporters) are required to registered with MAFF prior to registration of fertilizers to be imported or exported. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Registration requirements for imports of fertilizers Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imported fertilizers are required to register at Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Fertilizer registration requirement for imports and exports Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exported/imported fertilizers are required to registered at Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Standard requirement for fertilizers (including imports) Product quality requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fertilizers circulating in Cambodia need to conform with the quality requirement under this Prakas. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Standard requirement for fertilizers (including exports) Export Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fertilizers circulating in Cambodia need to conform with the quality requirement under this Prakas. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Testing requirement for fertilizer imports Testing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sample analysis is required for the import of fertilizer To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Testing requirement for fertilizer exports Testing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sample analysis is required for the export of fertilizer To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Labelling requirement for fertilizer imports Labeling Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fertilizers circulating in Cambodia (including imports) need to provide information on product label as stipulated under chapter 5 of this Prakas. To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Prakas No. 415 on Procedures and Requirements for Fertilizer Registration 17/08/2012
Registration requirement for imported chemical fertilizer Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is required to register imported chemical fertilizer with the Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 23/10/1998
Registration requirement for imported chemical fertilizer Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries It is required to register imported chemical fertilizer with the Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 23/10/1998
Permit requirement for import and export of chemical fertilizer Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Import and export of chemical fertilizer need to obtain permit from from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries To govern the commercialization of fertilizer in Cambodia Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 23/10/1998
Registration requirement for imported pesticide, seeds and animal feeds Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imported pesticide, seeds and animal feeds must first be registered with the Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries To govern the commercialization of pesticide in Cambodia Sub-Decree No. 069 Agriculture Materials Standards and Management 23/10/1998
Ban on Import of certain quarantine pests Quarantine Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The quarantine pests in the annexed lists are banned for import into Cambodia To prevent the spread of quarantine pest into Cambodia Prakas No. 100 on Cambodian Quarantine Pest List on General Product 23/04/2008
Service fee requirement for import of fabrics under OPA form Taxes and charges Council for the Development of Cambodia Imports of fabrics under OPA form are required to pay 2,000,000 Riel as administrative fee to CDC Revenue collection Prakas No. 991 on Public Service 28/12/2002
Service fee requirement for exports of machinery spare parts Taxes and charges Council for the Development of Cambodia For the export of machinery spare parts Exporters must pay 2,000,000 Riel as administrative fee to CDC Revenue collection Prakas No. 991 on Public Service 28/12/2002
Licensing requirement for exports of forest products and forest byproducts Licensing Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Exports of forest products and forest byproducts are required to follow the formalities and requirements under point.1.1 and point 2.1 of the notification To govern the export/imports of forest products and by-products Notification No. 756 on Import-Export Procedures Implementation of Wood and Wood Products 04/09/2014
Authorization requirements for imports of forest products and forest byproducts Authorization Requirement Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of forest products and forest by-products are required to follow the formalities and requirements under point.1.2 and point 2.2 of the notification, including import license, bill of lading, commercial invoice, sales-purchase To govern the export/imports of forest products and by-products Notification No. 756 on Import-Export Procedures Implementation of Wood and Wood Products 04/09/2014
Certifcate of Origin requirements for imports of forest products and by-forest products Rule of Origin Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Imports of forest products and forest by-products are required to provide CO from exporting countries To govern the export/imports of forest products and by-products Notification No. 756 on Import-Export Procedures Implementation of Wood and Wood Products 04/09/2014
Requirement of transportation permit for exports of forest products and by-products Export Measures Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transport for exports of forest products and forest by-products are required to follow the formalities in point 3.1 of the notification. To govern the export/imports of forest products and by-products Notification No. 756 on Import-Export Procedures Implementation of Wood and Wood Products 04/09/2014
Requirement of transportation permit for imports of forest products and by-products TBT Regulations Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries The transport of imports of forest products and forest by-products are required to follow the formalities in point 3.1 of the notification. To govern the export/imports of forest products and by-products Notification No. 756 on Import-Export Procedures Implementation of Wood and Wood Products 04/09/2014
Custom declaration requirement for exports Export Measures Ministry of Economy and Finance All exported goods are subject to custom declaration and declaration procedures determined by this Prakas To govern exports of goods from Cambodia Prakas No. 1447 on Customs Declaration Provisions and Procedures 26/12/2007
Custom declaration requirement for imports Other formalities Ministry of Economy and Finance All imported goods are subject to custom declaration and declaration procedures determined by this Prakas To govern imports of goods into Cambodia Prakas No. 1447 on Customs Declaration Provisions and Procedures 26/12/2007
Requirement for inspection of the production and export goods Inspection Requirement Ministry of Commerce The inspection of the production and export goods must be conducted by technical officers of the Ministry of Commerce at the location of the production, at the place of goods collection or at the goods warehouse at the request of the company or exporter or according to the necessity of the technical department For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 112 on Revision of Certificate of Origin Issuance Procedures 23/05/2013
Requirement to follow procedures in order to obtain certificate of origin Rule of Origin Ministry of Commerce Exporters are required to follow the updated procedures of certificate of origin issuance and to be compliant with procedure of importing countries For exporters to take advantage of preferential tariff rates. Prakas No. 112 on Revision of Certificate of Origin Issuance Procedures 23/05/2013
Licensing for tourist guide Licensing Requirement Tourist guide is required to obtain license from Ministry of Tourism . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Cambodian nationality requirement for tourist guides Nationality (for services supplier) Tourist guide must be Cambodian national . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Fee requirement for tourist guide license Fee It is required to pay KHR 180,000 for the first issuance of tourist guide license and KHR 120,000 for renewal of license . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Permit requirement for pharmacists to import and export pharmaceutical products Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Health In order to be allowed to import and export pharmaceutical products, pharmacists must meet the following qualifications: (1) Cambodian nationality (2) pharmacy diploma recognized by MOH, (3) no criminal record, (4) being healthy to perform duties. . Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 17/06/1996
Cambodian nationality requirement for pharmacists to import and export pharmaceutical products Nationality (for services supplier) Ministry of Health In order to be allowed to import and export pharmaceutical products, pharmacists must meet the following qualifications: (1) Cambodian nationality (2) pharmacy diploma recognized by MOH, (3) no criminal record, (4) being healthy to perform duties. . Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 17/06/1996
Limited duration of tourist guide license Numerical restrictions (duration license) Tourist guide license is valid for 2 years . Prakas No. 073 on Licensing of Tourist Guide 14/09/2006
Investment procedures for submission of investment application to CDC Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia The submission of investment application to CDC needs to follow the procedure in Art. 6 and 7 . Law on Investment 05/08/1994
Land ownership requirement for investment project Land Ownership Royal Government of Cambodia It is a requirement to have 51% of shares of investment project to own land in Cambodia . Law on Investment 05/08/1994
Requirement to hire foreign employees Restrictions to foreign employment (e.g. labor market test) Royal Government of Cambodia Investors can hire foreign employees if the qualification and expertise are not available in the Kingdom of Cambodia among the Cambodians. In the event of such hiring, appropriate documentation including the photocopies of the employee’s passport, certificate and/or degree, and a curriculum vitae shall be submitted to the Council; . Law on Investment 05/08/1994
Licensing requirement for tax agency Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance Tax agency is required to obtain license with level of education as stipulated in Art. 4, 5 and 6, and pass the examination - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
Licensing requirement for tax agency Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Tax agency is required to obtain license with level of experiences and qualification as stipulated in Art. 7 - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
Nationality or residency requirement for tax agency Nationality and Residency Requirements (for senior personnel) Ministry of Economy and Finance Tax agency must be Cambodian nationality or have residency in Cambodia - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
Procedures for obtaining license for tax agency Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance The procedures for obtaining license as tax agency are stipulated in Art. 5, 6, 7, 8 - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
Scope of service provided by tax agency Numerical restrictions (operation / output) Ministry of Economy and Finance The services offered by tax agency are limited to scope defined under Art. 9 - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
License fee for tax agency Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The licenses fees of tax agency are defined in Art. 14 - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
License duration for tax agency Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The licenses of tax agency are limited to 2 years - Prakas No. 455 on Tax Agency Service 12/04/2013
Audit requirements for contractors and suppliers of service to the government Access to government contracts Ministry of Economy and Finance Contractors and suppliers of service to the government are subject to audits by National Audit Authority - Law on Audit 01/01/1990
Requirement to join the official list of professional accountants Requirement to subscribe to association Ministry of Economy and Finance Only natural persons or legal entities enrolled in the list of professional accountants can practice in this sector - Dummy legal 08/07/2002
Accreditation requirement for accounting firms and external auditors offering professional services in securities market Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Accounting firms and external auditors offering professional services must be accredited by SECC - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Procedure for accreditation of accounting firms and external auditors offering professional services in securities market Procedure Procedures for accreditation for accounting firms and external auditors offering professional services by SECC are stipulate in Art. 3, 4 ,5, 6 - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Minimum capital for accreditation of accounting firm offering professional services in securities market Minimum capital requirements To obtain accreditation from SECC, accounting firms must have at least KHR 500Million in capital - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Limitation of accreditation duration for accounting firms and external auditors offering professional services in securities market Numerical restrictions (duration license) The accreditation duration for accounting firms and external auditors offering professional services is limited to three years. - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Prohibition of service offered by accounting firms and external auditors in securities market Prohibition Accounting firm and external auditors are not allowed to offer services defined in Art. 10 and 11 - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Scope of services offered by accounting firms and external auditors in securities market Numerical restrictions (operation / output) Accounting firms and external auditors must perform only the services listed in Art. 12 and 13 - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Performance requirements for accounting firms and external auditors in securities market Performance requirements (mandatory) Accounting firms and external auditors must fulfill obligations and performance defined in Art. 12, 13 and 14 - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Fee requirement for accreditation of accounting firms and external auditors in securities market Fee Accounting firms and external auditors must meet fee obligation defined in Art. 15, 16, 17, 18 - Prakas No. 005 Accreditation of professional accounting firm 18/03/2010
Limitation on advertising and display of cigarettes Advertising limitations Ministry of Health At each cigarettes point of sale, stall or shop, only one logo or name of tobacco product shall be allowed to be displayed or posted within the total size of 600cm2 with 30 cm in width and 20cm in length. At each cigarette point of sale, stall or shop, o - Prakas No. 290 on Measures for the Banning of Tobacco Product Advertising 01/04/2011
Prohibition of advertising tobacco products Prohibition Ministry of Health Advertising of tobacco products is banned in areas and channels stipulated in Art. 5, 6, 7 - Sub-Decree No. 35 on Advertisements of Tobacco Products 24/02/2011
Limitation of advertising tobacco products Advertising limitations Ministry of Health Advertising tobacco products are limited to areas and channels stipulated in Art. 6, 8 - Sub-Decree No. 35 on Advertisements of Tobacco Products 24/02/2011
