Cambodia-Laos, Cambodia-Philippines vow to boost trade cooperation

February 19, 2021,

Cambodia and Laos, and Cambodia and the Philippines have been committed to further boosting their cooperation, particularly in the trade sector.

The commitment was made during separate meetings here yesterday afternoon between Cambodian Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak and ambassadors of Lao PDR and the Philippines to Cambodia.

During the talks with Lao Ambassador Amphay Kindavong, both sides reiterated their cooperation in the bilateral and ASEAN framework to control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the common border of the two countries.

The  Minister encouraged the Lao side to organise the 13th CLV DTA JCC (Joint Coordination Committee on Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area) Meeting via Videoconference as soon as possible, and to resume the Cambodia-Laos Joint Committee Meeting to enhance bilateral trade and investment. He also suggested business matching between both countries’ private sector through Videoconference or in post-COVID-19 crisis.

Kindavong pledged to take the suggestions to relevant ministries/institutions of Laos.

In the courtesy meeting with newly appointed Ambassador of the Philippines Ms Maria Amelita C. Aquino, Sorasak asked the Philippine side to consider the possibility to import Cambodian rice and other potential agricultural products, and to convince more Filipino investors to invest in agro-industrial product processing in Cambodia for export to the Philippines and other countries in the world.

Moreover, he encouraged the two countries’ chambers of commerce to reach a MoU to promote the bilateral trade and investment, and invited the Philippine side to join Cambodia international trade fair to be organised after the end of COVID-19 pandemic.   L Vy and C.Nika – AKP
