Rice brand launched

Sok Chan / Khmer Times,  January 24, 2018


Rice authorities unveiled the “Malys Angkor” rice brand, a new certification mark that encompasses a range of Cambodian fragrant rice varieties.

The Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture presented the new unified rice label to the public on Monday during the first day of the Rice Forum, a two-day event being held in Phnom Penh.

The brand Malys Angkor is now an umbrella name for the varieties somaly, phka romduol, phka chansensor, phka romdeng, phka romeat, phka khnei and phka malis (also known as Cambodian jasmine rice), according to CRF.

CRF’s president Sok Puthyvuth said that the new branding strategy is pivotal in boosting the reputation and the demand for Cambodian rice abroad.

Being included in the unified label ensures the product meets high quality standards and is produced in certain areas of the country, he said.

“We are now starting a marketing campaign to promote the Malys Angkor logo and brand,” Mr Puthyvuth said. “This brand name will bolster exports and show the international market that we have a unified standard for rice.”

Yon Sovann, director of Bayon Cereal, one of the leading rice exporting companies in Cambodia, said the new label will increase trust among buyers of Cambodian rice abroad, and will facilitate negotiation of purchasing agreements as the new certification mark guarantees a high standard of production.

“Cambodia was lacking its own rice brand. Now we have it, and we are very proud of this achievement,” Mr Sovann said.

Khy Muny, general manager of Amru Rice, said the Malys Angkor label will help differentiate Cambodian rice from other types of rice in the region.

“Without a brand name to identify it, customers would be at a loss when trying to buy Cambodian rice,” Ms Muny said. “The Malys Angkor label makes it easier to identify our product in the international market.”

In 2017, Cambodia produced about 10 million tonnes of paddy, with four of those tonnes stored as surplus.

That same year, Cambodia exported 635,679 tonnes of milled rice, an increase of 17.3 percent. More than 60 countries bought Cambodian rice in 2017.

Source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50103910/rice-brand-launched/