Authorization requirement for cosmetic advertisement Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Cosmetic advertisement requires prior permission from MOH - Prakas No. 314 on the Formality and Conditions for Cosmetic Advertisement 21/04/2010
Limitation for cosmetic advertisement Advertising limitations Ministry of Health Cosmetic advertisement must obey limitation of this Prakas - Prakas No. 314 on the Formality and Conditions for Cosmetic Advertisement 21/04/2010
Procedures for apply for permits for cosmetic advertisement Procedure Ministry of Health Procedures for apply for permits for cosmetic advertisement are stipulated in this Prakas - Prakas No. 314 on the Formality and Conditions for Cosmetic Advertisement 21/04/2010
Duration of permits for cosmetic advertisement Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Health Permits for cosmetic advertisement under this Prakas are valid from 6 months to 12 months - Prakas No. 314 on the Formality and Conditions for Cosmetic Advertisement 21/04/2010
Obligations for cosmetic advertisement Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Cosmetic advertisement must comply with conditions in Art. 5, 6 of this Prakas - Prakas No. 314 on the Formality and Conditions for Cosmetic Advertisement 21/04/2010
Prohibition of commercial advertisement of medical sectors, para-clinics and medical assistances Prohibition Ministry of Health Commercial advertisement of medical sectors, para-clinics and medical assistances through advertisement means defined in Art. 1 are prohibited. - Dummy legal 23/08/2004
Permit for commercial advertisement of clinics Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Clinics defined under Art. 5 are required to obtain permits prior to commercial advertisement of clinics - Dummy legal 23/08/2004
Duration of permission for commercial advertisement of clinics Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Health Permissions for commercial advertisement of clinics are valid for 6 months - Dummy legal 23/08/2004
Approval requirements for advertising of medicines, cosmetic, tobacco and other medical products Authorization / permit requirements Approval is required for advertising medicines, cosmetic, tobacco and other medical products as stipulated in Art. 1 - Joint Prakas No. 1787 on The Conditions for Advertising Drug and Products with Disease Curable and Preventable Qualities 21/02/2006
Approval requirements for content of advertising of medicines, cosmetic, tobacco and other medical products Advertising limitations The content of advertising must be approved for advertising medicines, cosmetic, tobacco and other medical products as stipulated in Art. 1 - Joint Prakas No. 1787 on The Conditions for Advertising Drug and Products with Disease Curable and Preventable Qualities 21/02/2006
Prohibition on advertising medicines with dangerous substances Prohibition It is prohibited to advertise medicines with dangerous substances - Joint Prakas No. 1787 on The Conditions for Advertising Drug and Products with Disease Curable and Preventable Qualities 21/02/2006
Authorization requirement for advertisement Authorization / permit requirements Advertisements require licenses from MPP - Decision No. 2820 on Licensing Regulation for Advertisement 01/11/1994
Fee requirements for authorization of advertisement Fee Advertisement licenses are subject to fees - Decision No. 2820 on Licensing Regulation for Advertisement 01/11/1994
Duration of license for advertisement Numerical restrictions (duration license) Advertisement licenses for type B is valid for 12 months and type A are valid for 3 years - Decision No. 2820 on Licensing Regulation for Advertisement 01/11/1994
Obligations and conditions for advertisement Performance requirements (mandatory) Advertisement must obey rules and conditions as in this Decision - Decision No. 2820 on Licensing Regulation for Advertisement 01/11/1994
Advertising requirements for securities firms, securities representatives, investment advisory firms, and investment advisory representatives Advertising limitations Securities firms, securities representatives, investment advisory firms, and investment advisory representatives must comply with advertising requirement in Art. 30 of this Prakas - Prakas No. 008-11 on Code Conduct of Securities Firms and Securities 27/06/2011
Registration requirement for aircrafts Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Royal Government of Cambodia Aircrafts must register in Cambodia or any country prior to operation in Cambodia - Law on Civil Aviation of the Kingdom of Cambodia 19/01/2008
Compliance requirements for aircrafts Performance requirements (mandatory) Royal Government of Cambodia Aircrafts must comply with various regulations and rules of State Secretariat of Civil Aviation to operate in Cambodia - Law on Civil Aviation of the Kingdom of Cambodia 19/01/2008
User fee requirements Fee Royal Government of Cambodia The services users are subject to various fee - Law on Civil Aviation of the Kingdom of Cambodia 19/01/2008
Insurance stamp specification requirement for vehicle Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance stamps must follow the specification defined in Art. 3 and 3 - Prakas No. 002 on Compulsory Insurance Stamp for vehicle 16/10/2002
Required terms and conditions in insurance certificate Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance certificate must contain the terms and conditions defined in Art. 13, 14, 15, 31, 32 - Royal KRAM on promulgation of insurance law 06/07/2000
Insurance requirement for commercial motor vehicle, construction project, and passenger transports Other measures Ministry of Economy and Finance Commercial vehicle, construction project, and passenger transports required insurance - Royal KRAM on promulgation of insurance law 06/07/2000
Registration requirement for insurance companies. Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance All insurance companies are required to register - Royal KRAM on promulgation of insurance law 06/07/2000
Form of establishment requirement for insurance companies Form of establishment Ministry of Economy and Finance All insurance companies are required to operate as public liability company - Royal KRAM on promulgation of insurance law 06/07/2000
Compulsory insurance requirement for vehicle and third party Other measures Ministry of Economy and Finance Types of vehicles defined in Art. 2 are required to have compulsory insurance for vehicle and third party - Inter-ministerial Prakas No 653 on compulsory for motor vehicle and third party 16/10/2002
Minimum compensation insurance requirement Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Types of vehicles defined in Art. 2 are required to insure the minimum compensation in accordance to type of vehicles, defined in Art. 3 - Inter-ministerial Prakas No 653 on compulsory for motor vehicle and third party 16/10/2002
Compulsory insurance requirement for passenger transports Other measures Ministry of Economy and Finance All types of passenger transports must possess compulsory insurance for its passengers - Inter-ministerial prakas No 654 on compulsory insurance of passenger transports 16/10/2002
Minimum compensation insurance requirement Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance All passenger transports are required to insure the minimum compensation in accordance to type of vehicles, defined in Art. 3 - Inter-ministerial prakas No 654 on compulsory insurance of passenger transports 16/10/2002
Compulsory insurance requirement for construction site Other measures Ministry of Economy and Finance All construction site with exceptions defined in Art. 2, must possess compulsory insurance. - Inter-ministerial Prakas No 655 on compulsory insurance of construction site 16/10/2002
Minimum compensation insurance requirement Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance All construction sites are required to insure the minimum compensation, defined in Art. 3 - Inter-ministerial Prakas No 655 on compulsory insurance of construction site 16/10/2002
Use of brand name of insurance company agent and broker Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance company agents and brokers will use brand name in accordance with guidance defined in Art. 3 and 4 - Dummy legal 17/12/2001
Requirement to publish financial statement for general insurance business Other measures Ministry of Economy and Finance All insurance companies and insurance brokers are required to publish annual financial statement including audited balance sheet and income statement - Prakas No. 619 on publishing of annual financial statement for general insurance business 03/09/2010
License requirement for insurance companies operating in Cambodia Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance All insurance companies operating in Cambodia must obtain a license - Dummy legal 04/08/2014
Obligations to be fulfilled by insurance companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance All insurance companies operating in Cambodia must fulfill the obligations under this Law - Dummy legal 04/08/2014
Form of establishment requirement for insurance companies Form of establishment Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies are allowed to establish themselves only in form of limited company - Dummy legal 04/08/2014
Licensing requirement for insurance companies Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Dummy legal 22/10/2001
Limited duration of license for insurance companies Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The license for insurance companies is valid for 5 years, and can be renewed for 3 years each time - Dummy legal 22/10/2001
Procedures for obtaining license for insurance companies Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance The procedures for obtaining a license for insurance companies are stipulated in Art. 47, 48 and 54 - Dummy legal 22/10/2001
Performance requirements for insurance companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies must fulfilled obligations for clients and the government as stipulated in Art. 7, 8, 10, 97 - Dummy legal 22/10/2001
Obligations for certain companies to buy insurance Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Transportation, construction sites and others which are defined in Art. 31, 39 and 43 are required to buy insurances - Dummy legal 22/10/2001
Solvency margin requirement for insurance companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies must comply with solvency requirements in Art. 4 and 6 - Prakas No. 186 on solvency margin for general insurance company 20/03/2007
Licensing requirement for insurance companies Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Prakas No. 098 on Licensing to General or Life Insurance Company 17/01/2007
Licensing requirement of insurance company Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Dummy legal 17/01/2007
Capital requirement for insurance companies Minimum capital requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies are required to provide evidence of availability of capital during the application phase to obtain a license - Prakas No. 098 on Licensing to General or Life Insurance Company 17/01/2007
Limited duration of license for insurance companies Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The license for insurance companies is valid for 3 years, renewable. - Prakas No. 098 on Licensing to General or Life Insurance Company 17/01/2007
Fee requirement for license for insurance companies Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies are required to pay a fee of KHR 50 Million to obtain a license - Prakas No. 098 on Licensing to General or Life Insurance Company 17/01/2007
Stamp requirement undertaken by insurance companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Insurance companies must comply with obligations regarding stamps defined under this Prakas - Prakas No. 002 on Compulsory Insurance Stamp for vehicle 03/01/2006
Licensing requirement of micro-insurance companies Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Micro-insurance companies are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Dummy legal 29/06/2011
Licensing requirement of micro-insurance companies Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance Micro-insurance companies are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Circular No. 009 on Issuance of Temporary License for Micro-insurance 29/06/2011
Capital requirement for Micro-insurance companies Minimum capital requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance Micro-insurance companies are required to have a minimum capital of KHR 600 Million - Circular No. 009 on Issuance of Temporary License for Micro-insurance 29/06/2011
Limited duration of license for micro-insurance companies Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The license for micro-insurance companies is valid for 1 year, renewable. - Circular No. 009 on Issuance of Temporary License for Micro-insurance 29/06/2011
Fee requirement for license for micro-insurance companies Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Micro-insurance companies are required to pay a fee of KHR 5 Million to obtain a license, and of KHR 1.5 Million for certificates of branches of insurance companies - Circular No. 009 on Issuance of Temporary License for Micro-insurance 29/06/2011
Licensing requirement of agents, brokers and loss adjusters Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and loss adjusters are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Licensing requirement of agents, brokers and loss adjusters Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and loss adjusters are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Capital requirement for agents, brokers and loss adjusters Minimum capital requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance Minimum capital required for agents, brokers and loss adjusters, as mentioned under article 2. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Limited duration of license for agents, brokers and loss adjusters Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The license for agents and loss adjusters is valid for 3 years, and for broker is valid for 1 year; renewable. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Fee requirement for license for agents, brokers and loss adjusters Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and loss adjusters are required to pay fee for the license of as mentioned in Art. 8 of this Prakas. - Prakas No. 865 on Insurance Licensing to Agent Broker and Loss Adjuster 23/11/2001
Licensing requirement of agents, brokers and insurance companies Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and insurance companies are required to obtain a license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Dummy legal 17/11/2001
Licensing requirement of agents, brokers and insurance companies Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and insurance companies are required the license by MEF prior to commencement of operations. - Prakas No. 934 on General Limitation of Insurance Operation 17/11/2001
Capital requirement for agents, brokers and insurance companies Minimum capital requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance Agents, brokers and insurance companies are required to deposit 10% of registered capital with national treasury - Prakas No. 934 on General Limitation of Insurance Operation 17/11/2001
Fee requirement for insurance and pension sector Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance All activities of insurance and pension such as license requests are subject to public service fee under this Notification - Notification on public service on insurance and pension 15/11/2015
Requirement on hiring foreign nationals Nationality (for services supplier) Council for the Development of Cambodia FDI must give preference to Cambodian citizens in the hiring of employees - SubDecree No. 88 on the Implementation of the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia 29/12/1997
Requirement to apply for tax exemption on imports of approved QIP projects Other measures Council for the Development of Cambodia Imports of materials are subject to duty exemption if the QIP falls under criteria in the annex 2 of SubDecree No. 88 on implementation of the Law on Investment - SubDecree No. 88 on the Implementation of the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia 29/12/1997
