Title Prakas No. 290 on Measures for the Banning of Tobacco Product Advertising
ប្រភេទ បទបញ្ជា
Issuing Agency Ministry of Healthក្រសួងសុខាភិបាល
Issuing Date 01/04/2011

This document applies to the following measures

ឈ្មោះ ប្រភេទ ទីភ្នាក់ងារ ការពិពណ៌នា មតិយោបល់ ច្បាប់ សុពលភាព
Limitation on advertising and display of cigarettes Advertising limitations ក្រសួងសុខាភិបាល At each cigarettes point of sale, stall or shop, only one logo or name of tobacco product shall be allowed to be displayed or posted within the total size of 600cm2 with 30 cm in width and 20cm in length. At each cigarette point of sale, stall or shop, o - Prakas No. 290 on Measures for the Banning of Tobacco Product Advertising 01/04/2011