
This procedure presents an application at the Food Safety Office of the Department of Medicine, Food, Medical Equipment, and Cosmetics to issue:

  • Food welfare certificate for import into Cambodia.Food welfare certificate for export to other countries.

Welfare certificates for export can be issued at the exporter’s request if necessary for the importing country.

Place for submitting application
Ministry of Health
Department of Medicine, Food, Medical Equipment, and Cosmetics
Food Safety Office
  • Address: Office of the Ministry of Health, Lot 80, Samdech Pen Nuth Street (289), Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
  • Email:
  • Website:

Contact health officials
  • Phone: (855-23) 885-970 / 884 90
All health certificates are required to be applied for and issued by the Phnom Penh Food Safety Office or can be made through the same national counter system.


Note 1

This letter is prepared by the applicant and is available in free form.
Relevant references for the welfare certificate include:

  • Business registration certificate from the Ministry of Commerce
  • Factory registration certificate from the Ministry of Health Patent CertificateSpecification of ingredients for the final productGMP, GHP, and HACCP certificationCertificate of Free Sales (for import)3 packs of samplesOther documents related to the product.

Note 2
After the professional officer inspects and evaluates the services to be paid, the applicant has to go to pay at the One Widow Service “OWSO”. After payment, the professional officer continues to process the application until the certificate printing stage.
Note 3
A welfare certificate to allow the import of food into Cambodia is issued, or a welfare certificate required by the importing country for food exported from Cambodia is issued.