Description According to the Law on Pharmaceutical Management and Law on Amendment of Law on Pharmaceutical Management, Cambodian citizens of either sex or foreigner have the right and may request permission from the Ministry of Health to open manufacturing establishments and pharmaceutical importers in Cambodia.Having a license to open pharmaceutical manufacturing and exporting pharmaceutical companies is a prerequisite for obtaining the right to trade in medicines, such as importing or exporting wholesale stocks to legal pharmacies of all kinds of medicines and vaccines (serums, vaccines). For the health sector, including medical and dental equipment such as material, equipment, an instrument, implement, appliance, apparatus, implant, machine, disinfectant, invitro reagent and calibrator, and software that serve in the health sector. Whereas foreign pharmaceutical companies must also pre-register before obtaining permission to import their pharmaceutical products for distribution in the Cambodian market.Medicines and vaccines, as well as medical and dental equipment that is allowed to be imported and exported, must first be registered. Similarly, for the business of exporting and importing cosmetic products, it is necessary to have a license to open a cosmetic import and export business to import the cosmetic products to be imported and exported first.This document outlines the procedures for applying for a visa certification, including a list of medicines, including modern medicine, traditional medicine, health products, external human use, and health supplements.
Place for submitting application The One Widow Service “OWSO” is located in the Ministry and has officials from specialized departments such as the Department of Medicine, Food, Medical Equipment, and Cosmetics on duty to provide services related to their units. Applicants can also contact the specialized department located in the same Miinistry.Department of Medicine, Food, Medical Equipment, and CosmeticsThe Ministry of Health
  • Address: Office of the Ministry of Health, Lot 80, Samdech Pen Nuth Street (289), Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
  • Email:
  • Website:

Contact health officials

  • Phone: (855-23) 885-970 / 884 909

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Note 1

Applicants may contact the OWSO to request a sample application. In some cases where there is no official at the OWSO, applicants can contact the Department of Drags, Food, Medical Equipment, and Cosmetics directly to request a sample application or through the website: Department of Drugs and Food (

Note 2

Applicants may appoint a representative to apply but must have the power of attorney or a letter of introduction.

Attachment for the request Visa Registration Certificate, List of medicines, Health Supplements, and these external human health products include:

Attachments for modern medicine visa (domestic goods)

  • Summary of medicinal characteristics (sample)
  • Medicinal documents
  • Summary of Energy Medicine, Summary of Scientific Documents and Summary of Clinical Documents
  • Sample medicine
  • Registration fee ($ 100 for one item)

Attachments for registration of medicines (Before import):

  • Certificate of Competency, Productivity of the country of production according to the conditions set by the World Health Organization.
  • Business license in the country of manufacture.
  • Certificate of Business Authorization in the Market of Other Countries (If).
  • Summary of pharmaceutical characteristics (There is a sample of)
  • Pharmaceutical documentation
  • Pharmaceutical Energy Documentation Summary, Summary, and Summary Clinical Documents
  • Sample medicine

Attachments for registration of traditional pharmaceutical visas (domestic goods):

  • Summary of pharmaceutical characteristics (There is a sample of)
  • Pharmaceutical documentation
  • Summary clinical documentation
  • Sample medicine

Attachments for the registration of imported herbal remedies, plants or animals or plants that have not yet been processed or processed in a simple method:

  • Export permit of the exporting country
  • Pharmaceutical documents to be specified in the original language, the name in Latin and the source, Therapeutic characteristics, Processing method, how to maintain, expires to use.
  • Sample medicine

Attachments for Imported Pharmaceutical Registry which is a type of product composed of one or more substances

  • Certificate allowed to sell (Original law or certified copy of competence) Issued by the competent authority of the manufacturing country
  • Certificates permit production issued by the competent authority of the manufacturer or certificate of good performance in production (If)
  • Pharmaceutical List Certificates in Other Countries (If)
  • Summary of pharmaceutical characteristics (There is a sample of)
  • Pharmaceutical documents to specify the name, quantity and function in the formula, Description of composite components, production methods and quality control methods of finished products, how to maintain, expires to use.
  • Clinical documentation

Attachments for visa registration, Health assistance is used on the outside human body:

  • Authorization law opens a manufacturing facility
  • The formula specifies the name and quantity
  • Purpose of use
  • Caution in use
  • 2 sample products

Attachments for visa registration, Health assistance is used on the outside human body Import from abroad:

  • Certificate of sale in the country of production (Original or copy of the country’s authority to produce)
  • Certificate of authorization issued by the competent authority of the manufacturer or certificate of good practice in production (Original or Copy of the competent authority of the country producing)
  • Summary of product characteristics
  • The formula specifies the name and quantity
  • Describe each component
  • Product quality control securities issued by the manufacturer country
  • 2 sample products

Attachments for visa registration, list of pharmaceuticals or health supplements:

  • Certificate of authorization issued by the competent authority of the manufacturer or certificate of good practice in production (Original or Copy of the competent authority of the country producing)
  • Certificate of sale on the market (Original or copy of the country’s authority)
  • Summary of product characteristics
  • The formula specifies the name and quantity
  • Product quality control securities issued by the manufacturing facility
  • How to maintain and order the duration of the expiration of the time of use
  • 2 sample products
Note 3

The implementation of internal procedures is started from the specialized office and goes through a number of hierarchies as defined in the law. Before reaching any decision, a professional official may contact the applicant directly for any necessary supplement required for the adequacy of the request, such as requiring the applicant to submit additional documents to the expert officer.

Note 4

Following the issuance of the permit decision on the application, the professional officer will contact the applicant to pay the service fee One million riel service fee for visa registration, valid list of five years and 400,000 riel for visa registration, list of traditional medicines, health supplements and health assistance products used on the external person, valid for three years. For renewal request, the Ministry determines the fee of 70% of the original service value.

Note 5

There are a number of cases where the applicant is told to obtain a license from the department itself. Applicants should come with an ID or other credentials along with a receipt of a word/receipt.