Unofficial Translation


Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation – Religion – King


Ministry of Economy and Finance

Ministry of Commerce

Prakas No. 200 ពណ តពទ បរក dated 02 December 2011 


Inter-ministerial Prakas


Determination of Export/Import Goods Inspection Fee of

Cambodia Import Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate-General




Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance

Senior Minister, Minister of Commerce


–   Having seen the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia

–   Having seen the Royal Decree (Preah Reach Krit) NS/RKT/0908/1055 dated 25 September 2008 on the Appointment of the Royal Government

–   Having seen the Royal Code (Preah Reach Kram) 02/NS/94 dated 20 July 1994, promulgating the Law on Organization and Functioning of the Council of Ministers

–   Having seen the Royal Code (Preah Reach Kram) N/RKM/0196/18 dated 24 January 1996, promulgating the Law on Establishment of Ministry of Economy and Finance

–   Having seen the Royal Code (Preah Reach Kram) NS/RKM/0196/16 dated 24 January 1996 on Establishment of Ministry of Commerce

–   Having seen the Royal Code (Preah Reach Kram) NS/RKM/0600/001 dated 21 June 2000, promulgating the Law on the Management of Quality and Safety of Products And Services

–   Having seen the Royal Code (Preah Reach Kram) NS/RKM/0707/017 dated 20 July 2007, promulgating the Law on Customs

–   Having seen the Royal Code (Preah Reach Kram) NS/RKM/0508/016 dated 13 May 2008, promulgating the Law on Public Financial System

–   Having seen the Sub-decree (Anukrit) 04 OrNKr.BK dated 20 January 2000 on the Organization and Functioning of the Ministry of Economy and Finance

–   Having seen the Sub-decree (Anukrit) 91 OrNKr.BK dated 01 August 2007 on the Organization and Functioning of the Ministry of Commerce

–   Having seen the Sub-decree (Anukrit) 59 OrNKr.BK dated 29 May 2008 on the Upgrading of Cambodia Import Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Department to Cambodia Import Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CAMCONTROL) under the Ministry of Commerce

–   Having seen the Sub-decree (Anukrit) 64 OrNKr.BK 09 July 2001 on Determination And Control of All Inspection Checkpoints of International Gate, International Border Gate, Bilateral Border Gate, Regional Border Gate and Seaport Gate throughout the Kingdom of Cambodia.

–   Having seen the Sub-decree (Anukrit) 21 OrNKr.BK dated 01 March 2006 on Trade Facilitation through Risk Management

–   Having seen the Sub-decree (Anukrit) 82 OrNKr.BK dated 16 November 1995 on General Rule of Public Accounting.

–   Having seen the Rule 04 BB dated 15 November 2006 on Management Consolidation of Non Fiscal Revenues

–   Having seen the Prakas 1405 SHV dated 29 December 2006 on the Organization and Functioning of Accounting of Excise Revenues

–   Having seen the Inter-ministerial Prakas 994 SHV dated 29 December 2006 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Commerce on Implementation of Trade Facilitation Through Risk Management

–   Having seen the Inter-ministerial Prakas no. UATH.BRK 868 dated 29 December 2006 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry, Mines and Entergy, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Heath, and Ministry of Tourism on the Implementation and Institutional Arrangements of Food Safety Management Based on the Farm to Table Approach

–   Having seen the Circular 013 SHV dated 29 December 2006 on Management of Excise Revenues

–   Having seen Inter-ministerial Circular 256 dated 17 October 1994 on Export/Import Inspection Fee

–   According to the mandatory compliance with the WTO Rule on Export/Import Goods Inspection Fee

–   With the necessity of the Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Economy and Finance




Article 1:

Export/Import inspection fee of Cambodia Import Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CAMCONTROL) shall be determined as in the Annex 1 of this Inter-

Ministerial Prakas.


Article 2:

The fee of product sample analysis shall be determined in accordance with the inspection regime as in the Annex 2 of this Inter-ministerial Prakas.


Article 3:

The exemption of inspection fee shall be allowed for the following:

–   Goods for diplomatic mission or foreign consular mission, international organizations and other government’s technical cooperation agents for the use in performing their official duties with clarification from the mission heads and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

–   Goods  for  personal  use  of  the  official  staff  of  the  above  mentioned  missions  and organizations.


Article 4:

Export/Import goods inspection fee of Cambodia Import Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CAMCONTROL) as regulated in the Article 1 does not include:

–   Fee outside office hours and/or expenses in performing the duties of the competent officials outside their official office, particularly the travel and accommodation expenses.

–   The inspection fees of other competent institutions.-   Fees of all types of scanner machines and the expenses related to other inspections.


Article 5:

The revenues from the fee stipulated in this Inter-ministerial Prakas shall be all made into the state budget by recording in Chapter 73, Account 732, Sub-account 7328.


Article 6:

The incentive bonus for the task of collecting the fees stipulated in this Inter-ministerial Prakas shall be provided in compliance with the decision of the Royal Government.


Article 7:

Any provision contrary to this Inter-ministerial Prakas shall be considered null and void.


Article 8:

All entities under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of

Commerce and relevant persons shall be in charge of implementing this Inter-ministerial Prakas in an effective way from 01 July 2012 onwards.


                  Phnom Penh, 02 December 2011

Deputy Prime Minister                                                                Senior Minister

Minister of Economy and Finance                                             Minister of Commerce

(Signed)                                                                                    (Signed)

Keat Chhon                                                                           Cham Prasidh




Places to receive:

– Ministry of Royal Palace

– General Secretariat of Senate

– General Secretariat of National Assembly

– Cabinet of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen

– Cabinet of H.E. Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng

– Cabinet of Lok Chumteav Standby Men Sam An

– Council of Ministers

– National Audit Authority

– All relevant institutions/ministries

– All municipal and provincial halls “for information”

– As in Article 8 (for implementation)

– Archives




Annex 1

This table is the Annex of the Inter-ministerial Prakas No. 200 ពណ តពទ បរក dated 02 December 2011 


Table of Export/Import Inspection Fees


I-       General goods


1-         Goods shipped by water/sea




Types of Loading






Fee (in riel)









Goods Inspection




1st full container



2nd full container

and subsequent




Not full container




Ship cabin

1st cabin



2nd cabin and










Boat loaded

Boat with the

capacity of more

than 20 tons





Boat with the

capacity of equal to or less than 20 tons








2-         Goods shipped by land


Inspection service


Types of Loading






Fee (in riel)







Goods Inspection




1st full container



2nd full container

and subsequent




Not full container






Truck loaded

With the capacity

of more than 10 tons





With the capacity

of equal to or less

than 10 tons






3-         Goods shipped by air


Inspection service


Types of Loading






Fee (in riel)





Goods Inspection



1st pallet



2nd pallet and








Goods as retail packages

Quantities more

than 05 packages





Quantities equal to

or less than 05 packages






II-      Liquid goods



Inspection service


Types of Loading






Fee (in riel)







Goods Inspection




Ship loaded

Liquid goods loaded in 1st cabin





Liquid goods loaded in 2nd cabin and subsequent







Truck loaded


Liquid goods loaded in 1st tank





Liquid goods loaded in 2st tank

and subsequent







III–      General goods exchanged at borders through ordinary way and means


The inspection fee shall be totally set at 25,000 riels (twenty five thousand riels).