Requirement for investment enterprise to provide import-export information. Other measures Council for the Development of Cambodia Investment enterprise shall provide to the Tax Department and to the Customs Department on a monthly basis: a schedule of the actual import of goods approved for an investment project and the actual export of goods of the investment project. - Dummy legal 29/12/1997
New salary tax rate for employees Other measures Employees' salary are subject to new tax rates - Notification No. 048 on Implementation of Regulation on Salary Tax Amended by the Law on Finance for Control 06/01/2015
Company information update requirement Performance requirements (mandatory) Obligation to provide company updates to tax department before November 01, 2014 - Notification No. 3388 on Tax Registration and Company Update Obligations 20/10/2014
Requirement for chairman of company to provide sample of thumbprint at GDT Performance requirements (mandatory) Obligation for the chairman of a company to provide sample of thumbprint at GDT - Notification No. 3388 on Tax Registration and Company Update Obligations 20/10/2014
Requirement for annual tax declaration Performance requirements (mandatory) Obligation to complete annual tax declaration for the year 2014 before 31 March 2015 - Notification No. 1458 on Annual Tax Declaration for the Year 27/02/2015
Procedures and forms for invoices Procedure Invoicing must follow the procedures and forms in this instruction - Instruction No. 1127 on Invoice Formatting for Tax Payers 26/01/2016
Compliance with invoice formatting Performance requirements (mandatory) Invoices must be compliant with formats in this instruction - Instruction No. 1127 on Invoice Formatting for Tax Payers 26/01/2016
Requirement for registered office or registered agent in Cambodia Local Presence (mandatory establishment) Ministry of Commerce Partnership or company which operates in Cambodia is required to maintain registered office or registered agent in Cambodia - Law on Commercial Enterprises 19/06/2005
Requirement and procedures for registered office or registered agent in Cambodia Procedure Ministry of Commerce Registration of office and agent is required to follow the procedures in Art. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 107 and 108. - Law on Commercial Enterprises 19/06/2005
Form of establishing a foreign business in Cambodia Form of establishment Ministry of Commerce Foreign businesses are allowed to establish in the form of1. representative, 2. branch or 3. subsidiary. - Law on Commercial Enterprises 19/06/2005
Minimum percentage of share held by foreign company for subsidiaries Limitations to foreign equity Ministry of Commerce Foreign companies are required to hold at least 51% of shares in the subsidiary - Law on Commercial Enterprises 19/06/2005
Requirements for existing business to re-register through online system Procedure Ministry of Commerce All businesses are required to make re-registration through online system and follow requirements and procedures of this Prakas. - Prakas No. 299 on Business Re-registration through online system 29/12/2015
Registration requirement for legal representatives of trade marks Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Commerce Legal representatives of trade marks must be registered with MOC - Dummy legal 09/02/2011
Procedure for registrations for legal representatives of trade marks Procedure Ministry of Commerce Legal representatives of trade mark must follow the procedures in Art. 4, 5, 6 - Dummy legal 09/02/2011
Residency requirement for legal representatives of trade marks Residency of services suppliers Ministry of Commerce Legal representatives of trade marks must have permanent residence in Cambodia - Dummy legal 09/02/2011
Khmer nationality requirement (individual) for legal representatives of trade marks Nationality (for services supplier) Ministry of Commerce Legal representatives (individuals) of trade marks must possess Khmer nationality - Dummy legal 09/02/2011
Khmer nationality for Members Chamber of Commerce Nationality (for services supplier) Ministry of Commerce Members of Chamber of Commerce must be Khmer nationality - Law on the Chambers of Commerce 22/06/1995
Requirements for re-registration of all business Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Commerce All business are required to be re-registered in automation system - Prakas No. 300 on Re-registration of Business in Automation System 29/12/2015
Procedures for payment for re-registration online Procedure Ministry of Commerce Re-registration through online system must be made through channels as in this announcement - Dummy legal 05/01/2016
Registration requirement for all trading activities Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Commerce All trading activities are required to register - Prakas No. 117 on Trading Activities of Commercial Companies 25/01/2000
Procedures for recordal of license contract and franchise contract Procedure Ministry of Commerce Recordal of license contract and franchise contract follow the procedures described in this notification - Notification No 738 on on Recordal of License Contract and Franchise 12/03/2015
Procedures and form for registration of collective marks Procedure Ministry of Commerce Registration of collective marks have to follow procedures and form provided by this notification - Notification No. 0252 on the registration of collective marks 25/01/2015
Registration requirement for business operations Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Commerce Business activities in Cambodia are required to register with MOC within 15 days prior to business commnencement - Law on Amendment to the law on Commercial Rules and Commercial Registration 18/11/1999
Procedures for business registrations Procedure Ministry of Commerce Procedures for business registration are stipulated in Art. 14 New and Art. 17 New - Law on Amendment to the law on Commercial Rules and Commercial Registration 18/11/1999
Procedures for insolvency proceedings Procedure Ministry of Commerce Insolvency procedures are covered by most of Articles of this law - Law on Insolvency 08/12/2007
Procedures for registration and protection of marks Procedure Ministry of Commerce Procedures for registration and protection of marks are stipulated in Art. 9, 10, 13 - Prakas No. 293 on Procedures for Registration and Protection of Marks 30/08/2016
Fee for registration and protection of marks Fee Ministry of Commerce Fee for registration and protection of marks as provided in Art. 9 - Prakas No. 293 on Procedures for Registration and Protection of Marks 30/08/2016
Procedures on placing abbreviation to determine forms of establishments (companies) Procedure Ministry of Commerce Procedures on placing abbreviation to determine forms of establishments (companies) are stipulated in Art. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Prakas No. 137 on Procedures on Placing Abbreviation to Determine Forms of Establishments 23/03/2016
Procedures on business registration Procedure Ministry of Commerce Business registrations follow the procedures of this Prakas - Prakas No. 42 On Procedures on Business Registration 29/01/2015
Requirement for business registration Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Commerce Business operating in Cambodia are required to register at least 15 days prior to operation - Law on Amendment to the law on Procedures and Business Registration 18/11/1999
Fee of mark registration Fee Ministry of Commerce Mark registrations are subject to fee payments - Notification No. 1493 on Fee of Mark Registration 22/05/2015
Conditions for mark registrations Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Commerce Mark registrations must comply with conditions of this Prakas. - Notification No. 016 on Conditions for Mark Registration 05/01/2015
Annual patent tax payment Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Businesses operating in Cambodia are subject to annual patent tax defined in this Prakas - Prakas No. 1821 on Patent Tax 25/12/2015
Tax registration procedure Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Businesses are required to register for taxation purposes within 15 working days from business registration or commencement of business activity and follow the procedure in Art. 7 - Prakas No. 496 on Tax Registration 06/04/2016
Tax registration fee requirement Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Businesses are required to register for taxation purposes within 15 working days from business registration or commencement of business activity, and pay registration fee, defined in Art. 9 - Prakas No. 496 on Tax Registration 06/04/2016
Accounting procedures for small tax enterprises Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Small tax enterprises must follow the tax accounting rules as stipulated in Art. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 - Prakas No. 1820 on Accounting Tax for Small Enterprise 25/12/2015
Tax for vehicles and transportation means Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Vehicles and transportation means operating in Cambodia are subject to taxes as stipulated in Art. 1 - Dummy legal 04/01/2013
Tax registration requirement the establishment of company Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Economy and Finance A company must register tax within 15 days after company is registered. - Dummy legal 09/10/2014
Fee requirement for tax registration Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Fees for tax registration are stipulated in Art. 6 - Dummy legal 09/10/2014
Procedures for tax registration Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Tax registration must follow the procedures in Art. 7, 8, 9 - Dummy legal 09/10/2014
Tax and fee requirements for service business Fee Ministry of Economy and Finance Service businesses are subject to tax and fees as required as in Art. 6, 7 - Dummy legal 17/03/2016
Reporting in accordance with accounting standard requirement for enterprise in Cambodia Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance It is required that enterprises in Cambodia report in accordance with accounting standards in Art. 3, 4, 5 - Law on Accounting-Auditing and Accounting Professionalism 08/07/2002
Standard requirements for accounting reporting Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Enterprises must provide reporting in accordance to requirements in Art. 2, 3 - Dummy legal 25/03/2008
Work permit requirement for foreigners working in Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Foreigners who work in Cambodia are required to obtain work permit - Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit 10/11/1995
Limited duration of work permit for foreigners working in Cambodia Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Industry and Handicraft The duration of various types of work permit for foreigners who work in Cambodia are defined in Art. 4 - Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit 10/11/1995
Procedures for applying for work permit for foreigners working in Cambodia Procedure Ministry of Industry and Handicraft Procedures for applying for work permit for foreigners who work in Cambodia are defined in Art. 2 - Prakas No. 555 on Management of Foreign Work Permit 10/11/1995
Procedures for labor dispute resolution Procedure Labor dispute resolution follows the procedures set out in this Prakas - Prakas No. 317 on Procedures for Labour Dispute Resolution 29/11/2001
Obligation for enterprises to employ overtime workers Performance requirements (mandatory) Enterprises which wish to employ overtime employee need to prepare the documents as in Art. 2 for inspection - Prakas No. 316 on Employing Staff Beyond Regular Working Hours 29/11/2001
Requirements to obtain certificate of implementing labor law Performance requirements (non-mandatory) Enterprises must meet performance criteria in Art. 2 to obtain certificate of implementing labor law awarded by MLVT - Prakas No. 268 on Granting Certificate to Enterprise for Implementing Labor Law 20/11/2000
Permit requirement for implementing overtime work in the factory Authorization / permit requirements Factories are required a permit from MLVT to implement overtime work arrangements - Notification No. 030 on Overtime Working in Garment Factories 27/02/2015
Limited hours for overtime working in the factory Numerical restrictions (operation / output) Overtime for overtime working hours in factories are limited to two hours per day - Notification No. 030 on Overtime Working in Garment Factories 27/02/2015
Procedure to Apply for and Extend Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment Card Procedure Procedure to apply for and extend foreign work permit and foreign employment card are stipulated in this guideline - Guideline on 003-15 on the Procedure to Apply for and Extend Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment Card 26/01/2015
Fee requirement to Apply for and Extend Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment Card Fee Fee to apply for and extend foreign work permit and foreign employment card are stipulated in the guideline - Guideline on 003-15 on the Procedure to Apply for and Extend Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment Card 26/01/2015
Obligation for factories to implement social security scheme on health care Performance requirements (mandatory) Factories are required to implement social security scheme on health care from May 01, 2016 onward - Prakas No. 093-16 Determination of Phases and Date of Implementation Of Social Security Scheme on Health Care 07/03/2016
Requirement for contribution for health care scheme Performance requirements (mandatory) Employers are required to pay contributions for health care scheme of employees - Prakas No. 220 on Determination of Contribution Rate and Formality of Paying Contribution for Health Care Scheme 13/06/2016
Procedures for paying contribution for health care scheme Procedure Procedures for paying contributions for health care scheme are stipulated in Art. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Prakas No. 220 on Determination of Contribution Rate and Formality of Paying Contribution for Health Care Scheme 13/06/2016
Registration requirements for trade union Authorization / permit requirements Trade unions must be registered with MLVT or provincial department - Dummy legal 27/06/2016
Procedures for registration of trade union Procedure Procedures for registration of trade unions are stipulated in Art. 3, 4, 5 - Dummy legal 27/06/2016
Procedures for recruiting young employees/workers of 15 to 18 years of age Procedure Recruiting young employees/workers from 15 to 18 years old must be in compliance with procedures and conditions as stipulated in Art. 5 - Prakas No. 467 on Procedure for Recruitment of Young Workers-Employees at Enterprises Establishments 20/11/2015
Working conditions and requirements for young employees/workers (age from 15 to 18 years old) Performance requirements (mandatory) Recruiting young employees/workers (from 15 to 18 years old) must comply with the working conditions and requirements as in Art. 6 and 7 - Prakas No. 467 on Procedure for Recruitment of Young Workers-Employees at Enterprises Establishments 20/11/2015
Requirement for quota of disable employees Performance requirements (mandatory) Enterprises are required to have quota for disable employees - Sub-decree No. 108 on Employment Rate of Persons with Disability 03/08/2010
Procedures for recruitment of disable workers Procedure Procedures for recruitment of disable workers are stipulated in Art. 8, 9, 10 - Sub-decree No. 108 on Employment Rate of Persons with Disability 03/08/2010
Requirement to ask for work permit and to extend work permit for foreign employees Authorization / permit requirements Obligation for foreign employees to ask and to extend work permit by end of March each year - Notification No. 323 on Foreign Employees 04/12/2014
