Unofficial Translation/GMAC



Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King


Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

No. 323 K.B/S.Ch.N




The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training wishes to inform all owners or directors of enterprises and establishments covered by the Labour Law that according to Article 261 and Article 264 of the Labour Law and Prakas of the Ministry No. 195 K.B/Br.K dated 20 August 2014 on Work Permit and Employment Card of Foreigners and Prakas No. 196 K.B/Br.K dated 20 August 2014 on Use of Foreign Workforce, please all owners or directors of enterprises and establishments using foreign workforce or foreigners working in the Kingdom of Cambodia come to fulfill the formality of applying for work permit and employment card of foreigners at the Bureau of Foreigner Inspection of the Department of Employment and Manual Labour and extend the validity of the work permit and employment card of the foreigners by the end of March of each year. The owners or directors of enterprises and establishments who need to use foreign manual labour shall make a request for the use of foreign manual labour at the Manual Labour and Employment Statistics Bureau of the Department of Employment and Manual Labour for the following year by the end of November of each year.


For Phnom Penh and provinces, it shall be made at their respective Municipal/Provincial Departments of Labour and Vocational Training. For the owners or directors of enterprises and establishments who do not comply with this Notification, the Ministry will begin to fine them from 01 January 2015 onwards.


The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training hopes strongly that ladies and gentlemen who are foreigners and owners or directors of enterprises and establishments will implement this  Notification in an effective manner.


Phnom Penh, 04 December 2014


(signed and stamped)

Ith Sam Heng



–              All relevant ministries “for information”

–              All Municipal and Provincial Department of Labour and Vocational Training “for dissemination and implementation”

–              Employer Associations

–              Union Federations

“For information and implementation”

–              Archives