Unofficial Translation

National Religion King


Ministry of Commerce
No. 017/PRK/MoC

Trading Activities of Commercial Companies

The Minister of Commerce

  • Referring to the 1993 Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia;
  • Referring to Reach Kret NS/RKT/1198/69 of November 25, 1998 on the Appointment of the Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia;.
  • Referring to Reach Kret NS/RKT/1198/72 of November 30, 1998 on the Formation of the Royal Government of Cambodia;
  • Referring to Reach Kram No. NS/RKM/0196/16 of January 24, 1996 promulgating the Law on the Establishment of Ministry of Commerce;
  • Referring to the Law on Commercial Regulations and the Commerce Registry; and
  • Referring to Anukret No. 54/ANK of September 22, 1997 on the Organization and Functioning of the Ministry of Commerce;
  • Pursuant to the decision of the Prime Minister of January 19, 2000.


Article 1: Both Cambodian and Foreign Companies, which are registered with the Ministry of Commerce shall, be allowed have the rights to freely engage in trading activities.

All trading activities shall be subject to payment of tax as determined by law.

Article 2: The provision stipulated under Article 1 above shall not be applied to the
Investment Companies, which are governed under the Law on Investment Law of the
Kingdom of Cambodia.

Trading activities shall be listed in the schedule of activities not entitled to investment incentives as stipulated in the Sub-Decree No. 88/ANK/BK dated December 29, 1997 on the Implementation of the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Article 3: Any previous decision, which is contrary to this Prakas shall be abrogated.

Article 4: This Prakas shall enter into force from the date of its signature.

Article 5: The Technical Director General, the General Director General of Administration and Finance, the Inspector General, the Director of Cabinet shall be tasked to implement this Prakas.

Phnom Penh, January 25, 2000

 The Minister of Commerce

    Signed and Sealed

       Cham Prasidh