Requirements to provide education on hygiene, technical issues on occupational safety and health issues related to the work Performance requirements (mandatory) Obligation for enterprises to provide education on hygiene, technical issues on occupational safety and health issues related to the work - Prakas No. 176 on Education on Hygiene and Technicality for Occupational Safety to Workers, Shop Stewards and Unions 19/06/2013
Requirements for employing workers from age 12 to 15 Performance requirements (mandatory) Obligation for enterprises who employ workers from age 12 to 15 to follow the requirements in Art. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - Prakas No. 002-08 on Category of Occupation and Light Work Permitted for Children Aged from 12 to 15 08/01/2008
Permit requirement for using foreign workforce Authorization / permit requirements Enterprises must submit written requests to MVLT to employ foreign workforce - Dummy legal 20/08/2014
Restriction on employing foreign workforce Restrictions to foreign employment (e.g. labor market test) Enterprises who employ foreign workforce must follow the quota as in Art. 2 - Dummy legal 20/08/2014
Fee requirement for various public services Fee Enterprises are required to pay (including for employees) for various service fees to MLVT - Dummy legal 28/12/2012
Permission requirement for employing foreign workers Authorization / permit requirements Employing foreign workers require permissions from MLVT - Dummy legal 17/08/2016
Procedures for work permits for foreign workers Procedure Procedures for requests of work permits for foreign workers are through online system and follow the procedures of this Prakas - Dummy legal 17/08/2016
Fees for requests of work permits for foreign workers Fee Requests of work permits for foreign workers are subject to fees - Dummy legal 17/08/2016
Requirements and procedures for public procurements Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Requirements and procedures for public procurements are stipulated in this instruction - Dummy legal 14/01/2014
Requirements and procedures for public procurements Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Requirements and procedures for public procurements are stipulated in this instruction - Dummy legal 23/02/2012
Restriction on foreign ownership Nationality (for services supplier) Foreigners have ownership rights in private units of co-owned buildings only from first floor up - Dummy legal 24/05/2010
Fee penalty requirement for violations of labor law Fee Obligation to pay penalty as stipulated in annex of the Prakas for violations of labor law - Dummy legal 06/03/2016
Fee requirement for business registration Fee Ministry of Commerce Business registration is subject to fee in Art. 2 - Dummy legal 09/08/2007
Work permit requirement for foreigners working in Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Obligation for foreigners to secure work permit for working in Cambodia - Dummy legal 10/03/2016
Documents and Procedures for inspections of foreign manpower who work in Cambodia Procedure Documents and Procedures for foreign manpower inspections are required as stipulated in Art. 3, 4, 5 - Dummy legal 10/03/2016
Procedures for employing foreign workers Procedure Enterprises employing foreign workers must follow the procedures in Art. 2 - Dummy legal 16/07/2014
Obligations for employing foreign workers Performance requirements (mandatory) Enterprises employing foreign workers must fulfill the obligations in Art. 2 - Dummy legal 16/07/2014
Obligations to respond to the government's surveys Performance requirements (mandatory) Companies are obliged to respond to the government's surveys as in Art. 25, 28 - Dummy legal 09/05/2005
Prohibition for citizens of neighboring countries to rent land close to borders Prohibition Royal Government of Cambodia Citizen of neighboring countries cannot rent land along borders - Dummy legal 17/11/2015
Registration requirement to access public procurement Authorization / permit requirements Royal Government of Cambodia Companies which wish to participate in public procurement must register with MEF. - Dummy legal 14/01/2012
Procedures for participation in public procurement Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for participation in public procurement are stipulated in this law - Dummy legal 14/01/2012
Qualifications, requirements and procedures for participation in public procurement Access to government contracts Royal Government of Cambodia Qualifications, requirements and procedures for participation in public procurement are stipulated in this law - Dummy legal 14/01/2012
Obligation for enterprises to implement social security scheme Performance requirements (mandatory) Royal Government of Cambodia Enterprises must implement social security scheme defined under this law - Dummy legal 25/09/2002
Procedures to enter and extend stays in Cambodia Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Non-migrants who enter and extend stays in Cambodia must follow the procedures in Art. 2, 3, 9 - Dummy legal 20/08/1999
Limited duration for non-migrants to enter and extend stays in Cambodia Numerical restrictions (other) Royal Government of Cambodia The duration of non-migrants who enter and extend stays in Cambodia are limited as in Art. 5 - Dummy legal 20/08/1999
Fee requirement for non-migrants to enter and extend stays in Cambodia Fee Royal Government of Cambodia Non-migrants who enter and extend stays in Cambodia are subject to fee as stipulated in Art. 7 and 11 - Dummy legal 20/08/1999
Recognition as Khmer citizen by Royal Decrees for foreigners to obtain Khmer ID Cards Nationality (for services supplier) Royal Government of Cambodia Obligation to be recognized as Khmer citizen by Royal Decrees for foreigners to obtain Khmer ID Cards - Dummy legal 26/07/1996
Royal decree requirement for Khmer citizen by marriage or naturalization Authorization / permit requirements Royal Government of Cambodia Khmer citizen by marriage or naturalization must be granted by royal decree - Dummy legal 09/10/1996
Procedures for obtaining Khmer citizen by naturalization Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for obtaining Khmer citizen by naturalization are stipulated in Art. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. - Dummy legal 09/10/1996
Khmer nationality requirement to own lots in Borey (compound) Nationality (for services supplier) Royal Government of Cambodia Only Khmer nationals can own lots of Borey (compound) - Dummy legal 10/03/2011
Procedures for registration of Marks Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for registration of marks are stipulated in this Subdecree - Dummy legal 12/07/2006
Reporting requirement to responsible government's ministries or agencies Performance requirements (mandatory) Royal Government of Cambodia State owned enterprises (including private-public owned enterprises) are required to provide reports to responsible government's ministries or agencies - Dummy legal 26/06/1996
Licensing requirements for architectural and construction companies Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Architectural and construction companies operating in Cambodia require licenses from MLMUPC. - Prakas No. 75 on the Regulation of Architectural and Construction Companies and Enterprises 02/09/1999
Fee requirements for architectural and construction companies Fee Enterprises and architectural/construction companies, natural persons, and groups of constructors shall pay various fees for registration and issuance of licenses consistent with the Prakas of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. - Prakas No. 75 on the Regulation of Architectural and Construction Companies and Enterprises 02/09/1999
Minimum capital requirements for architectural and construction companies Minimum capital requirements Architectural and construction companies operating in Cambodia must comply with minimum capitals in this Prakas. - Prakas No. 75 on the Regulation of Architectural and Construction Companies and Enterprises 02/09/1999
Licensing duration for architectural and construction companies Numerical restrictions (duration license) licenses for architectural and construction companies are valid for 3 years. - Prakas No. 75 on the Regulation of Architectural and Construction Companies and Enterprises 02/09/1999
Forms of establishments for architectural and construction companies Form of establishment Architectural and construction companies must be set up in one of 4 forms in this Prakas. - Prakas No. 75 on the Regulation of Architectural and Construction Companies and Enterprises 02/09/1999
Procedures for obtaining licenses for architectural and construction companies Procedure Procedures for obtaining licenses for architectural and construction companies are stipulated in this Prakas. - Prakas No. 75 on the Regulation of Architectural and Construction Companies and Enterprises 02/09/1999
Registration requirements for architectural and construction companies Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Architectural and construction companies must register with MLMUPC - Instruction No. 002 on Registration of Architectural and Construction Enterprises, Companies and Foreign Entities 10/07/2000
Forms of establishments for foreign architectural and construction companies Form of establishment Foreign architectural and construction companies must be set up in one of 3 forms in this Instruction. - Instruction No. 002 on Registration of Architectural and Construction Enterprises, Companies and Foreign Entities 10/07/2000
Procedures for obtaining licenses for foreign architectural and construction companies Procedure Procedures for obtaining licenses for foreign architectural and construction companies are stipulated in this Prakas. - Instruction No. 002 on Registration of Architectural and Construction Enterprises, Companies and Foreign Entities 10/07/2000
Fee requirements on Audiovisual services Fee Audiovisual services are subject various fees - Dummy legal 22/12/1999
Licensing requirement for Microfinance deposit taking institutions Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Microfinance deposit taking institutions are required to obtain a license from NBC - Prakas No. B-7-07-163 on Licensing of Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions 13/12/2007
Minimum capital for Microfinance deposit taking institutions Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Microfinance deposit taking institutions are required to have a minimum capital of KHR 10,000 Million - Prakas No. B-7-07-163 on Licensing of Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions 13/12/2007
Minimum years of operation of Microfinance deposit taking institutions Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia Microfinance institutions requesting the deposit taking license are required to be in operation for no less than three years - Prakas No. B-7-07-163 on Licensing of Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions 13/12/2007
Profitability requirement for Microfinance deposit taking institutions Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Microfinance institutions requesting the deposit taking license are required to have at least two consecutive years of profitability - Prakas No. B-7-07-163 on Licensing of Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions 13/12/2007
Fee requirements for banks and financial institutions Fee National Bank of Cambodia Banks and financial institutions are subject to license fee defined under this Prakas. - Dummy legal 29/12/2004
Registration and licensing requirement for institutions engaging in micro-finance activities Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia NGO and Microfinance institutions are required to registered with NBC if their lending and deposit activities fall under the criteria set out in Art. 3 and 8 of this Prakas. - Prakas No. B-7-02-49 on Registration and Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 25/02/2002
Restriction on operations of services of MFI, NGO and Associations Prohibition National Bank of Cambodia All registered and licensed MFIs, NGOs and associations conducting banking operations are prohibited to conduct leasing, payment service, and other service under Art. 2 of this Prakas. - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Requirement of form of establishment for MFI applicant Form of establishment National Bank of Cambodia All MFI applicants need to be established as limited liability company or cooperative - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Minimum capital requirement for MFI applicants Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia All registered MFIs are required to register a minimum capital of KHR 250 Million - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Licensing requirement for Microfinance institutions Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia All registered MFIs are required to obtain a license and follow the procedures and requirements under this Prakas. - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Fee requirements for MFIs Fee National Bank of Cambodia MFIs are required to pay a one-off fee when applying for the license, and annual fees defined under this Prakas. - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Liquidity ratio requirement Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia MFIs must maintain the liquidity ratio of 100%. - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Loan portfolio and loan loss provisioning requirement Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia MFIs must be compliant with classification of loan portfolio and loan loss provisioning - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Limitation on single borrower (beneficiary) Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia Loan commitment aggregate to an individual borrower or group of borrowers constituting of a single beneficiary will not exceed 50% of net worth. - Prakas No. B-7-00-06 on the Licensing of Microfinance Institutions 11/01/2000
Minimum capital requirement for financial institutions in Cambodia. Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks, specialized banks, branches of foreign banks, MFI are required to meet minimum registered capital as stipulated in Art. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Dummy legal 22/03/2016
Minimum capital requirement for commercial banks and specialized banks Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks and specialized banks are required to meet minimum registered capital as stipulated in Art. 7 and 8 - Dummy legal 19/09/2008
Licensing requirement for commercial banks and specialized banks Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks and specialized banks are required to obtain a license and meet the requirements in Art. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. - Dummy legal 19/09/2008
Procedural rules to obtain license for commercial banks and specialized banks Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks and specialized banks are required to obtain a license and to follow procedural rules in Art. 5 and 6 this prakas invalidates Prakas B7-00-39, Feb. 9, 2000. and Prakas. B7-00-05. Jan 11, 2000. Dummy legal 19/09/2008
Licensing fee requirement for microfinance deposit taking institutions Fee National Bank of Cambodia Microfinance deposit taking institutions are subject to licensing fee as stipulated in Art. 2 and 3 of this Prakas. - Dummy legal 20/01/2009
Fee requirement for amendment of article of association of MFI Fee National Bank of Cambodia Fee of KHR 10,000 for each page of article of association amended is applied for MFI Invalidate art. 9 & 13 of Prakas B7.00.06, January, 11, 2000. Dummy legal 13/09/2006
