Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King


Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

No. 003/15  ក. ប/ស.ណ.


The Guideline On

The Procedure to Apply for and Extend Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment Card


The Ministry  of  Labor  and  Vocational  Training is  honored  to  inform  the  owner  or director of enterprises, establishments  and  foreigners  those  are  governed  under the  Article  1,  Article   21,  Article   67,  Article   261,  Article   264,  and   Article   265  of  the   Labor   Law  of    the

Kingdom of Cambodia and Prakas No. 195 ក.ប/ ប.ក on the Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment Cards and Prakas  No.  196  ក.ប/ ប.ក on  the  Employment  of Foreign  Labor  dated on 20 August  2014  that  in  order to  work  or being permitted to work by any establishments  or

enterprises,  every  foreigner  shall  possess  the  Foreign Work  Permit  and  Foreign Employment Cards issued by  the  Ministry  of Labor  and  Vocational  Training.  Therefore,  the  owner  or  director of enterprise who wants to use foreign workforce and all foreigners must request the permit for employment of foreign labor (Quota) by no later than the end of November of each year at the Department of  Employment and  Labor  of  the  Ministry  of  Labor  and  Vocational  Training  or  at the Provincial Department of Labor and Vocational Training. Particularly, owner or director  of enterprise under the  authorization  of  business  issued  by  the  Unit  or  competent  authorities  under  the  Phnom Penh  Municipality  must  request  the  permit  for the  employment  of  foreign  labor (Quota) at Phnom Penh Department of Labor and Vocational Training or at the Department of Employment  and Manpower.


The  formality  is required  as below:

– Required  Documents:

1.            A Request Form for the  use  of  foreign  workforce  (Quota),  signed  by director  of the company;

2.            A Request  Table  for the  use of foreign  workforce  (Quota)  of each year;

3.            The staff declaration (for new  enterprise/establishment)  and  the  staff  declaration in/out   of workers/employees


– The  public  Service  Fee: 80,000 Riels

– The Rate of employment of foreign labor  (Quota)  shall not  exceed  10%  (ten percent)  of  total Cambodian employees. In the  case  of  need  for  foreigner  workers  which  exceed  10%, the request letter shall state thoroughly and clearly about the position, specialty, technology, or  professional skills of  each  foreign  worker  who  is  requested  to  be employed.


Upon receiving  the  approval  letter on  the  employment  of  foreign  labor  (Quota),  the owner or director of enterprise/establishment  must  fill  out  the  request  form  and  extension  of  Foreign Work  Permit  and  Foreign  Employment Card  for  their  foreign  worker/employee by  no later than the end of March of each year (for the extension of Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment  Card). The  Application  Form shall  be as in  the following:


– Required  Documents:

1.            A Request Form for Foreign Work  Permit  and  Foreign  Employment Card sealed  with  1,000 Riels  stamp

2.            A Certification Letter of the owner of enterprise, establishment to  certify  the  number  of current  Cambodian  and foreign    workers

3.            Four copies of recent photo “3x4cm” for requesting the  new request  and  one photo for  extension  application

4.            A copy of each foreigner’s passport and Visa (Type E and  Type K)  or permanent resident permit issued by the Ministry of Interior (attached with the original  copy)

5.            A registered  written  employment   contract

6.            A Physical Checkup Certificate  issued  by  the  Department of  Occupational Safety and Health of the  Ministry  of  Labor  and  Vocational  Training  (service  fee:   100,000 Riels).


– Service Fee:

•             400,000 Riels  for  Foreign  Labor  with  Visa E

•             320,000 Riels for Foreign Labor employed in the Development Triangle Zone Cambodia,  Vietnam  and Lao

•             240,000 Riels  for  Foreign  Labor  with  Visa  K and permanent   resident permit.

The owner or director of enterprise/establishment who use foreign workforce or foreigner without permission to use foreign labor and without Foreign Work Permit and without Foreign Employment Card shall be fined from 488,000  Riels  to  720,000  Riels in  accordance  with  the Article 369 and Article 372 of Labor Law or shall be punished in accordance with the law of the Kingdom  of Cambodia.


The Ministry of Labor  and  Vocational  Training  strongly  hopes  that  the  owner  or  director of enterprise  and  all  foreigners   shall  effectively  comply  with  the guideline.


For further information, please contact the Department  of  Employment  and  Manpower  through Mr. Sim Hong (012 557 116/088 811 2228) or Mr. Van Vannak (012 327777/088 232 7777) and the Department of Occupational Safety and Health of the  Ministry  of  Labor  and Vocational  Training  through  Mr. Long  Dore  (017 521 006) or Mr. Hean Linda   (092 766  659).



Phnom Penh, 26 January 2015





(Signed  and sealed)







–              The Council of Ministers

–              The Cabinet of Prime Minister

–              The Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister

–              The Ministry of Interior

–              The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

–              The Ministry of Economy and Finance “ for information”

–              All of the Capital/Provincial Department of Labor and Vocational Training “ for dissemination and implementation”

–              The Employer Association “ for information and implementation”

–              Archived Periodical Documents