Licensing requirement for money changers Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Money changers are required to obtain license from NBC and to meet the requirements provided in Art. 4, 5, 6. This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Procedural rule to obtain license for money changers Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Money changers are required to obtain a license from NBC and to follow procedural rules in Art. 4, 5, 6 ,7, and annex 2. This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Licensing fee requirement for money changers Fee National Bank of Cambodia Money changers are subject to licensing fee, Art. 7 of this Prakas. This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Restriction on operations of services of money changers Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia All registered money changers are allowed to conduct activities in Art. 3 and prohibited from conducting money transfer service, forward foreign exchange, security brokerage service, receiving deposits from public, providing loans and other activities und This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Due diligence requirement for money changing transactions Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Money changers are required to perform due diligence for transactions: (i) over USD 10,000, (ii) smaller transaction for several times without clear purpose This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Authorization requirement for money changers Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Money changers are required to obtain authorization from NBC and to meet the requirements in Art. 4, 5, 6. This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Limited duration of license and authorization for money changers Numerical restrictions (duration license) National Bank of Cambodia The license and authorization for money changers are valid for three year and one year, respectively. This Prakas invalidates Prakas B998-993 on management of foreign exchange dealer, August, 5, 1998. Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Licensing requirement for commercial banks Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks are required to obtain license from NBC Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001) Dummy legal 10/01/2000
Procedural rules to obtain a license for commercial banks Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks are required to obtain a license from NBC and to follow procedural rules in Art. 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 15 and annex I, II, III, IV. Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001) Dummy legal 10/01/2000
Minimum registered capital requirement for commercial banks Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks are required to register minimum capital to obtain the license Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001) Dummy legal 10/01/2000
Legal form requirement for commercial banks Form of establishment National Bank of Cambodia Applicant for banking's license shall take one of legal forms defined in Law on Banking and Financial Institutions Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001) Dummy legal 10/01/2000
Licensing fee requirement for commercial banks Fee National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks are subject to licensing fee mentioned in Art. 10 and 11 of this Prakas. Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001), B7-08-193(19/09/2008) Dummy legal 10/01/2000
Licensing requirement for rural credit specialized banks Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Specialized banks are required to obtain a license from NBC Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001), B7-08-193(19/09/2008) Dummy legal 11/01/2000
Fee requirement for amendment of articles of association of commercial banks Fee National Bank of Cambodia A fee of KHR one million for each page of articles of association amended is applied for commercial banks - Dummy legal 11/01/2000
Procedural rules to obtain license for rural credit specialized banks Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Rural credit specialized banks are required to obtain a license from NBC and to follow procedural rules in Art. 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 18, annex I, and annex II. Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001), B7-08-193(19/09/2008) Dummy legal 11/01/2000
Licensing fee requirement for rural credit specialized banks Fee National Bank of Cambodia Rural credit specialized banks are subject to licensing fee mentioned Art. 10 and 11 of this Prakas. Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001), B7-08-193(19/09/2008) Dummy legal 11/01/2000
Legal form requirement for rural credit specialized banks Form of establishment National Bank of Cambodia Applicants for rural credit specialized bank's license shall adopt one of legal forms defined in the Law on Banking and Financial Institutions Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001), B7-08-193(19/09/2008) Dummy legal 11/01/2000
Restriction on operations of services for rural credit specialized banks Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia Rural credit specialized banks are allowed to conduct activities and operations specified by the decision granting the license. Some were invalidated by B7-06-207 (13/09/2006), B7-04-205 (29/12/2004), B7-01-187 (8/11/2001), B7-01-136(15/10/2001), B7-08-193(19/09/2008) Dummy legal 11/01/2000
Fee requirement for oversea fund transfers Fee National Bank of Cambodia Oversea fund transfers are subject to fees determined in Art. 7 of this Prakas. - Dummy legal 24/02/2014
Procedural rules for oversea fund transfers Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Oversea fund transfers by banks and financial institutions need to follow the requirements and procedures in Art. 4, 5, 6, appendix, I and II - Dummy legal 24/02/2014
Prohibition of exports of USD notes Prohibition National Bank of Cambodia Banks and financial institutions are prohibited from exporting USD notes abroad. - Dummy legal 24/02/2014
Capital guarantee requirement Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Banks need to deposit 10% of minimum registered capital as capital guarantee. - Dummy legal 15/10/2001
Authorization requirement for transfer of shares Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Transfer of share of banks requires the authorization from NBC - Dummy legal 08/11/2001
Fee requirement for transfer of shares Fee National Bank of Cambodia Any transfer of share of a locally incorporated bank or financial institution is subject to a fee amounting to 0.5% of the face value of the transferred shares, which is paid to NBC - Dummy legal 08/11/2001
Permit requirement for increase of capital Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Banks and financial institutions need to request permit from NBC to increase capital - Dummy legal 29/12/1997
Fee requirement for increase of capital Fee National Bank of Cambodia The increase of capital of banks and financial institutions is subject to a fee of 0.03% of increased amount. - Dummy legal 29/12/1997
Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) performance requirement Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Financial institutions must maintain the LCR at all time defined under Art. 4 and 5 - Dummy legal 23/12/2015
Procedures for Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) performance requirement Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Financial institutions must maintain the LCR at all time defined under Art. 4 and 5 and follow the procedures and calculation defined in Art. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. - Dummy legal 23/12/2015
Licensing requirement for financial lease institutions Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Financial lease institutions are required to obtain license from NBC - Dummy legal 20/06/2009
Minimum requirements for financial lease agreements Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Financial lease agreements must contain criteria and requirements, and follow procedures defined in Art. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Dummy legal 20/06/2009
Minimum requirements for financial lease agreements Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Financial lease agreements must contain criteria and requirements, and follow procedures defined in Art. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Dummy legal 20/06/2009
Investment grade requirement for influential shareholders of FI Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Influential shareholders who are banks or financial institutions are required to obtain investment grade from one of three institutions: Moody's Asia Pacific, Fitch, and Standard & Poor's Cooperation - Dummy legal 07/07/2010
Procedure on Investment grade requirement for influential shareholders of FI Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Influential shareholder who are banks or financial institutions are required to follow the procedures and comply with the formalities defined in Point. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Dummy legal 07/07/2010
Registered capital requirement for FI in accordance with investment grade Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia FIs need to meet minimum capital requirements in accordance with investment grades - Dummy legal 07/07/2010
Licensing requirement for financial lease institutions Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Financial institutions are required to obtain a license prior to operating business in Cambodia - Dummy legal 18/11/1999
Minimum registered capital requirement for commercial banks Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks are required to register minimum capital of KHR 50 Billion to obtain the license - Dummy legal 18/11/1999
Scope of services and products provided by financial institutions Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia Financial institutions provide the services defined in Art. 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 - Dummy legal 18/11/1999
Maintaining minimum reserve requirement against deposit and borrowing Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Commercial Banks are required to maintain reserve requirement at daily average balance equal to 8% in Khmer riel and 12% in foreign currency with NBC. - Dummy legal 26/01/2009
Solvency ratio requirement for banks Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Solvency ratio of their net worth to their aggregate credit exposure shall not less that 15% - Dummy legal 16/02/2000
Net worth compliance for bank Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Regulatory ratios are calculated against Net Worth. Banks has to comply with calculation rule of Net worth defined in this Prakas. - Dummy legal 15/10/2010
Requirement for determination of base rate for refinancing to commercial bank Limitations on pricing National Bank of Cambodia The base interest rate is 0.5% p.m or 6% p.a for KHR to refinance commercial bank - Dummy legal 25/12/2001
Minimum requirement for key holding position in licensed bank and financial institution Licensing (based on qualifications / education) National Bank of Cambodia Key persons required to undergo the Fit and Proper Testing by NBC. Those key persons are board member, senior management, foreign bank branch manager, and any person act as alternate or proxy - Dummy legal 25/11/2008
Guidance for licensing and regulation of company engaged in financial lease Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Minimum registered capital of KHR200,000,000 and NBC shall provide written notification of decision within 3 months after receipt of complete set of application. License validity is 5 years. - Dummy legal 27/12/2011
Minimum capital requirement to obtain licensing and regulation of company engaged in financial lease Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Minimum registered capital of KHR200,000,000 and NBC shall provide written notification of decision within 3 months after receipt of complete set of application. License validity is 5 years. - Dummy legal 27/12/2011
Validity of licensing for company engaged in financial lease Numerical restrictions (duration license) National Bank of Cambodia Minimum registered capital of KHR200,000,000 and NBC shall provide written notification of decision within 3 months after receipt of complete set of application. License validity is 5 years. - Dummy legal 27/12/2011
Liquidity requirement for Bank and financial institutions Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Banks must at all time have a liquidity ratio of at least 50% - Dummy legal 02/02/2000
Liquidity regulatory requirement for MFI Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia MFI must at all time have a liquidity ratio of at least 100% - Dummy legal 25/02/2000
Requirement for interest charge on micro loan by rural credit, specialized bank, MFI, NGO & association Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia Interest charge must be calculated taking into account the repayment of principal already made. Loan agreement shall have credit amortization table - Dummy legal 14/08/2001
Clearing house fee requirement Fee National Bank of Cambodia Commercial banks which are members of clearing house are required to pay annual fee of KHR 3.2 Million - Dummy legal 14/12/2009
Transfer fee requirements Fee National Bank of Cambodia Banks and financial institutions which transfer funds through NBC account will pay 0.10% service charge and minimum USD3 - Dummy legal 10/01/2003
Fee requirements for transfer of funds in-out of NBC within the country Fee National Bank of Cambodia Banks and financial institutions which transfer fund in-out of NBC within the country need to pay service fee 0.10%, minimum USD3 and maximum USD 1,000. - Dummy legal 24/08/2009
Prior authorization requirement for funds transfer out of Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Banks which wish to transfer funds out of Cambodia are required prior authorization from NBC - Dummy legal 19/08/1998
Requirement for banks and financial institutions to have loan policies and procedures in place Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Banks and financial institutions must have sound and prudent loan policies and procedures in place - Dummy legal 10/03/2005
Restriction on the amount of loan to be lent to related parties Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia It is required that loan that is lent to related parties doesn’t exceed 10% of total net worth - Dummy legal 15/10/2001
Requirement for daily accrued interest rate and amortization Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia All commercial and specialized banks must calculate and post the accrued interest rate and amortization on a daily basis - Dummy legal 01/10/2003
Minimum reserve requirements for financial institutions Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Financial institutions must comply with minimum reserve requirements provided by this Prakas. - Dummy legal 25/02/2009
Procedures for registration and recordal requirement for mark exclusive rights Procedure Ministry of Commerce Registration and recordal requirement for mark exclusive rights must follow the requirements and procedures stipulated in Art. 11 - Dummy legal 11/05/2016
Limited validity of registration and recordal requirement for mark exclusive rights Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Commerce Registration and recordal requirement for mark exclusive rights must follow the requirements are valid for 2 years - Dummy legal 11/05/2016
Advertising or publishing requirement for registration and recordal of mark exclusive rights Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Commerce It is required that holder of registration and recordal of mark exclusive rights must advertise or publish its exclusive rights in popular media at least 3 times per year - Dummy legal 11/05/2016
Requirement for registration as professional engineer in BEC Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Requirements for registration as professional engineer in BEC are stipulated in Art. 1, 2, 3 - Dummy legal 25/09/2009
Fee Requirements for professional engineers members in BEC Fee Professional engineers members in BEC are subject to fee payments as in Art. 7, 8 - Dummy legal 25/09/2009
Restriction to adhere to land use master plan Prohibition Private entities shall strictly adhere to such land use master plans during their construction works. - Dummy legal 24/05/1994
Authorization requirement for conducting land survey Authorization / permit requirements All the exploration or survey which produces an effect on archeology shall be firstly authorized by the Royal Government. - Dummy legal 24/05/1994
Prohibition from conducting survey and construction Prohibition Any individuals and private institutions as well as public authority are banned from conducting any construction on the public yard field or lands as defined under Art. 12 of this Law. - Dummy legal 24/05/1994
Construction permit requirement for construction and renovation Authorization / permit requirements All constructions and modifications or renovations of the building aspect shall be subjected to construction permission issued by the competent authorities. - Dummy legal 24/05/1994
Procedures to obtain construction permit for construction and renovation Procedure The submission of construction permit follows the procedures defined in Art. 16, 17, 18 and 19. - Dummy legal 24/05/1994
Authorization requirements for construction and renovations Authorization / permit requirements Constructions and renovations as stipulated in Art. 1 are required to obtain a permit. - Dummy legal 19/12/1997
Procedures for requesting construction permits Procedure Applicants are required to follow the procedures in Art. 9, 10, 11 for requesting construction permits. - Dummy legal 19/12/1997
Khmer language requirements for requesting construction permits Other measures Applications for requesting construction permits must be in Khmer. - Dummy legal 19/12/1997
Prohibition to build constructions on land destined for road construction development Prohibition It is forbidden to build constructions on land for road construction is prohibited - Dummy legal 14/01/2015
Authorization of imports, distributions, and sales of Optical Disese and Copy Equipment Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Authorization of imports, distributions, and sales of Optical Disese and Copy Equipment require authorization from MCFA - Dummy legal 05/07/2012
Safety and health requirement to be placed on goods circulating in Cambodia Other measures Ministry of Commerce Manufacturers and service provides are required to indicate in the products in Khmer: ingredients, compositions, user's guidelines, manufacturing dates, expiration dates and other requirements - Dummy legal 21/06/2000
Inspection requirement for products firstly imported and distributed into Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Commerce Products to be firstly placed (imported) and distributed in Cambodia requires proof of inspection to guarantee products in compliance with this law. - Dummy legal 21/06/2000
Authorization requirement for products (imported) circulating in Cambodia Import permits Ministry of Commerce Products circulating (imported) in Cambodia which could harm the health and safety of consumer requires prior authorization from competent institutions. - Dummy legal 21/06/2000
Requirement for visa for and registration of imported medicines Import permits Ministry of Health Visa for and registration of medicines aim to control the production, import, export and trading of medicines in Cambodia to ensure the quality of medicines and production rights of manufacturers - Dummy legal 26/10/1994
Requirements to enable sales display of imported medicines Limitations on distribution channels Ministry of Health To ensure registered medicines imported from abroad can be displayed for sales. The registration approval needs to meet defined conditions and documents. (Art. 7) - Dummy legal 26/10/1994
Health warning messages and pictures on cigarette packages Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Health warning messages and pictures on cigarette packages for sales and distributions of cigarettes - Dummy legal 22/10/2015
License for establishment of educational institutions Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) All educational institutions and training classes shall obtain educational licenses before commencing operations. - Dummy legal 08/12/2007
Tax requirements for educational establishments Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Educational establishments have to pay withholding taxes, other taxes and have to comply with tax reporting requirements (tax incentives are provided for educational establishments) - Dummy legal 08/08/2016
Prohibition of game betting activities Prohibition Council of Ministers Game betting business, except in casino, are prohibited - Dummy legal 30/04/2009
Specifications and procedures for stamps and visa on CD and VCD Procedure Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Stamps and visa on CD and VCD must follow specifications and procedures as in Art. 2 - Dummy legal 17/08/2011
Requirements to place visa stamps on video and movie products. Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Obligation to place visa stamps on video and movie products - Dummy legal 17/08/2011
Licensing for Karaoke businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Karaoke businesses are required to obtain a license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Limited duration of license for Karaoke businesses Numerical restrictions (duration license) The license for karaoke business is valid for 1 year, renewable. - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Fee requirement for licensing to Karaoke businesses Fee The payment of a fee is required for the issuance of the license to resort businesses, as mentioned in Art. 9 of this Prakas - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Licensing for Karaoke businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Karaoke businesses are required to obtain a license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Obligations for Karaoke businesses Performance requirements (mandatory) Karaoke businesses must comply with requirements and conditions of this notifications - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Prohibition of use of title of any work which represents an original works Prohibition Royal Government of Cambodia The uses of title of any work which represents an original works is prohibited - Dummy legal 05/03/2003
Authorization requirement for authors to produce personal true stories Authorization / permit requirements Royal Government of Cambodia Obligation for authors to seek authorization from persons to produce their personal true story - Dummy legal 05/03/2003
Weight limits for trucks Numerical restrictions (other) Truck transportation must be in compliance with limits on weight on roads - Dummy legal 14/01/2015
Requirement for visa registration of medical equipment (including imports) Import permits Ministry of Health All medical equipment including imports require visa registration. - Dummy legal 11/08/2012
Requirement for GMP or ISO to obtain a certificate for visa registration of medical equipment Import permits Ministry of Health All medical equipment including imports require visa registration. Application for visa registration must have attached GMP or ISO - Dummy legal 11/08/2012
Procedures for visa registration of medical equipment Procedure Ministry of Health Visa registration for medical equipment must follow the procedures in Art. 5, 6, 7 - Dummy legal 11/08/2012
Duration of visa of medical equipment Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Health Visa for medical equipment are limited to 3 years - Dummy legal 11/08/2012
Licensing for operating resort businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Resort businesses are required to obtain license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 28/07/2007
Limited duration of license for operating resort businesses Numerical restrictions (duration license) The license for resort business is valid for 1 year, renewable. - Dummy legal 28/07/2007
Fee requirement for licensing to resort businesses Fee The payment of a fee is required for the issuance of the license to resort businesses, in accordance with different type of resorts as mentioned in Art. 8 of this Prakas - Dummy legal 28/07/2007
Licensing for hotel and accommodation businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Hotel and accommodation businesses are required to obtain a license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 28/07/2007
Limited duration of license for hotel and accommodation businesses Numerical restrictions (duration license) The license for hotel and accommodation business is valid for 1 year, renewable. - Dummy legal 28/07/2007
Fee requirement for licensing to hotel and accommodation businesses Fee The payment of a fee is required for the issuance of the license to resort businesses, in accordance with different type of resorts as mentioned in Art. 8 of this Prakas - Dummy legal 28/07/2007
Licensing for restaurant and canteen businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Restaurant and canteen businesses are required to obtain a license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Limited duration of license for restaurant and canteen businesses Numerical restrictions (duration license) The license for restaurant and canteen businesses is valid for 1 year, renewable. - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Fee requirement for licensing to restaurant and canteen businesses Fee The payment of a fee is required for the issuance of the license to restaurant and canteen business as mentioned in Art. 10 of this Prakas - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Procedures of application for restaurant and canteen classification Procedure Procedures of application for restaurant and canteen classification are stipulated in this Prakas - Dummy legal 13/09/2016
Permit requirements for operating restaurants and canteens Authorization / permit requirements Obligation to secure permits from relevant authorities for operating restaurants and canteens - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Obligations for restaurants and canteen Performance requirements (mandatory) Restaurants and canteens must comply with conditions and obligations provided in this notification - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Permit requirements for hotel and accommodation businesses Authorization / permit requirements Hotel and accommodation businesses are required to obtain permits from relevant authorities - Dummy legal 18/07/2007
Obligations for hotel and accommodation businesses Performance requirements (mandatory) Hotel and accommodation businesses must comply with obligations and conditions of this notification - Dummy legal 18/07/2007
Licensing requirements for operating resort businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Resort businesses are required to obtain license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 18/07/2007
Obligations for operating resort businesses Performance requirements (mandatory) Resort businesses must comply with requirements and conditions of this Notifications - Dummy legal 18/07/2007
Permit requirements for boats with loading capacity over 500Kg Authorization / permit requirements Permits from MPWT are required for boats with loading capacity over 500Kg - Dummy legal 27/06/2000
Procedures for asking permit for boats with loading capacity over 500Kg Procedure Procedures for asking permits from MPWT for boats with loading capacity over 500Kg are stipulated in this circular - Dummy legal 27/06/2000
Duration for boat piloting licenses and mechanic licenses Numerical restrictions (duration license) Boat piloting licenses and mechanic licenses are valid for 45 days - Dummy legal 27/06/2000
Compliance with code of conducts of bar association Performance requirements (non-mandatory) Lawyers working in Cambodia must comply with code of conducts of bar association - Dummy legal 21/09/2012
Requirement for foreign law firms in Cambodia Performance requirements (mandatory) Foreign law firms must comply with code of conducts and various laws and regulations of bar association - Dummy legal 21/09/2012
Advertisement requirements by lawyers or law firms Advertising limitations Lawyers and law firms can advertise their services through means defined by this code of conducts and after approval from council of bar association - Dummy legal 21/09/2012
Prohibition of misconducts Prohibition Lawyers and law firms are prohibited from misconducts as stipulated in Art. 44. - Dummy legal 21/09/2012
Requirement to join the Bar Association Requirement to subscribe to association only members of Bar can perform work as lawyers, provide legal consultation and prepare judicial documents - Dummy legal 23/06/1995
Requirement for foreign lawyer to work with Cambodian lawyers Domestic partner requirement Foreign lawyers can practice in Cambodia only if they partner with a local lawyer - Dummy legal 23/06/1995
Requirement for foreign lawyers to obtain authorization from Bar Association Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Foreign lawyers can practice in Cambodia only if previous approval by Bar Association, based on sufficient qualifications and reciprocity with country of origin. - Dummy legal 23/06/1995
Requirement for foreign lawyers not to advertise their services Advertising limitations Foreign lawyers are prohibited from advertising their services and carry out activities to attract clients - Dummy legal 23/06/1995
Qualification requirements for member of arbitration councils Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Members being selected into arbitration councils must meet the qualifications in Art. 6 - Dummy legal 19/12/2002
Khmer language requirement during the arbitration process Other measures The arbitration proceedings must be carried out in Khmer language only. - Dummy legal 19/12/2002
Requirement to pay export duties and fee on export of cultural objects Fee Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts The export of cultural objects shall be subject to duties and fees. The amount of those export duties and fees shall be set by law. - Dummy legal 25/01/1996
Requirement for meeting import procedures on cultural objects Import permits Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts The import of cultural objects exported in contravention of the national legislation of their country of origin is forbidden. Procedures for the importation of cultural property shall be defined by Anukret. - Dummy legal 25/01/1996
Requirement for meeting import procedures on cultural objects Procedure Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts The import of cultural objects exported in contravention of the national legislation of their country of origin is forbidden. Procedures for the importation of cultural property shall be defined by Anukret. - Dummy legal 25/01/1996
Licensing requirements for ships and boats operating in Cambodian sea Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Obligation to obtain license for ships and boats operating in Cambodian sea - Dummy legal 01/10/1999
Procedures for applying for license for ships and boats operating in Cambodian sea Procedure Procedures for applying for a license for ships and boats operating in Cambodian sea are defined under this Circular - Dummy legal 01/10/1999
Compliance for ships and boats operating in Cambodian sea Performance requirements (mandatory) Ships and boats operating in Cambodian sea must comply with requirement are defined under Chapter III and IV of this Circular - Dummy legal 01/10/1999
Cambodian nationality requirement to be entitled to practice a medic, paramedic and medical aid Nationality (for services supplier) Ministry of Health A person who is entitled to practice a medic, paramedic and medical aid must be Cambodian national - Dummy legal 16/10/2000
Permit requirement for foreigners to practice a medic, paramedic and medical aid in Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Foreigner is required to have authorization to practice a medic, paramedic and medical aid in Cambodia - Dummy legal 16/10/2000
Qualification requirements for medical professionals Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Health Medical professionals must have qualifications as in Art. 3 - Dummy legal 20/11/2000
Requirement to subscribe to medical association in Cambodia. Requirement to subscribe to association Ministry of Health Medical professionals must register with one medical associations in Cambodia - Dummy legal 20/11/2000
Qualifications to practice as medic, paramedic, and medical aides Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Health Qualifications to practice as medic, paramedic, and medical aides are defined in Art. 3 - Dummy legal 02/08/2000
Requirement to subscribe to a medical association in Cambodia. Requirement to subscribe to association Ministry of Health Medical professionals must register with one of the following associations: physician association, pharmacist association, dentist association, midwife association, or nurse association. - Dummy legal 02/08/2000
Requirements to comply with code of medical ethics Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Medical professionals must comply with code of medical ethics as provided in this Prakas - Dummy legal 28/08/2003
Obligations of doctors Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Doctors must comply with codes of conducts provided in this sub-decree - Dummy legal 28/08/2003
Obligations of dentists Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Dentists must comply with codes of conducts provided in this subdecree - Dummy legal 16/09/2009
Association subscription requirement to be entitled to practice a medic, paramedic and medical aid Requirement to subscribe to association A person who is entitled to practice a medic, paramedic and medical aid must register with physician association, pharmacist association, dentist association, midwife association, or nurse association. - Dummy legal 16/10/2000
Registration requirement for Cambodian and foreign physicians Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Cambodian and foreign physicians must register with NMCC - Dummy legal 20/08/2013
Limited duration of registration for Cambodian and foreign physicians Numerical restrictions (duration license) Validity of Cambodian and foreign physician registrations is determined in Art. 1 - Dummy legal 20/08/2013
Form of registration for Cambodian and foreign physicians Form of establishment Form for the registration of Cambodian and foreign physicians are determined in Art. 1 - Dummy legal 20/08/2013
Registration requirement for Cambodian and foreign physicians Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Cambodian and foreign physicians must register with NMCC - Dummy legal 20/08/2013
Procedures for registration of Cambodian and foreign physicians Procedure Procedures for registration of Cambodian and foreign physicians are stipulated in Art. 2 - Dummy legal 20/08/2013
Fee requirements for the registration of Cambodian and foreign physicians Fee Registration of Cambodian and foreign physicians are subject to registration fee - Dummy legal 20/08/2013
Prohibition of Shows of foreign films with bad influence Prohibition It is prohibited to show foreign films which have bad influence on social order (eg: kidnapping, threatening, cruel and obsecene films) - Dummy legal 09/04/1999
Prohibition to access certain information Prohibition Press is prohibited to access government related records as in Art. 5 - Dummy legal 18/07/1995
Penalty fee for violating conditions relating to press Fee Penalty fees are applied if press violates rules as in Art. 11, 12 - Dummy legal 18/07/1995
Limitation to foreign equity for Khmer language press Limitations to foreign equity Foreign equity in Khmer language press is limited to maximum 20% - Dummy legal 18/07/1995
Minimum paid up capital requirement for money changers Minimum capital requirements National Bank of Cambodia Money changers are required to register minimum paid-up capital of KHR 80 Million - Dummy legal 19/10/2009
Licensing requirement for import and export of precious metals and stones Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Businesses conducting import and export of precious metals and stones are required to obtain a license from NBC - Dummy legal 29/12/2009
Fee requirement for license and transactions Fee National Bank of Cambodia Businesses conducting import and export of precious metals and stones are required to pay license fee, annual license fee and transaction fee - Dummy legal 29/12/2009
Licensing requirement for third party processors Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) National Bank of Cambodia Third party processors acting on behalf of a bank are required to obtain a license from NBC. The entrusted bank needs to apply for license on behalf of third party processor. - Dummy legal 25/08/2010
Restriction on operations of services of third party processors Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia The third party processor is restrict to conduct activities listed in Art. 3 and 4. - Dummy legal 25/08/2010
Procedural rule for obtaining license for third party processors Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Third party processors need to follow the requirements and procedures in Art. 6, 7, 8, and 9 - Dummy legal 25/08/2010
Fee requirement for license for third party processors Fee National Bank of Cambodia A third party processor license is subject to license application and annual license fee, defined in art. 6 - Dummy legal 25/08/2010
Limited duration of license for third party processors Numerical restrictions (duration license) National Bank of Cambodia The license for third party processors is valid for three years. - Dummy legal 25/08/2010
Payment channel requirement for export and import Numerical restrictions (other) National Bank of Cambodia All payments for imports and exports must be performed through authorized intermediaries - Dummy legal 22/08/1997
Procedures for payment for export and import Procedure National Bank of Cambodia All payments for imports and exports must performed through authorized intermediaries and follow formalities set out in Art. 9, 10, 11 - Dummy legal 22/08/1997
Declaration requirement for investment aboard made by a resident Numerical restrictions (operation / output) National Bank of Cambodia Investments aboard exceeding USD 100,000 made by a resident require prior declaration to NBC - Dummy legal 22/08/1997
Chanel requirement for foreign exchange through book entry Other measures National Bank of Cambodia Foreign exchange operations through book entry can only be performed through authorized intermediaries - Dummy legal 22/08/1997
Authorization requirement for manual money changers Authorization / permit requirements National Bank of Cambodia Manual money changers are required an authorization from NBC - Dummy legal 22/08/1997
Prohibition of keeping anonymous accounts Prohibition National Bank of Cambodia Reporting entities (defined in this law) are prohibited from opening or keeping anonymous accounts, numbered accounts or accounts in obviously fictitious names. - Dummy legal 24/06/2007
Requirement of due diligence on customers and of reporting suspicious transactions Performance requirements (mandatory) National Bank of Cambodia Reporting entities are required to perform due diligence on customers prior to opening accounts, and are required to report suspicious transactions - Dummy legal 24/06/2007
Requirement to follow procedure to open account Procedure National Bank of Cambodia Reporting entities are required to follow procedures defined in Art. 8, 9 prior to opening accounts - Dummy legal 24/06/2007
Procedures for public offering for public enterprises Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for public offering for public enterprises (including public-private partnership with majority of government's shares) are stipulated in Art. 4, 5 - Dummy legal 22/04/2011
Licensing requirement to issue and trade securities and to operate in securities exchange Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Royal Government of Cambodia Companies or physical persons must be licensed from SECC to issue and trade securities and to operate in securities exchange - Dummy legal 04/10/2007
Procedures for applying for a license to issue and trade securities and to operate in securities exchange Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for companies and persons to apply for a license to issue and trade securities and to operate in securities exchange are stipulated in this Prakas - Dummy legal 04/10/2007
Corporate governance and control of issuer requirements Performance requirements (mandatory) Royal Government of Cambodia Entities which issue and sell securities must adopt corporate governance standards and control of issuer as stipulated in this Prakas - Dummy legal 04/10/2007
Prohibition of misconducts Prohibition Royal Government of Cambodia Entities which issue and sell securities are prohibited from misconducts as stipulated in Art. 40, 41, 42 - Dummy legal 04/10/2007
Procedures and requirements to obtain license to issue and trade securities, and to operate in securities exchange Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures and requirements to obtain license to issue and trade securities, and to operate in securities exchange are stipulated in Art. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 19 - Dummy legal 08/04/2009
Licensing requirements for operators in securities exchange Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Royal Government of Cambodia Operators in securities exchange are required to secure a license from SECC - Dummy legal 08/04/2009
Advertisement requirements for operators in securities exchange Advertising limitations Royal Government of Cambodia Advertisement by operators in securities exchange must comply with the requirements in Art. 14 - Dummy legal 08/04/2009
Performance requirements for operators in securities exchange Performance requirements (mandatory) Royal Government of Cambodia Operators in securities exchange must fulfill obligations as stipulated in Art. 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 51, 52, 53, 64 - Dummy legal 08/04/2009
Licensing requirement for cash settlement agents Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Cash settlement agents must be licensed by SECC - Dummy legal 28/06/2010
Establishment requirement for cash settlement agents Form of establishment Cash settlement agents must be a commercial bank licensed by Cambodian central bank - Dummy legal 28/06/2010
Requirement to obtain non refusal letter from central bank for cash settlement agents Authorization / permit requirements Cash settlement agents must obtain "non refusal" letter from Cambodian central bank - Dummy legal 28/06/2010
Procedures for obtaining license for cash settlement agents Procedure Procedures for obtaining licences for cash settlement agents are stipulated in Art. 5 and 6 - Dummy legal 28/06/2010
Fee requirements for cash settlement agents Fee Cash settlement agents are subject to various fee payments as in Art. 10 - Dummy legal 28/06/2010
Performance requirements for cash settlement agents Performance requirements (mandatory) Cash settlement agents must comply with conditions and obligations in this Prakas - Dummy legal 28/06/2010
Type of organizations eligible to open securities accounts Form of establishment Only securities firms and listed companies are eligible to open securities accounts at operator of securities depository - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Fee requirements for members of securities accounts Fee Members of securities accounts are subject to various fee paymentsas provided under this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Procedures and information to deposit securities at operators of securities depository Procedure Procedures and information to deposit securities at operators of securities depository are stipulated in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Procedures for listing in SECC Procedure Procedures for listing are stipulated in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Fee requirement for listing in SECC Fee Companies listed in SECC are subject to fee payments as stipulated in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Performance requirements for listing in SECC Performance requirements (mandatory) Companies listed in SECC must comply with requirements and conditions stipulated in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Licensing requirement for members and participants in Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Companies who wish to be members or participants in CSX must register with SECC and CSX. - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Procedures of registrations with Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) Procedure Procedures of registrations to become members or participants with Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) are stipulated in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Fee of registrations with Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) Fee Fee of registrations to become members or participants with Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) are stipulated in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Duration of membership in Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) Numerical restrictions (duration license) Membership and participation in Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) are valid for 2 years from the date of approval from CSX - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Performance requirement for members and participants in Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) Performance requirements (mandatory) Members and participants in Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX) must comply with requirements and conditions of the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Registration with GDT for obtaining tax incentives Authorization / permit requirements Companies listed in CSX must file application with GDT through CSX to obtain tax incentives - Dummy legal 08/01/2015
Performance requirement for listed companies to obtain tax incentives Performance requirements (mandatory) Listed companies must avoid the misconducts in Art. 8 to be eligible for tax incentives - Dummy legal 08/01/2015
License requirement for the operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) The operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository must be license by SECC - Dummy legal 01/12/2009
Minimum capital requirement for the operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository Minimum capital requirements The operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository must comply with minimum capital requirement in Art. 4 - Dummy legal 01/12/2009
Procedures for getting approval as operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository Procedure Procedures for getting approval as the operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository from SECC are stipulated in Art. 4, 5, 6, 8, 11 - Dummy legal 01/12/2009
Performance requirements for the operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository Performance requirements (mandatory) The operators of securities market, clearance and settlement facility and securities depository must comply with Performance requirements of this Prakas - Dummy legal 01/12/2009
Corporate governance requirements for listed companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Listed companies must comply with corporate governance princinples as stipulared in this Prakas, including rights and responsibilities of shareholders, board of directors, and others - Dummy legal 31/12/2009
Corporate governance requirements for listed public companies Performance requirements (mandatory) Listed public companies must comply with corporate governance princinples as stipulared in this Prakas, including rights and responsibilities of shareholders, board of directors, and others - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Compliance requirements for securities firms, securities representatives, investment advisory firms, and investment advisory representatives Performance requirements (mandatory) Securities firms, securities representatives, investment advisory firms, and investment advisory representatives must comply with codes of conducts of this Prakas - Dummy legal 27/06/2011
Prohibition to conduct activities by securities firms, securities representatives, investment advisory firms, and investment advisory representatives Prohibition Securities firms, securities representatives, investment advisory firms, and investment advisory representatives are prohibited from conducting activities listed in Art. 23, 25, 26, 27 - Dummy legal 27/06/2011
Approval and registration of disclosure documents for issuance of equity securities Authorization / permit requirements Issuance of public offering of equity securities requires approval and registration of disclosure documents with SECC - Dummy legal 31/12/2009
Fee for registration of disclosure documents Fee Obligation to pay fee as in Art. 49 for registration of disclosure documents - Dummy legal 31/12/2009
Procedures for registration of disclosure documents for public offering of equity securities Procedure Registration of disclosure documents for public offering of equity securities must follow the procedures in Art. 6, 9, 11, 14, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30 - Dummy legal 31/12/2009
Procedures for operating rules of securities market, clearance and settlement facilities, and securities depository Procedure Securities market, clearance and settlement facilities, and securities depository follow the procedures for operating rules in Art. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 - Dummy legal 18/03/2010
Procedures for securities clearing and settlement Procedure Securities clearing and settlements follow the procedures in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Fee for securities clearing and settlement Procedure Securities clearing and settlements are subject to fee in the annex of this Prakas - Dummy legal 03/05/2011
Requirement to place health warning messages on cigarette packages Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Obligation to print health warning messages on cigarette packages - Dummy legal 01/01/1990
Procedures to place health warning messages on cigarette packages Procedure Ministry of Health Obligation to follow the criteria and procedures for placing health warning messages on cigarette packages - Dummy legal 01/01/1990
Requirement to place health warning messages on cigarette packages Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Obligation to print health warning messages on cigarette packages - Dummy legal 20/10/2009
Reminder on requirement to place health warning messages on cigarette packages Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health obligation to print health warning messages on cigarette packages - Dummy legal 23/12/2010
Necessary approval to enable sale and display of imported medicines Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Obligation to obtain approval for imported medicines before they can be displayed for sales. - Dummy legal 26/10/1994
Procedures to obtain approval for the sale and display of imported medicines Procedure Ministry of Health To ensure that medicines imported from abroad can be displayed for sale, the procedure described in art 7 mut be complied with. - Dummy legal 26/10/1994
Mandatory information requirements for infant and child feeding products Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Health Certain types of infant and child feeding products (including imported products) musst include set of information as provided by article 3 and article 6. - Dummy legal 18/11/2005
Requirement for notification number for imported cosmetic products Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Imported or cosmetic products produced for trade in Cambodia shall have notification number from MOH - Dummy legal 28/08/2008
Requirement for payment of fee on issuance of notification number Fee Ministry of Health The cost of issuance of notification numbers shall be determined by a joint Prakas of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Economy and Finance. - Dummy legal 28/08/2008
Requirement for visa registration on imported medicines for sale in Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Imported medicine can be displayed for sales only if they have registration approved by MOH - Dummy legal 10/08/1994
Fee requirement for visa registration on imported medicines for sale in Cambodia Fee Ministry of Health Visa registrations of imported medicines are subject to fee - Dummy legal 10/08/1994
Prohibition of opening new sub-pharmacies in several locations in Phnom Penh Prohibition Ministry of Health The permits are no longer issued to open new pharmacies in several locations in Phnom Penh as defined in this Prakas. - Dummy legal 07/09/2004
Authorization requirement for advertising infant and child feeding products Advertising limitations Ministry of Health obligation to obtain prior authorization for advertising infant and child feeding products - Dummy legal 18/11/2005
Authorization requirement for advertising infant and child feeding products Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Obligation to obtain prior authorization for advertising infant and child feeding products - Dummy legal 18/11/2005
Authorization requirements for advertisement (label) of infant and child feeding products Authorization / permit requirements Ministry of Health Obligation to obtain authorization prior to advertising infant and child feeding products - Dummy legal 16/08/2006
Requirements for advertisement and publication of posters of infant and child feeding products Advertising limitations Ministry of Health Advertisement and publication of posters of infant and child feeding products need to comply with Art. 13 of SubDecree No. 133 on Marketing of Infant and Child Feeding Products - Dummy legal 16/08/2006
Permit requirement for pharmacists to import and export pharmaceutical products Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Health In order to be allowed to import and export pharmaceutical products, pharmacists must meet the following qualifications: (1) Cambodian nationally (2) pharmacy diploma recognized by MOH, (3) no criminal record, (4) being healthy to perform duties. - Dummy legal 03/01/2008
Cambodian nationality requirement for pharmacist to import and export pharmaceutical products Nationality (for services supplier) Ministry of Health In order to be allowed to import and export pharmaceutical products, pharmacists must meet the following qualifications: (1) Cambodian nationality (2) pharmacy diploma recognized from MOH, (3) no criminal record, (4) being healthy to perform duties. - Dummy legal 03/01/2008
Requirements and procedures for arbitrators to register with arbitration center Procedure Ministry of Commerce Requirements and procedures for arbitrators to register with the arbitration center are stipulated in Art. 12 - Dummy legal 05/05/2006
Accreditation requirement for valuation firms and independent evaluators in securities market Licensing (based on experience, track record, technical requirements, and/or other) Valuation firms and professionals offering independent valuation services in securities market must be accredited by SECC. - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Procedures for accreditation for valuation firms and independent evaluators in securities market Procedure Procedures for accreditation for valuation firms and independent evaluators offering professional services in securities market by SECC are stipulated in Art. 3, 4, 5, 6 - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Minimum capital for accreditation for valuation firms and independent evaluators in securities market Minimum capital requirements To obtain accreditation from SECC, valuation companies must have at least KHR 500Million in capital - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Prohibition of services offered by valuation firms and independent evaluators in securities market Prohibition Valuation firms and independent evaluators are not allowed to offer services defined in Art. 10. - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Scopes of services offered by valuation firms and independent evaluators in securities market Numerical restrictions (operation / output) Valuation firms and independent evaluators must perform only services stipulated in Art. 14, 15, 16 - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Performance requirements of valuation firms and independent evaluators in securities market Performance requirements (mandatory) Valuation companies and independent evaluators must fulfill obligations and performance defined in Art. 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Fee requirement for valuation companies and independent evaluators in securities market Fee Valuation companies and independent evaluators must meet license fee obligation defined in Art. 21, 22, 23 - Dummy legal 15/12/2010
Scope of services offered by securities firms Numerical restrictions (operation / output) Securities firms which obtain licenses are able to offer only services as stipulated in Art. 3, 4, 5, 8 - Dummy legal 18/12/2009
License duration for securities firms, securities representatives and investment advisors Numerical restrictions (duration license) Licenses of securities firms, securities representatives and investment advisors are limited to 2 years - Dummy legal 18/12/2009
Procedures for obtaining License for securities firms, securities representatives and investment advisors Procedure Procedures for obtaining License for securities firms, securities representatives and investment advisors are stipulated in Art. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 - Dummy legal 18/12/2009
Fee requirements for obtaining License for securities firms Fee The license fee of securities firms are defined in Art. 17 - Dummy legal 18/12/2009
Authorization for securities registrars and securities transfer agents Authorization / permit requirements Securities registrars and securities transfer agents must obtain permit from SECC - Dummy legal 30/06/2010
Scope of business activities of securities registrars and securities transfer agents Numerical restrictions (operation / output) Scope of business activities of securities registrars and securities transfer agents are limited as in Art. 4 - Dummy legal 30/06/2010
Minimum capital requirement Minimum capital requirements Minimum capital requirement for securities registrars and securities transfer agents are defined in Art. 4 - Dummy legal 30/06/2010
Procedure for registration of securities registrars and securities transfer agents Procedure Procedure for registration of securities registrars and securities transfer agents are defined in Art. 4, 7, 15 - Dummy legal 30/06/2010
Fee requirement for registration of securities registrars and securities transfer agents Fee Securities registrars and securities transfer agents are subject to fee requirement in Art. 19 - Dummy legal 30/06/2010
Reporting requirement for registration of securities registrars and securities transfer agents Performance requirements (mandatory) Securities registrars and securities transfer agents are required provide reporting as in Art. 25, 26, 27 - Dummy legal 30/06/2010
Fee requirement for export quota Fee Ministry of Commerce Exporter needs to pay export fee, administrative fee, and export licensing fee for auctioned quota - Dummy legal 03/01/2002
Procedure for fee and tax collection registration Procedure Ministry of Economy and Finance Tax and fee collection registrations follow the procedures in Art. 8, 9 - Dummy legal 17/03/2016
Declaration requirement for opening and closing of enterprise or establishment, for hiring and dismissing employees Authorization / permit requirements Employer is required to declare to MLVT before opening and after closing of enterprise or establishment, for hiring and dismissing employees - Dummy legal 13/03/1997
Permit requirement for foreign workers in Cambodia Authorization / permit requirements Foreign workers must obtain various permits and authorization before starting to work in Cambodia - Dummy legal 13/03/1997
Maximum requirement for foreign workers Restrictions to foreign employment (e.g. labor market test) The maximum percentage of foreign workers are determined by categories of personnel: office personnel, specialized personnel and non-specialized personnel - Dummy legal 13/03/1997
Licensing for massage and spa businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Massage and spa businesses are required to obtain a license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Limited duration of license for massage and spa businesses Numerical restrictions (duration license) The license for massage and spa businesses is valid for 1 year, renewable. - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Fee requirement for licensing to massage and spa businesses Fee The payment of a fee is required for the issuance of the license to massage and spa business, as mentioned in Art. 10 of this Prakas - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Licensing for massage and spa businesses Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Massage and spa businesses are required to obtain a license from Ministry of Tourism - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Obligations for massage and spa businesses Performance requirements (mandatory) Massage and spa businesses must comply with requirements and conditions of this notifications - Dummy legal 13/06/2008
Licensing requirement for operating a lottery business Licensing (based on qualifications / education) Ministry of Economy and Finance It is required to have a license for operating lottery business - Dummy legal 09/10/2002
Duration of license for operating a lottery business Numerical restrictions (duration license) Ministry of Economy and Finance The licenses for operating a lottery business are valid for 3 years - Dummy legal 09/10/2002
Performance requirements for lottery business Performance requirements (mandatory) Ministry of Economy and Finance Lottery business must comply with reporting and other conditions defined under this Prakas. - Dummy legal 09/10/2002
Taxation requirement for business activity in Cambodia Other measures Ministry of Economy and Finance A person must register with tax administration after 15 days of beginning economic activity - Dummy legal 08/01/1997
Khmer national requirement for ownership of land in Cambodian Land Ownership Only Cambodian nationals can own land in Cambodia - Dummy legal 30/09/2001
Share majority requirement for company to own land Land Ownership At least 51% of shares of company owned by Cambodian nationals to own land in Cambodia - Dummy legal 30/09/2001
Approval requirement for BOT contract Authorization / permit requirements Royal Government of Cambodia Only infrastructures approved by the government are subject to BOT - Dummy legal 13/02/1998
Procedures for selection of BOT concessioners Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for selection of BOT concessioners are stipulated in Art. 9 - Dummy legal 13/02/1998
Procedures for Khmer naturalization Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for Khmer naturalization are stipulated in this Anukret - Dummy legal 31/05/2013
Administrative fee for Khmer naturalization Fee Royal Government of Cambodia Khmer naturalizations are subject to administrative fees - Dummy legal 31/05/2013
Procedures for acquisition of Khmer Citizenship by marriage Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for acquisition of Khmer Citizenship by marriage are defined in this Anukret - Dummy legal 31/05/2013
Administrative fees for acquisition of Khmer Citizenship by marriage Fee Royal Government of Cambodia Acquisition of Khmer Citizenship by marriage are subject to administrative fees - Dummy legal 31/05/2013
Procedures for renunciation of Khmer Citizenship Procedure Royal Government of Cambodia Procedures for renunciation of Khmer citizenship are defined under this Aknukret - Dummy legal 31/05/2013
Administrative fee for renunciation of Khmer Citizenship Fee Royal Government of Cambodia Renunciation of Khmer citizenship is subject to administrative fees - Dummy legal 31/05/2013
Permit requirement prior to sending Cambodian workers aboard